The Dead Kid Returns - Chapter 6: Talking in your sleep

The Dead Kid Returns; Chapter 6: Talking in your sleep

For the next week, things slipped back into their former routine. Every day, they would find a quiet spot, and read beside each other. The new kid never mentioned the kiss, and Beth was too happy to have her friend back to push the issue.

Chapter 1 of Hikari and June

When Hikari came home from her dads she told her aunt “I need to go out, so I can find “good friends.” so she went to the mall to hopefully find a new friend, ‘I blame Audrey, she told herself, “she told me that, "you know, if you want to meet new faces you should go to the mall.’” Audrey is one of Danielle’s friends Hikari met when she was at her dads.

The Wrong Side of the Bed 4

The Wrong Side of the Bed 4

By Anistasia Allread

The alarm went off about the time that Nikki felt the morning light brushing across her eyelids. She slapped the alarm absently and stretched. A deep groan escaped her lips. Nikki stopped mid stretch and looked at her arms.

Quarantine Cove, part 1 of 3

“Spar! Come on in,” I said. We had all thought my cousin Spartacus was immune to the changing, since he hadn’t caught it when other children did on several occasions when it was going around the village. But it was obvious now that she wasn’t.

Wild Magic 10

Grandma made a telephone call to Debbie’s Mom. “Gwen said that Debbie came home light-headed and confused. She was surprised at our theory of the girls being influenced, but she agreed that it was a definite possibility.”

Meanwhile, Mom was doing her best to talk me down. I was so angry I was shaking. It was a serious crime to use magic to “influence” someone, but the fact that we had no way to track the culprit made me even angrier.

Who knows-that person or persons could be working to re-establish control at this very minute! How did we stop it earlier?

Too Little, Too Late? 52

They weren’t that noisy, in the end, but I found Rachel slightly out of sorts the next morning. I had just filled the kettle to do my wifely duties, and she joined me in the kitchen. Her hair was all over the place and, to be blunt, she really needed a shower, but there was a slight edge to her expression.

“You OK, Rach?”

Wild Magic 9

As I walked towards my class, I noticed several people smiling at me. I figured that people were starting to get used to seeing me around, and they were just being friendly. It wasn’t until Debbie came up that I realized it was more than that.

“Girl, that smile could light up a room!” She laughed at me. “What’s got you so — oh, that’s right! Today is your date, isn’t it?”

I blushed. “Debbie, I'm so excited! I can’t wait!”

Seattle Gal Part 1

Chapter 1
The Return Of Jessica

by Susan Jean Charles
He lost everything, but she gained so much more

A little over a year ago, Lauran published a story entitled, “Son” about how a widowed father and his son became a mother and daughter. The story ended just as the mother began living full-time with a man she’d first met while she was experimenting with being a woman.

I enjoyed the story, but wondered what happened afterwards. How does a man used to working full-time, providing for, and making decisions for himself and his son, adjust to living as a woman totally dependent on her man?

‘Seattle Gal’ began as my attempt to explore this question. But soon Jessica’s decisions and their consequences took over the story. Further along, a throwaway character opened her mouth and my story went in an entirely new direction.

While there is some explicit sex in the story, at its heart it is a romance. I’ll warn readers of the sections containing explicit scenes.

While many of the places in the story are real, none of the characters are and any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Several products and names that appear in the story are trademarked and I used them to provide color, background and authenticity. No infringement is intended. My only intent is to present a good story.

“Seattle Gal” is already completed, so readers will get to read the entire story in several segments. My great thanks to Holly H. Hart, who is so valuable in both editing and in providing much extra information that has helped make the story so much better. I’ve learned so much working with her!

My Super Secret Life...Diamond-3.

My Super Secret Life…Diamond-3.

Chapter 3

My Mom looks at me and sighs. “Honestly honey I don’t know. I suppose we play it by ear with these folks and see what their doctors can tell us.”

“Okay, I guess there not a lot of choice in the matter is there huh.”

“It really doesn’t look like it.”

You Are The Target: 2. Reality Check

"You live alone too," I countered.

"Yeah," she said, "but not the way that you do. You're like that girl in the movie.
You've got a shadow behind you. There's some guy out there in the dark who worries you."

[ part two of three ]

Harry Potter and the Curse of the Emerald Witch - Part III

The Christmas Ditz also Part 1

The Christmas Ditz also Part 1

Dames, I don't quite get them. Well I do get them, you hear that(screaming out to the all seeing), a lot of them... and for some strange reason, a lot of men too. I believe the reason I attract them is my brilliant blue eyes. They seem to attract all the partners one could ever want, well if that person was female or gay. I had been going undercover while playing my X-Box in my search for Andy Kaufman, Elvis, and Jim Morrison. I'm sure they're alive out there.

Wrote this as a sort of prequel to The Christmas Ditz Aoi Santomi story takes place on the 23rd and 24th of December. It is a hard boiled detective story, about a Detective that thinks they are a hard boiled detective.

The Princess of the Desert -- Chapter 1

Dear Readers
This is the first chapter of a new story. First I would like to thank Holly for her editing and guidance, as it is obvious that I did not pay as close of attention in English classes as I should have. Secondly, I would like to offer an advance warning that this story delves into a very dark world of human slavery and brutality. Though this story is completely fictional the inspiration for it comes from people that I have personally known, and listened to their stories. There will be no scenes of explicit brutality or sexual abuse included, except where they can’t be avoided, but reference to the effects that such activities have on others will be addressed. As with all of my stories, I will strive for a happy ending, and you may actually find this to be a love story. However, it is a love story that starts in the darkest corners where there is no limit of the evil that man will do to his fellow man for pleasure or gain.


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