500 < Short Story < 7500 words

The Story of a Reluctant Southern Belle (9)

The meeting took place on a Friday I believe, the following day was Saturday. Uncle Sidney at this point seemed content to have me frolic around the house in a pair of skinny jeans and a t- shirt. He rarely said much to me anymore. Though from time to time I saw him peering out the window of his study or pacing up and down the concrete driveway. I was starting to see a different side of him. It was like a change had taken place deep inside of him. I knew when he discovered me wearing a old hand-me down dress, he had tried to scare me straight, the Bible having been his weapon of choice.

Getting It Wrong

Getting it Wrong.

It had been a wonderful evening, I had pulled a nice guy and we'd been for a meal. Then it had all gone wrong. Feeling all romantic and full of lust and dying to road test my new fanny we went off to his place for a cuddle and I hoped for more.

We cuddled and snogged for ages, swapping spit and whatever people do when they are randy. I'd always thought I was asexual but not since I had a vagina, this girl was going to make up for lost time.

The Story of a Reluctant Southern Belle (8)

I took a deep breath as I walked into the crowded sitting room. The room was filled with ladies drawn from all four corners of the Mississippi Delta. Ladies who like me wore fine summer dresses. The room was filled with chatter but the moment I walked into the room, the chatter stopped. All eyes it seemed zoomed in on me. I could feel their eyes peering at me. It was as if they were judging me.

The life of Riley-part 19 The battle of princesses

“Unbelievable. That is so rude!” I pointed out.

“Yes, I agree. I understand that she is not crazy about the idea of having to teach you dancing, singing, and acting. She could at least be professional about it.” Mary added to our weird little discussion.

“Absolutely true! She may feel frustrated about having to work with Riley but without Riley being willing to take the part of backup Belle there wouldn’t be a musical.” Alice pointed out.

“Oh, Alice I have a question. I wanted to ask you for a while but I kept forgetting. Who will play the beast in the musical?”

The Story of a Reluctant Southern Belle (7)

Breakfast that morning was pan fried turkey bacon, fried eggs sunny side up, and a toasted English muffin with a bit of butter on it to make it palatable. The meal was served with a cup of coffee, strong, black coffee, unsweetened with cream, sugar or milk. I call it dishwater in a cup. My Aunt Cat said however that this was a breakfast befitting a 'Woman' of my class and breeding and that a 'Southern Belle' should always be mindful of the size of her waist. 

Liv And Let Liv Part 2

Chapter 2

In the nurses’ office it was a little cramped so we took it in turn to get changed. One by one we took the uniform off for the last time and passed it to those outside to put with the other uniforms in the spare room. Ingrid was first, coming out in a shortish shift in the school blue, accentuated by a white belt and piping.

The Substitute Housewife Part 2

We left for Ken's house immediately. As we went through the main office he nodded to Shirly and she followed on behind us.

“Before you ask, she did a good job of making you look like a woman at the party, so she’s going to help now.”

Shirley gave me her lopsided grin. She was a kinky woman. I was sure she was enjoying every minute of this.

The Story of a Reluctant Southern Belle (6)

The buzzing of my alarm clock awoke me from a frightful sleep. Slowly opening my eyes, I peered out the window of my bedroom. Darkness, total darkness. Taking a deep breath I reached up, pulled my pillow closer to me, and turned over, hoping to snatch a few extra minutes of sleep. It was not meant to be, for a few moments later, a harsh knocking came on the other side of my bedroom door. A few seconds later and the door was pushed open and there in the doorway stood my aunt.

A Coy Pond and a Couple of Trees Part 4 (The End)

A Coy Pond and a Couple of Trees Part 4 (The End)
By Sabrina G. Langton


Author's Note: Thank you for making it to the end. One door closes and another one opens, and we find Bryson's plan all coming together. I hope YOU like it...



Bryson was lying on the bed watching me get dressed. The 'Personal Shopper' found me a beautiful dark blue dress with polka dots. It had a little black belt and it went perfectly with my heels. I hadn't worn my own clothes all week. I was thinking everyone had better taste than me.

The Story of a Reluctant Southern Belle (5)

Dinner that night was tenderized venison steaks, that had been hand battered and fried in a heavy iron skillet till golden brown. My Aunt cooked a good many of them, the sides included home-made mashed potatoes made from scratch brown gravy, collard greens seasoned with bits of bacon and of course the staple at many southern tables. Cornbread. The beverage of choice of course was sweet tea for me, my aunt had a glass of red wine and my uncle Sidney had a brown bottle of Yuengling, this was really his third bottle of the evening.

Liv And Let Liv Part 1

Chapter 1

My mother was not a happy person. I’m not saying that she was angry all the time, perhaps more like sad. As I grew up I found a new word which described her, morose.

She lived a normal life, looking after me and my dad. I sometimes caught her smiling at him but she never really smiled at me. She looked like she was smiling, sometimes, but the smile never reached her sad eyes.

The Substitute Housewife Part 1

I suppose this is all my own doing really. I had been working as Mr. Owen’s assistant for 6 months now. I loved the job he was a nice guy. Very generous to his staff and if the company was doing well we all got bonuses. Yes, Owen tech was going places. My dream of buying a narrow boat and living free on the canals of Britain could be realized before I was too old to enjoy it.

Ice Cream Never Tasted This Good

New Friends Are Great.jpg

[With thanks to Courtney for another great caption!]

Life really takes some strange turns and moving to New Mexico did it for me. I hated my new life. At my old home in Idaho, I had a couple of friends, and we played games and hung out, but not in the new place. It sucked.

The Story of a Reluctant Southern Belle (4)

I returned a few moments later holding the old, leather Bible. It was the family Bible, the one that recorded all the births and deaths in the family. According to family lore, the Bible had been in the family for well over a hundred years. My Aunt Cat who was in the kitchen, pointed with fingers toward my uncle's office. I nodded my head and started to make my way to the office. The door was locked so I gently knocked. A few seconds later, I heard a crossed voice from behind the door call out.

A Coy Pond and a Couple of Trees Part 3

A Coy Pond and a Couple of Trees Part 3
By Sabrina G. Langton


Author's Note: Gissele has a busy weekend coming up. We find out a little bit more about her past as her and Bryson start to fall in love. I hope YOU like it...



The Story of a Reluctant Southern Belle (3)

Strange and powerful memories started to flood over me. I remembered a time when I was just starting kindergarten. I attended a private kindergarten, one that had a playroom that was attached to the main classroom. I froze and peered up into the sky as I found myself falling through time and space. In the corner of the play room, there was a corner, a kind of private corner. I also remembered there were toy chests that held clothing that the girls in my class use to play pretend and dress up.

Kick The Dog Final Chapter

Chapter 12

I spoke to the industrial building people that Suzette had suggested. I looked at a few places and one stood out as likely. It was at Purley, about halfway between the house and London and very close to the film studio near Croydon. It was set in its own fenced grounds and was a mixture of workshop, warehouse and offices.

A Coy Pond and a Couple of Trees Part 2

A Coy Pond and a Couple of Trees Part 2
By Sabrina G. Langton


Author's Note: Giselle meets a couple more people, and even leaves her house. All this while her backyard gets a little more amazing... Hope YOU like it...


Tuesday Night

I decided if I was going to meet Derrick I would dress a little sexy. Why not. This was supposed to be a week of experimenting with sex, and I might as well join in. It's what Lainie would have wanted, I tried to convince myself.

The Story of a Reluctant Southern Belle (2)

Farming was back breaking work. I was often up before the rooster crowed and kept in the field till the sun set and the moon had risen. The delta is flat, flat as a board and there is nothing in the way to block the sun, all the trees had long been cut down to make way for the farmers to plow. The strong rays of the Mississippian sun blistered me by day and the bone cutting wind froze me by night. 

The Story of a Reluctant Southern Belle (1)

I discovered my true self in the Mississippi Delta, a region known for its coffee colored soil, known to grow any crop known to man, known mostly for the growing of cotton and a style of music called 'The Blues'. Yes here in this flat region, I found my true self and I've never been the same. Now the chief source of income for many in the delta is farming, the crop of choice is cotton.

A Coy Pond and a Couple of Trees Part 1

A Coy Pond and a Couple of Trees Part 1
By Sabrina G. Langton


Author's Note: Hi, welcome to my epic story about a CD who's backyard transforms almost as much as 'she' does. It will be in four snack size bites. It starts out a little sketchy but ends up quite romantc including lotsa sex 'n drama, I hope YOU Like it.



The girlfriend was almost gone. Six whole days by myself. All alone to pose and take pictures in front of my mirrors.


Kick the Dog. Chapter 11 of 12

Chapter 11

When we had finished the meal, Suzette and I packed the dishes in the washer while my mother chatted with our guests. May was regaling her about some of the odd ladies she had made dresses for and when she mentioned that a few had been men my mother said “Wouldn’t that be difficult?”

I said “Mother dear, have you looked at the photos in the window of the shop?”

She nodded so I carried on. “One is of a lot of local ladies at a celebrity wedding and the other is a group at a party.”

Life Isn't Fair

Katelyn sits on the bleachers and watches as the other girls on the swim team compete. Because of her states, new law outlawing nongenetic girls from competing in girls’ sports. She couldn’t compete anymore. Last year she could, but this year she was informed by her school board that if she wanted to compete. She would have to do it on the boys’ team. Otherwise, she’ll be riding the bench.

Don't Worry 5

Chapter Five

After her last meeting with her mother, Frankie wrote her a letter. She suggested that they take some time to cool down and reflect. She never told Mathew why they parted ways but went ahead and found her husband a new doctor. The fact that Mathew had just left the ICU unit, helped her get him an appointment for the following week.

Krisha's Surprise

Krisha looks at her reflection in the mirror. She was standing before it in the nude and couldn’t believe the slight bulge she had. Her belly was slightly bulging, and her areoles were the size of saucer plates and dark brown. She placed her hand down on her stomach and couldn’t believe she was three months pregnant.

Don't Worry 4

Chapter Four

“Mother, what are you going to do? Are you going to kill him?”

“What do you care, dear? The last time we talked, you told me you made a mistake in marrying the little twerp.”

“Mother, I made a mistake. But he’s always been so wonderful to me. He’s done nothing to justify you killing him. He’s not Dan.”

Don't Worry 3

Chapter 3

And that’s when Frankie decided to confess her fears to her mom. “Mother, I worry that I’ve made a mistake in marrying Mathew. I love how Mathew showers me with gifts and gives me everything I could want. But, I worry if that’s all there is to our relationship. I feel like I’m a bad person taking advantage of his kind and loving spirit.”

Her mom handed her some tissues from her bag. “You’ve done nothing wrong and Mathew adores you.”

The Adventures of Jamie Potter: Bunny Girl Jamie (2)

The Saturday morning of the convention dawned bright and clear, the forecast for that morning though was cloudy with a chance of rain in the afternoon. The digital clock on my car read six o' clock in the morning. And the traffic report said that the road was clear and everything was moving smoothly. In short everything seemed to be going my way. And so, with my spirits soaring like a bird, I pulled out of the driveway and aimed my car south toward Jackson. After a brief stop at Church's Chicken for two sausages and biscuits and Double Quick to top off the gas I was on my way. 

Kick the Dog. Chapter 10 of 12

Chapter 10

Jules took us to a small restaurant where we had a table isolated enough so that we could talk business. May was brought up to speed with the new structure and I could see that Jules was warming to the future.

I asked him to give May a raise and that slowed him just a little, until it came home to him that he was going to make a thousand pounds a dress more than his usual sales, without even needing to sweat over a drawing board.

The Only Boy in the Girls' Locker Room

Sometimes I hate being the only boy in the girls’ locker room. Usually that coincides with my fellow cheerleaders deciding to tease me. Not verbally, visually, in the showers. That can be quite annoying. Not that I get any help from the girls’ coach either. She just smiles and say that I have no one but myself to blame.


Parker looks at her reflection in the full-length mirror on the back of her closet door. She couldn’t believe her parents had accepted that she had wanted to be a girl since she was little. True, she has to see a counselor about how she feels. But she didn’t mind.

The counselor she has been seeing wants to see how she looked as a girl today. Her friend Tony was coming to pick her up to take her. He stood by her when she came to him about how she was.

“Parker, Tony is here to pick you up.” Mary sticks her head into her daughter’s bedroom.

Don't Worry 1

This is just the beginning of a new story. If you want to read more, please let me know. And just to remind you, I have a new novel on Amazon called Being Invisible. Take a look. There are lots of chapters to read for free.

Don’t Worry
Leslie Moore

“Honey, it’s okay. I’m sure when you get your strength back, everything will be fine.”

The Adventures of Jamie Potter: Bunny Girl Jamie

Summer vacation had been ongoing for a week and I was already bored. The thrifty lifestyle I'd been living for the last eight months meant that my purse was bursting at the seams. The old wooden treasure chest was overflowing with coins and bills, you see I'd yet gone ahead and opened a checking account with our local bank as my best friend Madeline and older sister Lily had been strongly suggesting for the last few months.

Kick the Dog. Chapter 9 of 12

Chapter 9

At the shop I found that my bolt ends had been delivered so I stored them in the ‘special’ room. Everything seemed to be ticking over nicely and I chatted with everyone for a while until Roberta commented, “You’re happy today. I would think that you may have got a good seeing to last night. Was it Jim or have you found another stud?”

I laughed. “About as far from a stud as it’s possible to get but I was satisfied and so was she.”

The News

The News
A Short Story Contribution
By Maryanne Peters

I suppose that I had not much idea about the issues of intersex or transgenderism before Toxically Induced Sexual Morphosis (TISM) hit Ridgewick. Then it became not just the big news in town, but the only news. And the news is my business.

Subgoal Sissy: Desperate streamer slowly becomes a girl pt.2

hphones sml.png
Will Andy's gift have strings attached? Will he be convinced into doing something he doesn't want to do?
probably. you're on bigclosetrus after all. (Streamer has second encounter with strange viewer)

Adventures of Lauren Elizabeth Huntington: Summer Soiree (5)

After I'd left Lily and her collection of friends at the dunking booth, Clay and I found ourselves standing along. We've decided to watch the town's fireworks from the top layer of the town's observatory. The town's observatory was located on a high hill that was about two and a half miles from the end of main street. From the upper level of the town's observatory you could see the whole skyline of the town.


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