Snakes and Ladders-18

Snakes and Ladders-18

Chapter 18

I let Shaya lead me away and I’ve been here, that right after a really good scrap feeling only it’s different too. I talked her out of that toxic hole they shoved her into…but more than that or at least to me I didn’t lose my shit as Bear. I mean it’s not like I used to be nuts or a psycho and even when I had to fight like this I tried to keep it calm but once Bear got his claws out that’s when I was this person I didn’t like.

That part of me scared and made the girl hiding in me cry alone and often in the dark once things were said and done.

But today, as bad vas this got this was me. The real me. Wren Phoenix. And the fight ended the way that I wished all the fights I’ve been in could’ve been done. With honor and understanding and truth.

The stuff I’m really about.


The little girl with the auburn pigtails moved silently down the passage in the dark tower keep. She was noticably small.

Actually she is full grown its just that she is a gnome. She is dress all in dark leather that is well oiled. Her intent is simple she is hungry and she knows that the mage of this tower has some food. Not that conjured food like her sister makes. Its ok has no taste and you get hungry again after awhile. No real food like fresh sweetened goats milk, or Roasted talibuk. The thoughts of such foods made her almost drool.

First time 17.......

First time…..

Musings from WannabeGinger

Ready to leave home for Uni, I had endured a “purge” — my first — something that comes to us all at times, deciding to leave my stash at home. I knew my clothes might be found hidden away, but equally felt that my co-students at Uni wouldn’t be ready for a fully-fledged crossdresser in our first semester.

Chapter 17


I know I know is she ever gonna finish one story ...Its not my fault every time I sleep a new story comes and this gosh forsaken muse will not let me alone till I doth write it.

Quit that!

Child prodigy. Simple words and when one is found you hear that they are usually sent or trained and then are in papers and such. But what of the ones that are not discovered.

Good question isn't it? I should know it turns out I am one such. My name is Dane Thomas. I do not have a middle name. However many of you may know me by a much different name. Sailor D. Yes I am she from that rock group. It all started about a year ago...

A Christmas To Remember

A Christmas To Remember
By Anon Allsop

I looked at her from the corner of my eye, she was definitely flustered but I could care less, she was their mother and the behavior of her children were her own problem was that they were most likely going to distract me with their constant banter and shenanigans throughout the entire church service.

The mysterious case of the missing manhoods. Part 5

Dear Ladies maid Francine and Dear ladies maid Evelynn.

It would seem you young maidens forget the punishment after you were both caught by me when you taunted those poor girls to tears for wearing the training corsets.

I have been given to understand that my grandsons are now my granddaughters and have not been told of such by my own offspring.

I unable to learn more of what is happening from here in Prussia. Since I am also trying to take care of a misunderstanding of magical nature here I do not need anymore from either of you.

Sweet Dreams-23...Holy! F#*K, Did I just get A Life?

Sweet Dreams-23...Holy! F#*K!, Did I just get A Life?

Chapter 23

I’m crying…

I’m crying and it doesn’t hurt, there’s none of that bastard Cliff shouting in my brain. It’s nothing even remotely close to anything bad. It’s good; it’s actually so good that it’s hitting me.

I’m sitting in this pile of comforters and quilts in the sunshine and I’m softly curled into the arms of the most perfect thing in my life. Alex…

And kissing.

Return to Sender - Part 6

Return to Sender
by Jennifer Christine
Part 6

My lack of familiarity with HTML codes has meant that some of the conversations with Molly may have been omitted — I’m going to check but it may be that I have to re submit the story _ I hope it hasn’t messed everything up!!

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 18 of 22

She undressed in the dark and stashed her clothes and shoes on the shelves, then looked inward at her structure, deciding what form she wanted for this purpose. She started making changes, reducing her size and altering her structure. Twitching her whiskers and sniffing gingerly at the door, she slipped quietly into the corridor and scurried down it towards the front parlor.

What's Happy About it?

What’s Happy about it?

Author’s note: As those of you who are always good enough to read my offerings (and some of you even better for paying for them :) you will know that most of my work relates to nice people often placed in adverse circumstances. My trademark is goodness, justice and mercy prevails, or at least just enough to give us a happy ending. This time I have tried something different, with not so pleasant people in, well, I suppose the only description could be shitty circumstances.

Does it have a happy ending?

Read it and judge for yourselves (assuming more than one person reads it, that is.)

Please note, the dialogue is undertaken in a Scottish accent, so please bear that in mind and dinna (EXAMPLE) pick me up for spelling and grammar, as I’ve tried to write phonetically where appropriate.

My Super Secret Life-13.

My Super Secret Life-13.

Chapter 13

Yep WTF was certainly the perfect term.

Matt looks at me and smiles and I’m…I mean he’s…oh fuck.

Okay I said what I saw but it’s really like this.

Matt’s wearing some kind of wig that fits him perfectly giving him this head full of shiny, wavy sexy tumbly black tresses that go all the way down her…his back. Then there’s the face his face is perfectly smooth, no stubble or anything and he’s got these incredibly thick long lashes and perfect make-up.

Shiny black lace metal choker and earrings and bangles.


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