Blogs, Topics, Weblinks, Forms, Polls etc.

The Don Imus "Incident" and It's Corelation To Michael Savage's Verbal Attacks On GLBTs

I have just sent an email to CNN News, concerning the Don Imus "incident", comparing it to the ridiculous and bigoted things that are said by Michael Savage. The following is the text of the email:


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Thankful for Bob

Just a note here on a rainy Sunday to say how much I am thankful for Bob Arnold's help in keeping the technical details of running multiple servers and websites straight. If I'm stumped or confused, I can always ask Bob and if he doesn't know, he knows where to find out. Yay, Bob!

Check out his website at

And thanks again,

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Chapter Length

Chapter three of Being Christina Chase should be up. It's the first chapter that has any TG content. I talked it over with Holly, and she seems to think I sold the premise. Which is good, cause I went through a lot of trouble, and if you don't buy it, well, then I guess you just won't like the story too much. I think I've done a decent job of allowing the premise to happen. I buy the execution, though I'm not a crossdresser, nor am I transgendered. People are either going to take the leap with me or not at this point. I hope people like it. But, if they don't, well I dunno.

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Circumstantial Exposition

One thing that really burns my biscuits is Circumstantial Exposition. This is my name for when a sloppy writer wants his characters to act in a way that makes absolutely no sense, and they just drop in an explanation right along with the offending behavior.

For example:

And then, Billy decided to get into the car with the stranger. Did I mention that Billy was extremely trustful of strangers? Well he is. Cause he was raised in an orphanage in Ecuador where he lived with deaf mute monks. Since he couldn't speak with them, they were like strangers.

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Granny Smith, winesap, gala, red delicious, macintosh, etc.

I realize I'm as guilty as most others here, but (Ah the ubiquitous "but".) I would like to throw out the challenge; let's try to understand what what commenters are saying, and REALLY try to see if the thought behind the comment differs from one's own, before agruing strenuously that "what *I* have to say is unique and 'Oh so different' from what *you* just posted".


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It Depends

In response to the discussion under “The March to Mediocrity.” As John in Wauwatosa said, “There is a fine line between honest commentary and pressure to conform.” Like John, I’m not exactly sure where that fine line is. My guess it comes down to who the author is. Slothrop suggested, “Sounds more like a question of the courage of authors rather than a problem with the cleverness of the commenters.” Again, I would agree, but I think it might beg a bit more understanding of the authors.


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The March to Mediocrity

A few years ago I served on a panel charged with finding answers to governmental funding problems. Our task force met twice a week for six weeks. We started out with brain-storming sessions in which we were challenged to bring forth ideas, with no limitations. People opened up and presented “off-the-wall” ideas that seemed to have a glimmer of validity when backed by arguments.


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How I felt -- How I feel

Over the past few days, I have been giving a lot of thought to the recent unpleasantness. Usually, I send my comments to authors privately. I have said before and maintain that I don't like to post comments that might be seen as negative in a public space.

I have somewhat of an issue with that, though, because a free exchange of ideas in a public forum is one of the tools that can help our community grow. It is paradoxical that we are unable to offer positive criticism without risking censure of our own.

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Favorite Story Types

The results of the poll:

1. Transitioning - Stories of transsexual adjustments
2. Magic Transformation - Wishes, tricky spirits, vengeful ghosts or the like
3. Crossdressing - Crossdressing adventures or misadventures
4. Science Fiction Transformation - Misguided aliens, accidental superscience or what have you

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Over the Hill.

Today, I went off to help at a bike-jumble held by my cycling club. Not something especially exciting to blog about, spending most of the morning with the other women in the kitchen, toasting tea cakes and washing plates. The men of course, were dribbling over assorted bike bits, brakes and derailleurs, cranks and handlebars; they were also eating most of the teacakes I was toasting - if ever I get fed up with healthcare, I could have found my vocation!

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Being Christina Chase, Chapter 1 posted.

So the first chapter of "Being Christina Chase" is posted. I'm not sure what the response is going to be considering that it's a chapter of a novel as opposed to a self-contained story. Also, it's pretty damned long, and there's no tg content to speak of. Not that there won't be any tg content, just not in the first chapter. I hope people like it; I know I sure as hell wouldn't read anything that long, But I digress...

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A huge mistake

I have been conflicted for a long time about the appropriateness of commenting on authors' works for whom I don't 'work'. There is no question that I have a particular style and set of standards and it may not be compatible with every author.

Yet, I also want to help others grow in the craft and that can not happen without constructive criticism.

It seems, though, that some may have misunderstood my goals and intentions. I truly regret that.

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Talk about success

Bob's Stardust First Anniversary Sci-Fi Story Contest is over, the votes have been tabulated by the esteemed accounting firm, Dewey, Fleecem and Howe and the awards ceremony is being prepared even as we type. I don't know who the guest presenters are going to be but I understand that the MC is going to be WFS, old Mr. Sincerity himself. :)

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I have the first few pages of a new story started. I have had ideas float freely through my damaged brain for months, years even, but nothing concrete enough to actually take the time to type, though I did have an outline going on a science fiction type story, but I lost that and don't know where to look for it.

Anyway, this is mostly about the absurdity of real life and how it can so easily be way more weird than anything we could dream up if we tried.

Y'all have fun and I hope to have it finished soon

DD Weldons

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New proofreaders club - Big Oafish Ugly Society of Extraordinary Rectifiers

Since I'm not blonde nor evil (well not too evil anyway) I thought, even though I will likely be the only member ever, I would start my very own proofreaders club. Membership is open to anyone who wishes to join. (Not that I think there will be any blizzard of aplications.) But I thought I might just get a few more stories to read this way. (If people know there is more than one organization out there, to whom they can look, to find people to prescreen their stories for mistakes.)


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Woohoo, first story

Big step for me, small step for mankind: my first two chapters of my first story ever are now - hopefully - published right here on TopShelf. I ended chapter 2 with a cliffhanger so I can find out how many readers actually care about the story from the complaints about it. *evil grin*

I intend to keep this series very small, probably only one or two more chapters. Right now, it's more a matter of wetting my feet, but I plan to keep the option open to perhaps add some more chapters later.

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Thinking about writing

I've been busy around the house. Though the bug to write something is nipping at my heels. I have late evenings and next weekend available to write, I do need to finish sewing up some more tops, trousers, tent sides and Rope standards for Palm Springs Ren Faire which is 23rd, 24th, and 25th of March (less than 2 weeks). Sew soing is going to come first over writing until I get back from faire and visiting my folks which will be around April fools day.

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How do I post a story now?

Okay, just went over and tried to put up my story from the Stardust contest, and this new setup is so changed from the old BC setup I'm confused. After not finding the synopsis and afterwards (?) boxes in the Fiction input, I switched over to the WYSIWYG editor. Well, there the text input box disappeared completely. And I thought there was supposed to be a way to just attach a file and have it show up as a story, but I can't find that either, even though that is a pdf attacher (I think) and I don't have a way to make those.


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Beautiful gowns, gotta see!

For those of you that love a lovely gown like I do, you've got to watch the PBS special "Celtic Woman - A New Journey". I loved the original special from two or so years ago and bought the DVD; so when I saw the new special on tonight I had to tune in.

Let me tell you, those women are wearing some of the most beautiful gowns I've seen in a long time! If you love to dress up, or dream about dressing up, you'll want to see these gowns! And the music these women perform is absolutely fantastic! Five singing angels and a beautiful blonde fiddle player, it's well worth the time.

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I was reading about the Largo FL city manager who is being fired for being transsexual. Ignorance and bigotry strike again. The "so called" religious leaders who spoke against this person show they really do not understand religion or what they purport to teach. God is love not their petty and devil spawned bigotry. Pontious Pilate and Torquemada would be proud. No doubt Hitler and Stalin would be applauding them also.

Yours in disgust;


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Nightly Shutdown

In an effort to prevent future database corruption, TopShelf will shut down each night at 12.59 A.M. to 1:20 A.M. Pacific Time for database maintenance. This is the very middle of the slowest time of the night so it shouldn't affect too many people too badly. People in Far Eastern timezones may be inconvenienced, a bit, sorry.

This is in additon to the 5 minute shut down at 3 AM Pacific for server maintenance.

- Erin

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Posted at last!

Hello everyone! I have finally posted my entry for StarDust's contest. You can find it of course at StarDust! Strange Happenings in Ragnorak County was my third try at a entry since the first two started going way way over 10K words. Many thanks to Holly Logan, H.E.R, Paula, and special thanks to Angel for their help. Enjoy!

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The Years of Rice and Salt

I just finished an excellent book that I think many people here would appreciate, it even has transgender elements. :) Purchases through the Amazon link below earn BC about 5% but I bought mine at the local Barnes and Noble. It's a good book. It made me think of Aardvark on Kryptonian Steroids.

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Off line for a cool down

I took the site down today for a cool down. Things had suddenly gone from a few posts trading mostly civil comments to five or more hot flames in half an hour then five in five minutes. I had to leave for a bit and didn't feel it would be wise to leave the site open to comments that might stay up for hours and inflame more passions, so I shut things down. I'm back, but later tonight I'll be going to sleep and tomorrow I will be occupied with taking my mother to see the cancer doctor. Let's all try to be nice to one another.


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Problems with WYSIWYG editor

There seem to be some problems with the WYSIWYG editor. I've installed a new version that seems to work correctly in Firefox but has problems in Safari, and some versions of IE. Haven't tested Opera, Camino, ICab or Mozilla. If you need WYSIWYG capabilities, I guess you're safe if you use Firefox or IE7 until they get the kinks out. Sorry.

- Erin


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Which story shall I work on first?

I have managed to paint myself into a virtual corner, and I am unsure how to proceed. In addition to my novel for publication, I have a slew of stories currently in production for BigCloset. If I'm going to get anything posted, I need to focus on one of them at a time. The question I want to throw out there is for the folks who read my stuff -- what do you want to see first?

Here's what's I'm currently working on (not including my Stardust story contest entry):

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Update to "Ancient Lands" - Itinerant's Author's Page

I've posted some additional information. For Ma'at - A pointer to some pictures of the Temple of Ma'at that is located in the ancient Egyptian city of Thebes, and a link to an article about the mummy of Hatshepsut being found.

For Amazon, there are pictures of Nicole's "Journey" earrings and pendant, a layout of the apartment she shares with Angela Ogle, and pictures of the Tanner's house.

All this, and a kitten going postal, at

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New Julie O at Stardust

I've just posted Julie O's entry in Bob's Stardust Contest over at Stardust. Since one of the objectives of the Stardust contest is to increase readership *and comments* at Stardust, we will not be posting the story elsewhere until the close of the contest.

Please read and comment on all the contest entries at Stardust.


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Do we the readers and writers want Guest Readers to be able to post comments anymore.

Yes, Let them continue to post. and berate the Authors with out devulging there idenities just like the registered have to.
60% (6 votes)
No, Make them registure just like every body else did.
40% (4 votes)
Total votes: 10

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My first post

The first post is like falling in love... I hope what I say will help you feel attracted to me and will make you come again to see if I have said anything new. I have a great challenge to attract you only with my words. I am sure an image would have been nice, moving images might have been better and even better would have been a three dimensional presence.

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Where have all my comments gone? Long time pa-assing...

A few days ago I posted several comments on stories here. Today, I wanted to check what I'd said about one of them, but my comment had disappeared. When I checked further, it seemed that all my recent comments had vanished.

Was it something I said, or has the database had "issues"?

Best wishes, Andrea.


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Big Closet responds very slowly

I've mentioned this before, but today I dropped in and it took about 30 seconds for Big Closet's front page to load for me. I have the options on the home page pared back, and it makes little difference. Going between pages here is almost as slow loading as the front page. As I understand it, Erin has up to date hardware and software for this site. Maybe you've got hackers.
FM has a good reason for slow responce times, What is happening here?


Finding a story

I've tried everything else, so I'll try this.   I'm looking for a story I read late last year, maybe in December.   It was about a researcher who tried his own experiment in order to cure his cancer.   Needless to say on this site, he becomes a girl while being cured.   After finally getting away from the government agency that originally employed him, she ends up a family doctor in a small town in Tennessee, or in that area.   Sound familiar to anybody?   It may not have been a newly posted story, I may have found it during a search, or by reading another's posted comments.   Any help greatly appreciated.


Discovered - A Wonderful Author

I was scoping out my favorite TG comics earlier this evening, one of which is Jade Gordon's Lean On Me. I've always found her artwork to be lovely, and since she's currently needing some commissions, I thought it might be time for me to get some drawings for my K&K series. Following some links in an effort to see if I could afford her, I went to to look at the book cover she did for a story titled Fool For Love by Lisa Lees. The Lulu page has a link to a preview of this story, and I was captivated immediately. This woman can write!


On Comments

The following musings are not specific to this particular site, but to all sites of the genre. Actually, it has more to do with a discussion I was part of in a chatroom, said discussion having left me a bit irritated and in need of a soapbox to publicly expound upon. This, then, is my first blog entry.


Uncertain origins

I see that my description of my pup's origins have garnered a lot of comment.

I really don't know what his pedigree is, though there has been a lot of speculation. He is definitely part chihuahua. He is petite and has the typical coloration (colouration for those who read English.)
