Blogs, Topics, Weblinks, Forms, Polls etc.

Lynn Conway has Passed Away

This breaks my heart as I loved this lady so damn much for what she has done for all of us who were caught up in the gender-blender. I conversed with her many times and she was so sweet to take the time to talk or text me. My only desire left in this world was to meet this amazing lady before I checked out. Lots and lots of tears, I'm going to miss her so damn much.


The bisexual love triangle.

Never much cared for them. Love triangles in general are difficult to pull off convincingly; No one ever seriously thought Jacob had a chance with Bella in Twilight to cite a mainstream example. You can usually extrapolate where they're going to go based on plot queues. With bisexual love triangles in TG fiction, it's even easier, based on author history, the descriptions of the character's feelings, (e.g. "Your mind is still a heterosexual male, but your body craves men now") and general intuition. At their worst, they feel baity and exploitative to the losing side.


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some good news to share

Well, I have some good news to share.

First, I got the results of the CT scan done on my brain back, and it showed no signs of damage or anything. While that is good, it means we still don't know why I have word drop and brain farts.

Second, I am now on stage 2 of dealing with my dentures, which means I can now have solid (if soft) foods.

Step by step, I do what I can, and its great to make progress.

huggles for everybody

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Help a writer out!

I wanted to share something that's been on my mind. I've now published over fifteen times on BCTS, and it's been a bit disheartening.

All I desire is for people to enjoy my work and share their thoughts. If there's something I'm not doing right, I'd really appreciate your feedback to help me improve. Is it the type of stories I write? My writing style? My charachters? It's tough not getting much help on that front.


Every Woman is Not a Beauty Queen

Sometimes it is funny to bring them up to speed if done right. Yesterday I was picking up goat panel from Atwoods, a farm and ranch store. Each panel is five feet wide, sixteen feet long of four inch by four inch welded, grade six rod. They sent one guy out to load it. Not happening so it was up to him and me. One had to be there to see the problem and understand. I'm five five, picking up my end of that panel meant I had to climb up on the pile, pick up my end, slide it off to the side, get down, help put it up on the flat bed, and do that all over before the next panel.


Overdrafted, funds needed

It's been a month since we needed to ask for money but, yeah, we're broke. Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks to everyone who has sent money. We really depend on you, more than you know. :)

Thanks for any amount you can send. All contributions are very welcome. Thanks a great deal to all who have previously contributed here or paid for a membership at Patreon or Hatbox.

Many thanks!

Erin, Piper, Jamie, Cat, Ashly, Rasufelle and the rest of the crew

Below are versions of the PayPal links.

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Aria Book Three is out!

I’m very excited to announce that Doppler Press has just published the third book of Aria, Bring Down the Curtain. Cami’s efforts to juggle staying in the closet at work, planning her eventual transition, and settling into a new living arrangement were hard enough. But as the calendar ticks over into March of 2020, the world grinds to a halt, and the global pandemic changes everyone’s plans. Here’s the link: Bring Down the Curtain.

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“Heterosexual angst” and lesbian romance do not mix.

The idea of a straight man transforming into a woman and becoming attracted to men is a well worn trope in tg fiction. It creates dramatic tension, it scratches people’s kinks. It is so omnipresent that it is essentially an unmarked category in the genre. The idea of becoming attracted to a certain sex against one’s will exists outside the tg fiction space, generally referred to and tagged as “Orientation Play” “Forced Bi” or similar.

What does this have to do with lesbian romance?

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Less than two weeks left in the 25th anniversary contest!

That's right folks, we've got less than two weeks left on our 25th Anniversary story contest!

I'll admit, I'm a little disappointed we haven't had more entries so far. For such a big event, and with us wanting to go fairly big for prizes, I was expecting a lot more interest. That said, at least part of that has to be on me, since I haven't been pushing it particularly hard.


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I could loan you a black cami

We had to go to my grandson's wedding this last Saturday. As family we were invited to the rehearsal dinner on Friday as well as the wedding. It was a three hour round trip to the venue. We decided to spend the night. As we were packing for the two events. My wife was dithering over what to wear. She picked out a nice top but the neck line was a little loose and she was concerned about "down the blouse" views if she bent over a little and was wondering what she could wear under. I offered:

"I could loan you a black cami."

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In working my way through "A Change Of Orders", the idea of sexual attraction has reared its ugly head. As a an author, and post op, there is no physical attraction, at all. No male, or female that I have wanted has passed through my life. My body seems completely immune to responding to even a simple 'wank'.

I'm about halfway through the story and the subject of attraction has come up and the protagonist has the same view as I. Does this mean that a complete lack of erotic response is not uncommon? Is this a new direction in stories?


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"I'm the fuse, she's the bomb"

I have to share my latest dream, while I still remember it.

In the dream, I was on a quest, and had gathered a group of people to be part of it.

Once the group was assembled, I told them that one of them, a young woman, had a connection to me and to what was going to happen

I told them, "I'm the fuse. She's the bomb."

I didn't seem upset about this. In fact I told the girl, "Come on, lets go boom"

Then I told them we had to get to a certain location up on top of a hill on the outskirts of the city, and we began to travel.

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The Casa Susanna weekends

I might just be the last person to learn about this and I know the place and people have been mentioned on here before.
This morning I found a BBC video about the wonderful past getaway place for crossdressers in the Catskills. I hope those interested can get to this:

Casa Susanna programme 93 minutes, personal stories, many pictures.

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The Psychology of Transgender Stories

I went for a long leisurely ride today that stretched to over 2 hours. I've an ebike so there is no justification for saying it was in any sense of the word, "athletic". Along the way part of the time, I mused about why authors write TG stories, real or fiction. There have to be dozens of different motivations. No time was wasted on sussing out the reason for pre-pubescent incidence. Thinking about it now, is it genetic, environmental, resulting from abuse, who can say. Not to criticise, I am sure that some stories lend to wanking off. Questions, questions ....

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At Last Something Uplifting About US Transgender kids

It seems transgender children are the easiest target for the self-righteous rightwing parties to target, so it's good to read a positive story for once. It may only be a drop in the ocean of hate that seems to exist these days, but it made me feel glad that someone is trying.Here is a link to the Guardian report:

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adventures with dentures

So on Thursday, I got all my top teeth removed, and my dentures installed.

The reason they put the dentures in right away is they use them as kind of a bandage, to protect the area from infection, and keep the shape of my mouth the same as it heals

So the last couple days have been kinda less than fun, but I'm slowly getting better,

Anyway, hugs still appreciated.

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If You Drive

The world has changed from hardly ever meeting anyone on the highways to a constant stream both ways. X amount of years back I never gave it a second thought about things going belly up. Different times I asked strangers who stopped to call Daddy and tell him where I was and what went wrong. Broken axle, lost duals on a Bobtail, tractor lost it's axle and rear tire, front axle fell out, rear tire on PU threw all it's rubber off, and so many others lost in time and memories.


How much fun can a girl have?

So I was having some pain in a tooth that was damaged many years ago by a 2x4 and a truck axel. I went on vacation the beginning of April, and while on vacation, I started having more and more pain, and even started getting daily headaches. To make a long story short, I had an abscess in the gum, and the infection was causing bone loss. Now, I've got a nice 2 tooth gap in my mouth, and I keep sing "all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth."

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looks like my discord is not going to be working for while .someone in the Philippines hacked my account and was using it to send out spam . they are investigating it but there is a chance discord will end up doing an ip ban as this has been going on for along time with out my knowledge .i spent 4 hours working with discord support it may take several days to fix this .in the mean time my discord is locked so no access .

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too many characters?

I have an idea for the 25th anniversary story contest. The problem for me is that it will mean writing twenty or more characters. I don't like writing "spear carriers". I try to have some feeling of every person in the story even if it isn't obvious (Did anyone catch the leather biker's "craft" magazine in The Worst Day?). I'm afraid of having four people and a bunch of cutouts. That's the kind of story I have trouble finishing. How do any of you deal with making secondary characters real?

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As the years roll by...

There are a number of unfinished stories here that I would dearly love to see completed. As the years roll by, however, there are two for which I constantly look for status updates and new episodes; Catwalk Confidence by Connie Alexander and Sarah Carerra by Megan Campbell.

Kelly Shannon Driscoll

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May 2024 25th Anniversary Contest: Just Over 3 Weeks Left!

The contest is now live! You can find the tag above, and I'm excited to see your entries!

For many of us BCTS is a huge part of our lives, or has helped us pull through rough times thanks to the community and stories the site has helped to foster.

Well, what better way to show our appreciation of that than a 25th anniversary contest?

Yep, that's right -- BigCloset turns 25 in June! And to celebrate, we want to give back to the community with some prizes and a contest.

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Story Suggestions

It's just after 3:30 am here, so around 11:30 am in the UK, and I'm thinking about some of the stories I have most enjoyed. Of course, it goes without saying that "Bike" is one. "Twice Removed" was another. "Somewhere Else Entirely" is one... My mind is too foggy this time of day for perfect recall of dozens of others... "Deception Of Choice" came at a time when I needed it and it probably saved my life. Stories of 'Pete' have provided a welcome distraction.

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User interface woes

I'm getting confused by the checkbox at the bottom of the new story submission page, I think.

It's labelled 'Ongoing' but it also says "Click to mark as completed story", so is that a 'yes' or a 'no'?

I never submit incomplete stories, but a tick against 'Ongoing' appears to apply a flag called 'Completion'. But there's also a way to toggle 'ongoing' when viewing the story itself, so, uh...?


Cara Malone plays piano... well... kind of...

Jenny Walker

So, for any of you out there who remember my far too wordy musically indulgent story, No Half Measures, and who wonder what Cara Malone on piano might have sounded like, if you are bored and have nothing else to do, then you could check out a little video of Cara's muse - aka Jenny - having a go on the ivories.

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Home Again and Cancer Free, for now...

Hello friends. I am now home from Cobb WellStar Hospital, two tumors and a fair amount of intestine lighter. But the cancer is now out of me and we have some breathing space to plot the battle. From here, it will be 6 months of chemo to be sure anything too small to have been seen is dead and once we're sure of that, a follow up surgery to repair my lightened intestines.

Tired, sore, beat up and sobered.

Almost died on the table, but thanks to the quick thinking and decisiveness of my surgeon, I'm still here and home. And I got news an old college buddy my age died.

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Reading recomendation: The Opus Magnus of Teddie S.

After having shared on one of the first “BCTS Recommends” at the start of this year (2024) among others the Opus Magnus of Teddie S. with the title Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?, I decided to dig up this story and re-read it. It is truly a Opus Magnus, counting 253 chapters and approximately 1,400,000 words. So buckle up for the long haul!

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Too Lazy For Biking Kit

Too lazy to dress properly to ride my bike, so I just stayed in my Ankle length A line skirt, a top, with a pretty flowery Jacket, and of course HELMET. Of course my ebike has a drop frame, so my exhibitionistic efforts were not as blatant as I had hoped. I went into a market for some goodies, and a woman told me she had not seen a woman in a skirt on a bike since Amsterdam. :)

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Off tomorrow

So I'm off to the big smoke tomorrow to have some work done in the body shop (on Thursday morning).

Regrettably I won't be getting the body I want, nor will I have any desirable mods. Just a decoke and some pipework replaced.

I should be back on Monday 20th but I don't know if I'll be in any fit state to login that day. Or maybe even the next, who knows?

Anyhoo, I won't be looking at BC from now on for a while, so I would suggest not adding comments.


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Moonstruck by Tosca and Carmen

I remember watching the movie Moonstruck starring Nicholas Cage and Cher in 1987 when it first was released, probably by streaming. It remains a very good movie. And a key part of the plot is when after an over-night fling Ronny (Nicholas Cage) promises to never bother Loretta (Cher) again if she attends a performance of La bohème at the Met with him. Loretta is deeply moved by the opera and eventually breaks up with Johnny (Danny Aiello) and accepts Ronny’s proposal.

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Looking for another story

Ok all will tell what I remember it starts out a boy goes to Florida to stay with friends or family ends up dressing as a girl acts in a Christmas elf meets a rich family and goes out with the son there is a chase and caught on film becomes known back at home stays a girl and goes back home and has to deal with the kids at school as a girl that's all I remember think it was on fiction mania not sure


Fair use or fair dealing with copyright

Does anyone have any experience with the above topic?? I have a sci fi story where the people in it are creating real stuff out of their imaginations, so the town ends up being attacked by (in quick succession) a series of dinosaurs including a dilophosaur of Jurassic park dimensions rather than its real size, several indominus rexes, Godzilla and Gidorah and a bunch of creatures and people mutated by Resident Evil's T-virus. I'd like to know if there's a way of checking ahead of time whether the way I've written them into the story counts as fair use.


Long Time coming.

I’ve been on BCTS for just over 8 years now. I’ve been here through the struggles, I’ve seen a lot. I’ve met a lot of people in this community and tried my hand at writing and never really got the feel for it.

This post is one I really didn’t want to ever have to make. But as I sit here typing this up at past 1 am this morning, reminiscing about all the things I tried to do and failed. I’ve made friends and I have my enemies. Newer people probably don’t even know who I am and that’s ok with me. Im from a different era of the site.

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Online Scammers

I've been debating this blog post for most of the week, but I believe it needs doing as a warning to folks who may need it.

Before I go on, I must preface with a few details about my father - he's a brilliant man, a scientist, full of great heart and wisdom. He is now in his 80s and he still does meaningful work for a university. But my mom was lost to us a year and a half ago (has it already been that long??), and he is beginning to really feel his age - and at times says he feels lost in a world that has changed so much from what he's known.

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Transmaxxing - WTF?

I had never heard of this before. There was a documentary on Channel 4. It is on Youtube now.

I’m Not A Woman But I’ll Take The Benefits Transmaxxer Life Uncovered

These “transmaxxers,” an online “community of men who consider themselves involuntarily celibate, or ‘incels,’ are transitioning to the opposite sex to escape sexual rejection and improve their lives.”

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Precieved differences between BCTS now and pre-attack

The most noticeable for me is the fact that clicking on a link used to change the color of the line from an orchid to black (at least on my computer). It made it easy, when scrolling through the teasers to tell when you got down to a story you'd already considered or read and could stop.

It's a very small thing, but I miss it. I'm pretty sure that it's not on my end because Fictionmania's site still does that.

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Bryony Marsh, "The Color of Deception".

I just don't know how to make my praise of this work any more sincere. It has taken me more than perhaps a fortnight to read this and I just finished it at 04:30 AM PDT on 5/8/2024.

I've often cried at times, even solidly wept... when I've read some works.

This time when it finished I was laughing at the prose, and the artwork was absolutely fabulous and adorable.

Thank you so much Bryony Marsh. I wish I had personally known you, though there is surely a bit of yourself here.

Blessings to you.

Gwen Brown (Boucher)

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Explicit TG Stories

Not sure where this is going

Lately my rough drafts are XXX, and I am unsure that do do with them. It used to work to edit the porn out of them but somehow that seems to rip their heart out.

I am going to take a look at publishing some stories at Literotica as "Missykateti" to see what happens. This is not me throwing a fit, breaking all the dishes and throwing pots and pans.

I'll see what happens; maybe nothing.



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Cant remember the Title or Author


I am looking for a story, though all i can remember is that, it is set during WW2, MC is a Military Officer, used as translator by both Germans and allies,

MC, Hides in village house, German/fFrench border???, in wardrobe???

MC, uses the only civilian clothes available, female

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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its my 15th anniversary of being here!

So according to my account, I have been a member here for "14 years, 12 months" which means if my math is correct, its my 15th anniversary.

Thank you to everyone who has commented on any of my blogs and stories, and a special thanks to Erin and her elves for keeping this place going.

Best group of crazies I've ever met!

Huggles for everybody!

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This is harder than i ever thought it would be im in New Mexico at the hospital .My Uncle is on his death bed .im the last relative he has so its my duty to be here even though he never accepted me. My knee jerk action was not to come but the more i thought about it i decided that i needed to be here for closure if for nothing else . Just please send hugs good thoughts and prayers that i get through this . As always I care about all of you sisters and friends thank you for allowing me into your lives through bc .

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well, I'm back.

Well, I'm back. On April 28th I was unable to login. Then I was informed by the login that my account was locked down. There doesn't seem to be a way to inform anyone at BC about a login problem unless you can login to tell them.

Today I was allowed access to change my password--which I wasn't before, because the account was locked.

So I'm back.

I hope the problems at the site get sorted out.
Otherwise, I am going to miss this place.




JACKSON, Miss. — Mississippi’s Republican-led Legislature will not take final votes on two bills that attempted to restrict legal recognition of transgender people.

The bills died quietly when House and Senate leaders failed to agree on compromise versions before a Monday night deadline. Lawmakers were working on several other complex issues at the time.

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I owe everybody here an Apologie.

For the last several weeks, I've been here, but not really here. I have fallen behind on responding to comments and giving comments to those wonderful ladies who stories bring me so much joy and happyness. I feel like I owe the whole community an apology and I must explain why. Well to start I was sick on Easter Sunday, and so I went to the local clinic and tested postived for streph throat. Again. So that was ten more days on the antibotic train. I was barely over strep when my father woke up one morning peeing blood.


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Meagan's Tail ch 14..Pixie in trouble is up

Well after a long dry spell I got one new chapter up and now we find out the Lab made Pixie's fate....we all know the Drow hate her for even existing. so what planes do they have for her and keeping her alive....for now

go forth and read...comment PLEASE!
have fun all!

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