Hair Salon / Long Hair / Wigs / Rollers

Belle of the ball 23

The sun was shining from an odd angle as I woke up. I was warm but felt cramped. I struggled with a thicker comforter and arms before I was able to see that I was in my parents bed. Sam was on one side of me with daddy on the other side of her. Mother was on my other side. I do not remember how I got here nor how I got into my lavender silk pajamas. I did know that my bladder was calling for immediate attention. I padded out of bed being careful not to disturb any of my family.

Sweet Dreams-43

Sweet Dreams-43

Chapter 43

It’s the first time that I’ve been to a home game and I’ll have to say that it’s exciting. I’d never had pegged myself for a football fan but here I am sitting in the seats set aside for the players family and the players girlfriends.

Despite how I’ll be going to the dance after this well its two hours after this I’m dressed like a fan or my version of a fan.

My new do is messy manageable so it’s under a turned backwards team ball cap and I’m wearing my inserts and a push up bra that gives me some girl bounce for when I’m up and yelling my head off.

The Fundraiser/Or How I Was Volunteered For The Womanless Beauty Pageant

The Fundraiser Part 1 of 3
Or How I Was Volunteered To Be In a Womanless Beauty Pageant
By Nina Adams

My life as I knew it gets turned upside down for a fundraiser at my High School. What started as just an embarrassing request leads to so much more.

Sweet Dreams-42

Sweet Dreams-42

Chapter 42

I’d like to say that the next few days were just run of the mill stuff but it’s not. Or it’s not for me. There’s school and classes which is starting to feel normal and I’m catching up with things but what’s not and what’s new for me besides my impending surgery and going to see my father’s grave on Sunday is the fact there’s a home game here Friday afternoon and later after that a dance.

It’ll be my very first high school dance.

Belle of the ball 5

I can't believe ... I really gotta stop thinking that. It's happening deal with it girl! I can't believe I just thought that!

So yes here I am in a ladies restroom at a local gas station surrounded by girls, in there uniforms just like I'm wearing, from St Marys Catholic Girls Academy. Well the summer cute uniform. The pink winter one isn't so nice to look at. The girls names I'm not so sure about I caught a Crystal and Sara, not too sure about the rest though.

Belle of the ball 3

"I can't believe I'm doing this!"

How many 15 year old boys accompany their moms shopping for new bras for him to wear since he is gonna be wearing them for a bit again. Mom is getting a bit too enthusiastic about it though. She is now picking out lacy bra and panty sets.


"Oh just look at this one Belle it will look so cute on you don't you think."


"Oh and this one would look just great under a nice dress and make you feel just sexy.

Belle of the ball 2

I can't believe I'm doing this.

After Friday's performance I had asked Kim to remove the forms and hair things. She just looked at me funny and asked me why since I was gonna wear them again anyways. Seems nobody told me that the play was on for four days. Two shows on Saturday, two on Sunday and a final one tonight.

Belle of the ball

Hi everybody! Please don't blame this one on me I swear I didn't want to write yet another possible theme but it sorta landed there last night when I went to bed and well...

I can't believe that I'm gonna do this.

Yesterday I was my usual self. I may be scrawny looking. Okay I was a wimp and everyone knew it but this is ... well.

Mistaken Girl chapter 6

hmmm whaa... let me sle....

Ouch that's my hair you witch!

I don't care if you think I should write..

Great I'll pack you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for your trip. Bye!

Indulgence Revisited

Indulgence Revisited — BOOK 1

by Zoe, a friend of WannabeGinger's life-long partner and Bride

This story is a synthessis of an earlier work - one which, in many chapters, gained a great audience - more than many of my serials - So, in an effort to publish to a wider audience, composition has been made and a further book (2) will follow. For those who resent authors recycling their work - forgive me!

Guilty as charged!

Guilty as charged!

Fiction by Johnny Cumlately

Part 1. My sentence.

Despite my pleas of innocence, I was found guilty of rape. It had always been regarded as a very serious crime and this was still true in the third decade of the 21st century. The mandatory sentence, however, had recently changed dramatically as more efforts were made to ensure that criminals did not re-offend. This is my version of what happened.

What's in a name?

What's in a name?

Fiction by Johnny Cumlately.

Ann, Barbara, Christine, Delia, … … … Xanthe, Yvonne, Zoe. I've been a closet cross dresser for many years and never bothered to adopt a femme name. But now I'm intending to come out and can't go out with boobs and a dress and still call myself Johnny. You would think choosing a name would be easy but I've been through the alphabet twice already and can't find one which I feel fits my new self.

Leavers dance

Tiffany did this TV caption and I extended the story
skimpy 9.jpg

This a picture of going to the leaver ball at the beginning of last month. That was after the last exams and was a significant day in my life for many reasons. Let me tell you a little about myself and how I came to look so pretty.

Bears Know Best - Part 22

Bears Know Best

Part 22 of 28
by Tiffany Shar

Edited by Carla Ann

Thirteen year-old Taylor Landt’s step-mother believes that he should be the next great football player for the high school he’ll be attending in the fall. Having a dad who is an accomplished professional linebacker, and growing up surrounded by professional football coaches and players should all but guarantee his ability to dominate on the field. Unfortunately he hates playing football, and knows his height and build will never allow him to be successful at the sport. Faced with an obsessive step-mother who ignores his obvious talents in other areas but instead thinks he is a blight on his father’s reputation, Taylor does the unthinkable and moves to Ohio to live with his mother who abandoned their family and left him with his father eight years ago.

Soon after his arrival, Taylor discovers there’s more to his inability to follow in his fathers’ footsteps than just his height. Will it be possible for him to make friends in a new town in the middle of nowhere outside the shadow of his dad's fame? Will Taylor be able to finally make peace with his mother who abandoned them all those years ago? And how long can he keep his secrets to himself?

It's Dorothy's fault...again really

Hi ladies and erm others? Hard to actually think about what to call those who don't see themselfs as one or the other.. I think too much!.

Anyways Dorothy and myself were, as usual chatting on the phone when... well you know the muse just got wild.

Todd was gonna be so late! He had tried to make sure every scrap of makeup was removed before he had to leave for work but had almost forgotten about the nail polish, or nail varnish if your from england like some of his or rather her friends.

Sixty-one Going on Sixteen - 2 - New Girl, New Family

Previously… I was a man of sixty-one recovering from quad by-pass heart surgery nine months later when testicular cancer was discovered. The noted surgeon I had waited for was a no show as he was called out of the area... Scans done some two months earlier proved insufficient but the scan prior to surgery by Dr. Greene was lost in their system.

Skirting the issue 2 Enter Melissa

The overgrown garden was almost choked with weeds and grass. The wild cucumber plants looked more like a bush than a few plants. The wild corn did not follow a straight line. Same with the few radishes, lettuce, peas , carrots and other not easily identifiable garden plants.

Skirting the issue.

Look I have chapters for a whole bunch of other stories I need to finish. I am sure none of the readers need yet another story from me started.

I don't care if you think its cool or not I am not doing it end of story.

Yeah right that'll be the ....

My Summer In Remembrance

This is the last of four interrelated recollections by a man in the late summer of life, recalling the events of some unusual summers, and the members of the female persuasion who made them so unusual and worth remembering.

My Summer In Remembrance

By: Zylux

The Mall Holiday Pageant

I was tricked into this and now there is no way out of it unless I walk in front of a bus or something equally drastic! Mom is the store manager for “Growing Things” and no it isn’t a gardening shop. It just happens to be a very popular store for kids from infant to Tween. It also happens to be for girls only.

My twin sister Lucy and I say the twin part loosely, has been going on about this Christmas pageant event for months now! It will soon stop because Thanksgiving is in two weeks and she’ll be in the pageant and I’ll get some peace and quiet for a change.

The First Queen in the Village 21

The First Queen in the Village 21

by WannabeGinger

The lovers are welcoming people they have never met into their home for the party of a lifetime. Their excitement was almost so strong that it could be bottled and sold as a cocktail!

Chapter 21 — We’re up and running!!!!

Bears Know Best - Part 13

Bears Know Best

Part 13 of 28
by Tiffany Shar

Edited by Carla Ann

Thirteen year-old Taylor Landt’s step-mother believes that he should be the next great football player for the high school he’ll be attending in the fall. Having a dad who is an accomplished professional linebacker, and growing up surrounded by professional football coaches and players should all but guarantee his ability to dominate on the field. Unfortunately he hates playing football, and knows his height and build will never allow him to be successful at the sport. Faced with an obsessive step-mother who ignores his obvious talents in other areas but instead thinks he is a blight on his father’s reputation, Taylor does the unthinkable and moves to Ohio to live with his mother who abandoned their family and left him with his father eight years ago.

Soon after his arrival, Taylor discovers there’s more to his inability to follow in his fathers’ footsteps than just his height. Will it be possible for him to make friends in a new town in the middle of nowhere outside the shadow of his dad's fame? Will Taylor be able to finally make peace with his mother who abandoned them all those years ago? And how long can he keep his secrets to himself?

My Summer In Europe

This is the third of four interrelated recollections by a man in the late summer of life, recalling the events of some unusual summers, and the members of the female persuasion who made them so unusual and worth remembering.

My Summer In Europe

By: Zylux

the cross-world sword part 5


Edited By Tanya Allan

As they made their way out, John was worried about his sword. Without it he felt helpless.

Shaking his head, he put the thought out of his mind for the moment.

The group carefully sneaked through the house, checking each room they came to for their weapons, or any weapons for that matter.

On rounding the corner in a corridor, they came across a substantial door. They had no idea as to what lay beyond. The tracker placed his ear to the door.

Change of Summer Camps - 5 - Going On as Patti

Change of Summer Camps — 5
“Going on as Patti”


By Jessica C

Sam and I went for a walk, we kissed and hugged but I knew he wanted more. I was getting excited but did not to go any further…
…I passed out just for a moment. And Sharon glibly said, “I think this southern belle swooned from overheating her engine... Sis what am I going to do, this shouldn’t happen to me,” I whispered to Susan. …Susan hugged me back and whispered in my ear, “Patti, it did happen and it happened because you’re becoming my little sis. Please talk to me, I never thought I would have a Sis I could hold and talk to.”

The First Queen in the Village 20

The First Queen in the Village 20

by WannabeGinger

Hours to go…. The lovers have to prepare their home for the party-goers and themselves for being the reception Committee. So much to do, and so little time!

Chapter 20 — We are ready!!!!

The First Queen in the Village 19

The First Queen in the Village 19

by WannabeGinger

The answer to “will they, won’t they?” is emphatically “They will!” The days pass by and the preparations… and the excitement… grow and grow!

Chapter 19 — Are we ready???!


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