Bizarre Body Modifications

My Super Secret Life...Diamond-7.

My Super Secret Life…Diamond-7.

Chapter 7

It’s been a couple days since the Jakeisode.

It was a bit upsetting at fist but sitting with Parvati while doing my practices and talking about stuff like dealing with being a woman, and being aware of sexism and the whole meta backlash thing and the other complex stuff about being a woman and Mom’s there too which brings two lifetimes of real life experience and dealing with things like…well Jake.

Walking through Hell...Chapter 2.

Walking through Hell…Chapter 2.

I lead the others as fast as we can go or dare to go through this place. Strange colored skies with browns and streams of toxic colors.



I walk through the doors but actually slow up enough to take Justin’s hand and use him to sort of shield me from the aura thing the mana boosting thing I’d been doing that fang has obviously been using as well.

None of the other Were’s I’ve met have been even close to this either and he’s ding this slow inhale through his nose thing that is obviously him doing some kind of magic or wolf magic.

My Super Secret Life-29.

My Super Secret Life-29.

Chapter 29

I’m the one to leave first and I’m actually right in between that place where I’m happy because I’m getting a chance and this whole oh shit so big shot what do you do now thing.

Alexis is Matt and Matt is Alexis and they’re the same and they’re different. (Big deep breath.) The point is that Matt is guy enough and has been around enough that he knows all the usual guy stuff that guys well would do on a date.

I get in my car and drive out but I wave at what feels like Matt again in the store window just so it doesn’t seem like I’m taking off.

FTL-14...Faster Than Life.

FTL-14...Faster Than Life.

Chapter 14

I can’t help but wonder if we’re being watched?

Command has shown me they’re fond of tests for things and even if this party was one of those military personnel only things and approved escorts and Elle’s people…if we’re being watched as to see just who’s going to say the wrong things. I noticed Elle had glanced at several people in a strange way and I didn’t know those people.

Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-21

Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian-21

Chapter 21

Mom drives and we’re quiet at first as we drive through the rain and pass buy a few places mostly chain food places. Some’s not bad I like Dairy Queen and Burger king if for burgers because a good burger should be flame broiled. A&W is good buy shy works there and so that’s out of the question. We actually settle for Fu-lamb’s Kitchen a mom and pop Chinese place.

I like Chinese and it’s one of those foods where you have the places around but you just don’t end up eating there often.

My Super Secret Life...Potentials-9 The Start.

Potential-9 The Start.

Chapter 9


I run over to where Cody is and find him aways away pinned to a tree by a tree branch blood everywhere….

“Oh shit, oh shit of fuck…Cody…hang on Cody we’ll get help…” I’m looking for something anything…I don’t have a phone…shit!

I pull off my shirt it’ll help stop the bleeding….I have to try.

“Aaaargh!” Cody screams as he pushes himself off the branch…oh…dammit! He falls to the ground and I almost puke…blood wow there’s so much blood.



Chapter 14

A shiny black hair…

I had the distinct feeling that this was a somebody and not a something when I had seen her. But what does this mean? Was she able to break herself down into pure information?

Oh the implication of that have me there for likely an hour just staring at the thread.


Like Star-Trek?

But in wide, wide theory this could be plausible. We are all made of energy? Matter breaks down into energy, but can energy become matter? Not that we know of but…

A House Divided, part 7 of 7

“Most of you already know Jeffrey Sergeyev,” Ms. Turner said in a loud voice. “She will be using the girls' facilities from now on, as I explained Friday. Please be courteous to her.”

“Ignore the bit where she called me ‘she’ and ‘her’,” I said to the girls nearest me.

A House Divided, part 6 of 7

“Sir,” I said, trying to stay calm and respectful, “could you please ask Ms. Turner not to refer to me with female pronouns?”

“Well,” he said, “we have to use some pronoun or other. Perhaps one of the English teachers can recommend a good gender-neutral pronoun.”

A House Divided, part 5 of 7

“I know there would be problems with you using the girls’ bathrooms or showers,” Dad said, “but — after today, there might be just as bad problems showering with the other boys.”

A House Divided, part 4 of 7

“I can’t,” Arnie said. “Keith and Tara Saunders invited me to a party at their house. I asked if you could come, but they said it’s centaurs only,” he went on, looking vaguely embarrassed.

“Have fun,” I said. I felt weird about that, and wondered if things like that were going to happen often, and if so, if this was the beginning of the end of our friendship.

A House Divided, part 3 of 7

“I don’t like this,” Mom said. “I don’t see how you can keep it up, and the longer you manage to pretend, the more people are going to be hurt and offended when they find out you lied to them.”

I was starting to worry that she might be right, but I wasn’t going to back out unless she and Dad forced my hand by telling people.

The Changeling Chronicles

The Changeling Chronicles

When strange things begin happening to Shane, he soon discovers the truth about himself and this leads to an adventure in a world of myths and legends.

A House Divided, part 2 of 7

Dad snuggled in next to Mom on the sofa; she put aside the skirt she was working on and they hugged and kissed, but I thought I saw a little bit of hesitation, and it hurt. I knew too many kids at school whose parents were divorced, or looked like they might get a divorce any time now, and I was happy to think that my parents looked like the sticking-together kind. But when I saw her hesitate a little before letting him hug her and kiss her, it worried me. Could they still stay together after changing in such drastic and different ways? And if not, what would happen to me?

Evanescence 24.

Evanescence 24.

Chapter 24

I get out of the trailer and head for the truck and Shaun pipes up. “Here, I rigged these up for something else.” He’s tossing sunglasses around to everyone. It’s not the expensive ones but those cheap all black plastic ones but there’s microchip on the inside of the cross-piece and a symbol?

“What’s this?”

“I charmed them with voltage detection chips, you can see the current running through things including people when you concentrate on seeing it. Vamps won’t have any being animated by blood magic.”



Chapter 7

I get my arms around Justin and they lead us to their vehicles. How is it that the bad guys can always seem to afford better vehicles than I’ve ever owned? One of them opens the door with a feral smile on his face showing some teeth.

There’s enough alpha bitch in me that it really pisses me off. And part of me would love to reopen the can of whoop ass I was serving up but I can’t. I’m on a mission for Stevie and I’ve got Justin with me so it’s a quiet, quiet hard stare no growl but all the hard female ire that I’ve learned or been learning to channel.

My Super Secret Life...Potentials-8 The Start.

Potentials-8 The Start.

Chapter 8

*Samantha Chase…

I sort of see the puff of Cody reappearing out under the bridge area and then another puff of him vanishing again. “Okay…I hope he’s okay and not getting himself in too deep.”

I feel a Zzzt feeling off in the distance. I say feel that because as a TM or Telemechanic I’m sensitive to electricity this was a serious discharge, and another and another. I hear a scream that goes along with it.

“Shit, shit, shit…that can’t be good.”



Chapter 12

I lean into Brandy and she’s leaning into me and this is where my brain really understands that I’m a transgendered woman. It’s this.

It’s where we have this soft way of melting into each other’s care where I don’t have to pretend to be strong when I’m just not equipment to be. It’s lying in a way and I’ve never been good at lying. Yes I didn’t know and that sort of makes it okay but it was a lie of omission to me at least which is why I didn’t know.

FTL-13...Faster Than Life.

FTL…13 Faster Than Life.

Chapter 13

There was part of me that wanted to stay in bed.
Maybe, just maybe get as far as the chaise out there on the sand.

But Patrick had started to massage me with coconut oil all over and was straddling me giving me this wonderful massage and it had gotten better…

Very surprising but better when he slipped back and he sank into me from behind and dammit he made love and he kept massaging me.

Worse yet?

My Super Secret Life...Scarlet-8.

My Super Secret Life…Scarlet 8.

Chapter 8

Flying is just so intense really and it’s getting more and more special to me. I head out over the city and instead of flying just over the city and the Super-Bridge I head out to Sanctuary out over the water.

I’d have enjoyed it a whole lot more but I pull up but slow down. There’s barges everywhere with protestors about the whole Sanctuary thing. Even from the height I’m at I can hear them chanting hate slogans and waving their signs. Everything from them saying God hates freaks, mutants must die, Satan’s creatures….and more.

What a good boy...Chapter 4

What a good boy…Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Uhm oh boy wow.

Gwen talked to me.

And kind of nice she didn’t treat me like a freak.

But she’s pretty…well better than pretty she’s stunning and popular and a jockettes. But honestly I don’t really know the jockettes that much so I can’t actually say if they’re assholes like the guys that are in some of the teams here at school.

But…honestly should my spider-senses be tingling?

My Super Secret Life...Villain-8

My Super Secret Life…Villain 8

Chapter 8


I almost rattled stuff in the diner.

So why in the world of don’t give a fuck am I so pissed?

I’ve been on the streets a long time. And in a city like Ark City there are over five to six hundred thousand kids on the streets. Some get out, some don’t stay and are just visiting, so go gang or become hookers and junkies, the list goes on and on…but you just think about the population and the amount of predators that come here for the camouflage…

Yeah run the numbers.

FTL-12...Faster Than Life.

FTL…12 Faster Than Life.

Chapter 12

I’m really focused on scan now that we have real live alien VIP’s on board I have visions of something coming after us because of it and thankfully I’m wrong and the one thing I do notice is.

Nav-Command didn’t treat us any differently than any other VIP shuttle. We’re treated with the same respectful indifference. I know one thing and that’s I’m glad I’m not flying. There’s a lot of pressure I can imagine.

Like Mother Like Sister 01

Like Mother Like Sister is a continuation of the original, "Like Mother Like Son". In the original story, Darren Peterman is a popular, athletic, heterosexual, 16 year old boy who has grown up having a "thang" for his mother. Its a stand alone story, but why not read "Like Mother Like Son" first.

My Super Secret Life-25.

My Super Secret Life-25.

Chapter 25


I’ve been with a lot of girls, I have that kind of stuff used to be like easy for me and then it happened I started to change. And I became something that a lot of people hate and that they fear.

A mutant.

And right about the same time I met Shane or Kai…this short little hottie but at the same time this amazing martial artist and this really, really incredible person.

FTL-11...Faster Than Life.

FTL-11…Faster Than Life.

Chapter 11

I sit back in the seat and I stare at the thing well…the ship that’s waiting for us as it comes into view.

I’ve never seen anything like this. I’m not an expert but there are a whole range of things that are very similar about all starships.

This was sleek.

Now most people don’t do bother with sleek designs not for starcraft. There is usually anti-gravity gear in place and while there’s some streamlining it’s usually about function than being something pretty.

Star yachts the rich owned things are pretty.

Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-17

Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian-17

Chapter 17

I actually lead Kaylee into the ladies room and we actually use the facilities when she does this cute sniffly. “I have to pee.”

I do the same and yeah I sat and I wiped.

Okay, girly stuff aside guys should wipe. Shaking it’s fine in the woods but even shaking there’s drips and more and more to me that’s kinda eeew. Not in my clothes. Okay I know that’s the new me talking but hey. It’s not a bad habit to get into.

I come out and get washed up with Kaylee joining me and she takes out her purse and starts to try to repair the damage. I reach out and take the wipe from her. “Hey, hold still.”

I cradle her face and start using the wipe to clear off her make up trying to do this in this slow caring romantic way. I’m kind of winging the whole lesbian romantic gesture thing. I actually love this…not just like it but taking my time, being gentle and the eye contact mixed with that bit of trust.

I love this feeling…

My Super Secret Life...Potentials-3.

My Super Secret Life…Potentials-3.

My great thanks to Thera who came up with the greater part of this really interesting character.

………………………………................. *Karma….

My name’s Quinn, Quinn Jackson…yeah that guy…poor me right. I know, I know.

I guess this is how things got started and that was as far back as junior high. I was famous. Q-J…the all star basketball star and even then…It thought I was perfect…I thought I was king of my world. Big and strong…I was even good looking and I’ll admit…I knew I was all those things.

My Super Secret Life...Potentials-1.

My Super Secret Life…Potentials

Chapter 1

Three years in the making. Three years with every step forwards been ten steps back sometimes because of just anger, stupidity, racism, politics but it’s finally done. Finally here.

Victory looked out over the campus while sitting on the roof of the stadium and smiled letting the wind blow through her long white hair. There was movement to her left and right as she was being joined by Sentinel in his power suit and Champion all the way up from Paradise City on the other side.

My Super Secret Life...Villain-5

My Super Secret Life…Villain 5

Chapter 5

Thankfully I passed out at some point as I was crying myself to sleep and there was the distinct sort of feeling that someone had shot me up with something fizzyly and bubbly and hurt like hell.

Really hurt like hell and right now it doesn’t feel much better.

My guts hurt.

My insides hurt and it’s like someone is grabbing them and squeezing and twisting.

Tomgirl Revolution Part 1

Tomgirl Revolution
By Beyogi  ©2012
thanks to Janet Miles for editing

Tom is a rather timid guy and now his girlfriend has made a suggestion that will change his life forever. They will undergo a surgery to change their genitalia. What will this mean for them, their sex and their life in general?



Chapter 10

I definitely get a sense of pleasure from seeing Brandy this way. I am really liking the way that she kisses me over and over sweetly as she has me backed into the kitchen counter. The tears are stopping but her smile is really big.

“I will have to make you tea and soup and sandwiches more often if they make you this happy.”

“Please? I’d honestly love that.”


“Because…this, just you being here and me coming home to a home rather than just my empty house especially after dancing and a long night…it means so much to me Maddy.”


What a good boy...Chapter 2

What a good boy…Chapter 2.

Chapter 2

“when you were born…”
“they looked at you and said.”
“what a good girl..”
“what a smart girl.”
“what a pretty girl…”

The song still has meaning for me passed the accident actually more that ever really because when you just listen to the lyrics and with what I’m going through it’s just something that fits me.

Others too.

My Super Secret Life-22.

My Super Secret Life-22.

Chapter 22


I dozed a little curled up and comfy in the chair beside Kyle’s bed. I guess that’s a good thing about being this tiny little Asian girl and that’s being able to curl up like this. I have no idea why I’m here and helping Kyle but I honestly can’t help myself.

I never thought that I’d be feeling attracted to him either. To a guy…

Part of me was actually relieved in everything that’s gone on in my life when I found myself really attracted to girls and to have the hots for Sunny.

But having the hots for Kyle is something new.

Here comes the Troubleshooter! Part 2

Here Comes the Troubleshooter! Part 2 - The Troubleshooter transforms.

Next morning I wake up to Carl cooking an omelet. He approaches cooking like he does his inventions, and more often than not the results are amazing. Which is a good thing because I have super-strong senses including taste, which can be a lot less fun than you might think.

The Amy Series: Prequel: A Girl's First Jockstrap

A Girl's First Jockstrap By Kozmik Alaska

Amy wins a prize at a big swimming competition. But that's not the only gift she comes home with. This story is a prelude to the rest of the series and is meant to serve as a character introduction for Amy and the adventures that lay ahead for her.

In many ways this is Slush Pile material, and quite a load of rubbish, but it is literally was the first piece of FTM crossdressing fiction I ever wrote, and certainly the first in The Amy Series. It was written in 1999. I struggled with including it in the canon of the series, but decided to after viewing it from the point of view that Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd didn't look like the later character presentation in classic Warner Brothers cartoons, and the Simpsons as presented on the Tracy Ullman show barely resembled the series characters. Heck, even Spock had emotions in the pilot for Star Trek, yet was still a Vulcan! It does however tie to some references later in the series.

Permission is hereby granted by Kozmik Alaska for the publication of this story on his behalf here at Big Closet Top Shelf only.

My Super Secret Life...Villain-4

My Super Secret Life…Villain-4

Chapter 4

I’m sitting with the make-up off of my face and looking at Jeff as he’s looking at the stuff on the sheets in front of him and I’m chewing my lip and staring at him.

Jeff’s my doctor.

Well Jeff’s a doctor that I free supply with stuff that I steal so he has the stuff to actually treat people, poor people out of his small little clinic. Usually the wait out front is nuts but I get special consideration so he doesn’t lose his golden goose as it was…were?

“Well Rook it looks like you’re showing normal blood work.”


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