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Really needing it to be OVER! "The Thrill Is Gone.

The only hold is not wishing to offend the one who created me.


Sorry Everyone

Just more family BS. Makes me want to scream!!!!



nothing to be sorry for

lisa charlene's picture

Gwen a big part of this site is we are here to support each other there is nothing to be sorry for if you need and ear to bend some one to just rant to or even sound off ideas thats what were here for .we cry with those when its needed and lift each other up . we celebrate peoples successes and we truly care about each other .

Thank you.

Just the usual TG drama BS. Right now, I have a 40 year old daughter who believes stupid crap that her mother, my X told her about me. I choose not to get into some stupid argument because we all know that every story has two sides. I have my daughter money when she asked for it, and now this. It is the usual pain that we all experience.

Then we have the world situation, and the national election and the blonde monkey's antics.

Sorry, I just got frustrated. Shouldn't have written that Blog.


You did right

Let it out. Talk to us, we are willing to listen, to give you a chance to better deal with the usual frustrations of life.

Writing a blog is better then keeping it in until it is too much. Had a former colleague keeping it in, nobody knew, only realized that she had severe problems after i read her obituary. That way doesn't help anybody, so – pleas keep talking to us, let us help you, even if only by listening.

Thank you.

I don't deserve such compassion.

I used to long for someone to punish me, to spank me, it used to be a trademark in the stories I wrote. My psychology is so complex. Years ago, I couldn't just blow steam off without serious consequences.


lisa charlene's picture

Gwen bull we all deserve such compassion .its what we do here but trust me they will give correction if you are needing it lol.

"Chilling Out".

I just got back from a 45 minute, relaxing ride along the river. I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to ride. My vision and balance are not of Olympic calibre any longer. I wasn't wearing enough clothing for an 18C morning, but it kept my attention and provided some Radical Distraction, reminding me that it is indeed "not all about me". I am thankful for those here at BCTS who are supportive to me in my weak moments.

Thank you.