CAUTION: Violence

Ilos Part 12 <old>

Virtual Reality, the dream of all gamers, is now a reality with the land of Ilos.

However, it's creators are unknown, and no one knows how the devices they have access it, only that they do.

Angered beyond belief at what was done to her, Aria's rage burns at the city of Travant.

Once A Boy Now A Girl Chapter 5: Friday?

I woke on the beach, it was made of buttons, the silk sea tickling my toe nails. I looked around and saw two figures further up the beach so I walked over. I could hear some really weird music being played from a pipe.

"Hello" I said to one of them and as he turned around I was greeted with what could only be described as a knock off rasta mouse sitting on a tree stump next to a sleeping stuffed fox that looked like a rasta version of Basil Brush . The mouse then spoke to me in a very heavy jamaican accent.

Eldorado Part 8.


I yell down. “I think we’re catching up!”
The next thing I know is Doc Faraday unlashed some rope to something and put her foot into something and gave a nod and some of her folk grabbed a line and with a zip and a whoosh she flies up the mast to where I am like some fairy princess.
Okay that was impressive especially with that oh so very British look she has on her face.
“Alright Doc that was impressive.”
Her eyes have this sparkle there to them when we’re this close and I can smell her powder and perfume a mix of light rose and coconut and her lips are painted really, really red in a very nice way and she does that almost smile with the head tuck.
Oh…well then Quite…as she’d say.
Then there’s this bit of mischief that plays up and she opens her hand for my spyglass.
“But of course I’m a Doctor.”

The Lyssa Kordenay Missions - Book 03 - Latin Lethal Action


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Book 3 of The Lyssa Kordenay Missions!
  Revenge may be at hand for Lyssa as she finally goes after the head of a narco-cartel
 Is vengeance finally within her grasp?

WARNING: The Lyssa Kordenay Missions may be
hyper-violent for some readers.


The Lyssa Kordenay Missions - Book 02 - Reprisal in Rio


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Book 2 of The Lyssa Kordenay Missions!
  Lyssa Kordenay; Ballerina, Model, Spy, Assassin. How does one avenge a destroyed life?
 find out as Lyssa travel to Rio in pursuit of that vengeance.
 in a secret world.....she's an Operator with secrets of her own!

WARNING: The Lyssa Kordenay Missions may be
hyper-violent for some readers.


The Lyssa Kordenay Missions - Book 01 - Steel Butterfly


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Book 1 of The Lyssa Kordenay Missions!
 Lyssa Kordenay; ballerina, model, spy, assassin.
 a woman haunted by memory, possessed by the thirst for revenge.

WARNING: The Lyssa Kordenay Missions may be
hyper-violent for some readers.


Mike and Ashley, Chapter 8

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 8 of 9

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: They arrive at St. George and everything seems to be going quite well; at least it does for the first couple of days.

The story is not mine. It is based on a very old tale that might have been part of English/Irish lore, it might be French or German. It might even be Persian in origin. I’ll leave it to you to try to figure out what tale it is. If you think you know, PM me. Don’t spoil it for others.

Although there are characters from other stories who make brief appearances, this is a stand-alone story.

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 2

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 2 of 9

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: Ashley (Aishling) comes out to her father. He does not seem to be too disturbed; however, he insists that her transition has to be done the right way. They know Ashley’s mother will not be very accepting or helpful. Sean Finlayson finds an appropriate mother substitute for her.

The story is not mine. It is based on a very old tale that might have been part of English/Irish lore, it might be French or German. It might even be Persian in origin. I’ll leave it to you to try to figure out what tale it is. If you think you know, PM me. Don’t spoil it for others.

Although there are characters from other stories who make brief appearances, this is a stand-alone story.

Funky Lady: A TG Mixed Tape

Funky Lady: A TG Mixed Tape


Edited by PersnicketyBitch

A mortally wounded superheroine chooses her successor. A young man makes a mistake when administering a love potion. In the near future changing genders is as easy as popping a pill. Hit play on the first Mixed Tape collection of 2015 for all these stories, an interview with Morpheus, and more!

Never Meddle in the Affairs of a Woman, Ch 15


Chapter Fifteen

“Sometimes It’s Better to be Lucky . . .”


I leaned back in my seat and looked through the binoculars toward the building. Night had fallen but within the fenced in compound there was plenty of light.

“See anything?”

I looked over at Chris, “Not yet. Most of the employees have left but there are still way too many cars in the lot.”

Chris nodded, reached behind the seat, and pulled out a bag that held a pair of sandwiches.

“Are you hungry?”

Never Meddle in the Affairs of a Woman, Ch 9


Chapter Nine

“Fun on a Train”


‘Late lunch or early dinner?’ I wondered as I dug into a veggie wrap. “At least I can still eat fries. What I wouldn’t give for a nice steak right now.”

I glanced at Kristina’s phone for the tenth time. I still didn’t have anything from Kristina. I felt very exposed at the moment. I didn’t have any proof that the Syndicate had the expertize to track me using technology, but I hated taking the risk.

Never Meddle in the Affairs of a Woman, Ch 8


Chapter Eight

“Beware the Hottie”


“Hmmmm . . .”

I heard the soft feminine moan and thought that I’d just been having the best dream. The dream involved flashes of clarity, passion, and hot lesbian sex. I smiled, and rolled onto my back, the feeling of extra flesh on my chest shifting and settling to either side brought me fully awake, and I realized I’d been the one to moan.

Five Hertz of Separation (chapters 56-61 of 61)

Alexia and Queen Tammy finally meet in a winner take all battle for the future of their world but Dupree has a back up plan should his witch fail. Thanks to all readers who have stuck with me through the entire story. I hope you found it worth your time. Listed Themes and Elements apply to entire story, Rating to this submission (mostly for violence).

Five Hertz of Separation (chapters 51-55 of 61)

Alexia and Johnathyn make their way to Glory where Alexia reveals her return to the world. She joins the Queen's Guard as they fight to restore order to the land. Alexia feels compelled to take a more active role, leading to fearsome success on the part of the Guard and a horrific response from First Minister Dupree. Listed Themes and Elements apply to entire story, Rating to this posting (mostly violence but also sex).

Five Hertz of Separation (chapters 46-50 of 61)

After saying their goodbyes, Alexia and family return to New Amsterdam and discover the situation to be much worse than expected. She takes extreme measures to try and correct the problems. Listed Themes and Elements apply to entire story, Rating to this posting (primarily for violence)

Synergy - Prologue

Synergy: When Past and Present Collide

Girl with Sword

I would soon learn the mistake I had made to cure my incessant boredom; I had led mankind down a road that only gods should traverse. The mistake that came from ignorance and curiosity would change not only my destiny, but that of mankind itself. But like any event there is a point in time where all the threads meet, a time when the slightest change has the greatest impact, its synergy.

Twisted Throwback, part 24 of 25

“I was about your age when I Twisted,” he said. “And it was a mental Twist, like yours... it was a couple of days after the Twist that I realized what my new obsessions and compulsions were. It was the day I went back to school, and I found myself looking at the girls and thinking about what I’d like to do to them... And I was horrified at what I was thinking, but couldn’t stop. I pretended I was sick and insisted on the school nurse calling Dad rather than Mom. And then I asked Dad to take me home and lock me up, and he did.

I was a Porn Star for the FBI

I was a Porn Star for the FBI

by Melanie Brown

Copyright  © 2014 Melanie Brown

Another Melissa Cooper story.

This story is not a part 2 of the original story. However, it is helpful if you've read "I was a Cheerleader for the FBI". -- Ed

Five Hertz of Separation (Chapter 6-10 of 62)

Alex/Alexia continues her journey towards the city of Glory, picking up a mentor along the way and learning more about her new world as her powers develop. She faces several dangers while discovering the inequities that exist for women. She also comes to realize that if she does not learn to control her abilities, she is a danger to all those around her. Genre and Themes apply to entire story, rating to this post.

If You Were a Woman (And I was a Man): A TG Mixed Tape

If You Were a Woman (And I was a Man): A TG Mixed Tape


Edited by PersnicketyBitch

On thanksgiving a trans girl prepares to come out to her family. A mysterious entity wreaks havoc on a porn set. While experimenting with each other’s sexual fantasies, a man learns more about his partner than he bargained for. These are just some of the stories on offer in this collection of short, short fiction by twelve different voices in TG Fiction. [Includes an interview with Dorothy Colleen.]

Now I am Become Death - 2

Now I am Become Death - 2

Thanks to everyone who commented on my first installment of this story. The spped with which kudos flew up was amazing. I hope I'm going to keep up with your expectations with the coming parts.


Princess of Russia

The Princess of Russia
By Kellen

Note from the author. These is the bare bones of a story I want to tell. I would like someone to help me with this as I am very inexperienced as a writer. I have this story in my head but not sure how to tell it. I hope it does not suck. I know I took some of our dark history and made it in the modern world.

Now I am Become Death - 1

Omega is the ultimate weapon, a combat cyborg who only exists to hunt down and kill metahumans. She feels no pity, no remorse, and no emotion.
But when you meddle with experimental high tech, you have to take care the software doesn't crash...

Sixteen Feet of Steel Chapter 14

Sixteen Feet of Steel Chapter 14


“So they are camped close?”
He looks at us and he nods. “It’s the only explanation; there must be a murderhole close by.”
I look at him. “A murderhole?”
Hawk was drinking from one of our skins and she passes it to me. I take it and drink. It’s wild cherry wine from one of the places we were at. The liquor is welcome.
“Goblins live in the mountains, or under them, they hate the sunlight it hurts their eyes so they live in the darkness and in caves. We usually end up following their ranges and know where their territories are at but every once in a while they’ll dig, they’ll join cavern to cavern to underground streams and the like until they can get passed our lines and then they’ll amass a large raiding force…that place is called a murderhole.”
I take a few more drinks but pass it back because my body is wanting me to drink it all and that wouldn’t be a good idea. I look at the others. “So what do we do? Do we go and track them? Do we look to our wounds and the horses? Do we move as fast as we can and try and warn others?”

*And Now…

Spooked - Part 2

One night only, but still almost 14K because SOME PEOPLE decided they wanted to have long, analytic conversations about themselves. Fennis and Lakshmi turned out to be very interested in exploring their feelings. I could have done a whole series just about them wearing skinsuits of each other, but that's not what this story is about so I tried to hurry things along.

Lots of switching around, some evil and some not. Someone asked for there to be a more Scooby-Doo feel to things, so I did that flavor for a chase scene or two. It couldn't get too outrageously jinkied, but I think I got a good balance in.

And back by popular demand: THE SKELETON! WHOOO! I didn't know who the real villain of the piece would be and the skeleton was popular, so it gets to come back.

Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian-34

Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian-34

Chapter 34


It’s been days maybe a week it’s hard with everything that they have us going through with the noises and the lights and anything and everything to try and to keep me off center to tell time, to keep in sync with my bodies clock.

But it doesn’t matter.

Little by little I’ve been working at doing things, like building a Kaltra.

South of Bikini 2: E10- Setting the Past Right

An offer is made to the women of U103. While giving as much information via a meeting with Grand High Counsel Tibius, Alex tries to fulfill one of the rescued German officer’s wishes- to say goodbye to his wife- who, in 2029, is long deceased. Will the Empress succeed in saving another lost soul?

Sixteen Feet of Steel Chapter 13

Sixteen Feet of Steel Chapter 13

*Before… Elizabetha Lyonnes

It all happens so fast doesn’t it?

One part of the night I was tired and bored to tears listening to my sisters bicker Angeline chastising Gracia for her flirtations and her demeanor. I’m good with words and myself for my usual.

“Elizabetha don’t slouch.”

“Elizabetha pay attention.”

“Elizabetha put away that book.”

Pfft gods and goddesses that. I hate that or hated it…given how everything had happened, has happened? I can’t help it that I am clever and that I am clever for a girl and that I have more interest in books and tool and the hows and why’s of the world then who was wearing what and what kind of lace so and so was wearing or just as bad who was buying what.

The Craigslist Killer

The Craigslist Killer
© 2014 by Nom de Plume

I think I’m in the clear for now. The police have come and gone, and the hotel staff has cleared the hallway outside my room. If I could, I’d try to get some sleep, but after what I’ve just been through, that would be difficult. So I’ll try to write down exactly what happened this week, while it’s fresh in my mind, in case my lawyer needs it in the morning.

One thing’s for sure: I will never, ever dress up as a woman again.


Serena Taylor hated being Seth, hated school and it was all because of her father. He just refused to see the real her. She wanted to move forward with her transition and to study ballet professionally but she was beginning to lose hope. Would her life ever turn around?




Okay, I have to admit that was painful, I thought with a groan. “What? You mean the look… I reserve… for morons? Believe me Tommy… if I’m interested… in men… you have… nothing to worry about.”


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