Age Regression

Trust Machines: OTP

Ben and Amanda cosplay as their favorite superheroes for Halloween, and run into some old friends at a Halloween block party. But since the appearance of the Venn machines, Halloween cosplay has taken on a new dimension.

Nerd-No-More Ad 3

Nerd-No-More Ad #3
by Ellie Dauber

Commercial products have been put to political use since the dawn of time. This use (misuse to some) of Nerd-No-More is only the latest case, and the Nerd-no-More company claims no responsbility for the INDEPENDENT actions of one or more of its customers.



written by Dauphin
My neighbour changed everything about me, and I let her
"This is a sad story and once again Dauphin talks about how scociety wants to change people and not accept them" Diana
"Who is the villian in this story" Dauphin

The Many Faces Go To War 10

“The Many Faces Go To War: Chapter 10”
By = Fayanora

Chapter Ten: What A Pain

Notes: Sorry for the late update. Lots of things have been colluding against me. Summer heat, dangerous smoke in the air from the forest fires, pitiful amount of inspiration for this story, and the fact I've been working on some original fiction I hope to get published someday. But here we are!

The Many Faces Go To War 9

“The Many Faces Go To War: Chapter 9”
By = Fayanora

Chapter Nine: Unofficial Self-Defense Club

Notes: Whoops! Forgot to post this last time! So you'll be getting two in a row!

Started putting dates on these chapters where possible, it helps me keep track of where I am in the story. (Something I figured out when writing my original fiction.) Dates are provided by HP Lexicon's Order of the Phoenix calendar.

I was Turned into A Six-Year-Old Girl

Harry pulls his battered pick-up truck up to the house he had been told to clean out by his father. It was to pay his father back for buying the truck he was driving. He grabs his gloves and paper mask as he heads inside the house. He couldn’t believe how much of a mess had been left behind.

The house had been foreclosed on and his father had bought the house at an auction to flip it. His father loved making money. His father was paying him and four of his friends to clean the house out. If there is anything they wanted to come for themselves, they could.

Shalim IV

Mark was about to begin his career as a human species transition expert. Fresh from the Academy, Mark was sent across the galaxy to bring a new human race and planet into an alliance with Earth. Mark was ready for this, but he wasn't ready for the accident that happened during his insertion into the planet.

Now trapped as a female on a distant planet, what will Mark do?

Back to School Haircut

This is a second person FtM story, I've been kinda intrigued with the idea of writing something in second person for a while. This is a heads up that this story is basically about the reader being turned into a boy and I figure that could be triggering to some people, especially trans women. There's no abuse, but just be careful and maybe give this one a miss if you think that might upset you. Otherwise, enjoy!

The Many Faces Go To War 8

“The Many Faces Go To War: Chapter 8”
By = Fayanora

Chapter Eight: Defiance

Notes: Started putting dates on these chapters where possible, it helps me keep track of where I am in the story. (Something I figured out when writing my original fiction.) Dates are provided by HP Lexicon's Order of the Phoenix calendar.

Shadowsblade: extras...Another time

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade
Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and

In this one Another come.




Another time

Fantastic Mars -13- Tombs of Mars

Which came first?
Fantastic Mars -13-
Tombs of Mars

I knew I wasn’t dead anymore because my butt felt cold like I had been sitting on a cement park bench in the winter. My mind felt half-frozen, too.

The Many Faces Go To War 7

“The Many Faces Go To War: Chapter 7”
By = Fayanora

Chapter Seven: Mahala Kalisha Kadu

Notes: Started putting dates on these chapters where possible, it helps me keep track of where I am in the story. (Something I figured out when writing my original fiction.) Dates are provided by HP Lexicon's Order of the Phoenix calendar.

Fantastic Mars -12- Slaves of Mars

If I should die before I wake...


Fantastic Mars -12-
Slaves of Mars

by Erin Halfelven

They came from the same direction we had come from, more of the huge green things than I could count. Gunshots banged out from our side, but they had firearms, too, monstrous pistols like the one we had found for Trike.

Bzzzzappp Bang Boom: Wichita Linegirl Part 3

It's been interesting, I've spent the last few days wandering around the city with Commander Ares or E-Girl or someone else from the Compound. I'm still a raw newb there as far as they are all concerned, but they admit my electrical skills have come in handy now and then.

Like the time that Dr. Destructo was trying to rob one of our big banks, bringing along a bunch of minor villains in pretty shoddy clothing and gear, then had those idiots start firing submachine guns at us right out in the darn street, with people wandering here, there and everywhere!

Bzzzzappp Bang Boom: Wichita Linegirl Part 2

That darn hospital forced me to stay there for nearly three more days, even though I was obviously in completely perfect health!

Ahhh, well, I had a bed to sleep on, food to eat, a TV with silly shows on it to watch all day. Oh, and visits from Commander Ares. It seems he really wants me to go to this Compound on the edge of the city to find out just what I can do beyond leaving scorch marks on walls.


cover image

This little ditty came to me a few days ago. I figured that it fit the contest, so here it is. Enjoy!

"My little foxy," Dean murmured as he cuddled the stuffed fox that he had ordered online.

He didn't remember the last time he had had a plushie. Presumably, it was when he was a baby, or maybe a toddler. Too long ago to remember.

Sarah Whitlock, 2285

The year was 1887 and Marshal Steven Whitlock was hot on the heels of the Dermit gang when they were all thrown from their horses by a fiery explosion in the sky. Waking four hundred years later, he finds himself and the world radically changed.

The Many Faces Go To War 6

“The Many Faces Go To War: Chapter 6”
By = Fayanora

Chapter Six: So Many Questions!

Notes: This is the sequel to “The Many Faces of Har---er, Adira Potter.” If you haven't read that series yet, this one isn't going to make much sense. Also, a reminder for anyone who forgot: the person formerly known as Harry still exists, she's just transgender in this one, her new name is Adira, nicknamed “Addy.”

Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 19: Baby or GOO or both?

Vantier a Whateley Tale.....Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it.

He is saved from the death of his race and start all over again....but can she survive?
A human high school and being a teenager? Will she remember what was? And grow in power?

This Chapter---dealing with school, work and sudden call to examine a strange find AND now what is that FIND??
dun dun daaaaa!!!!!!

We take a break for the madness of Rohanna and join Vantier in her first weeks at school!

The Many Faces Go To War 5

“The Many Faces Go To War: Chapter 5”
By = Fayanora

Chapter Five: Truces and Trenches

Notes: This is the second chapter of the sequel to “The Many Faces of Har---er, Adira Potter.” If you haven't read that series yet, this one isn't going to make much sense. Also, a reminder for anyone who forgot: the person formerly known as Harry still exists, she's just transgender in this one, her new name is Adira, nicknamed “Addy.”


“You might as well give it up Casey. No one is going to hire you for an acting job, especially a male role. You look like you could be my little sister or in a kiddy show.”

Casey had barely made it back in time for his shift at Pete’s Steak House. He looks at Harry as he slips his apron on over his black t-shirt. He was lucky that he remembered to keep a change of clothes for work in his 1998 Mustang. The body needed some work and it had an oil leak, but it got him where he needed to go. He could fix it, thanks to his uncle showing him how to work on cars at his garage.

The Portrait -- Frame II

The Portrait: Frame II
by Ellie Dauber

This story is a follow-up to “The Portrait”, but I’ve tried to keep it as self-contained (and consistent) as possible. Both stories are part of a series that also includes "Valentine Gift" and "Shakedown", all of which tell of the very magical Uncle Stavros.


Dear Mr. Norman:

Stavros get your letter about the noise. Stavros sorry that nice lady, Miss Gray, not like Stavros’ music, but Miss Gray gone. She married now. Live with husband out in country.

The Guardians - The Awakening - Chapter 5

Steven had suffered the loss of his two best friends in the last month and was plotting the revenge of the person he blamed as his final act in this world. Then a mysterious woman enters into his life and offers him a chance for redemption and salvation for those that he lost.

The Guardians – The Awakening
Chapter 5

By Rebecca Jane
Copyright© 2018 Rebecca Jane
All Rights Reserved.

A Slave of Jupiter

A Slave of Jupiter is an independent sequel to A Princess of Jupiter. You might want to read that story first to get the context, but it isn't absolutely necessary.

Casey Brooke receives a visitor from Jupiter requesting help to save the planet. Unsure if this was a hoax or if Casey was going insane, Casey decides to bring what the visitor requested to a location in Sedona, Arizona at the appointed time. An accident ensues and Casey finds himself now on Jupiter; alone, naked, and female. Can Casey, now Cassia, save the planet and find love at the same time?

A New Life 03

This story was originally conceived to be a stand alone tale, but it fit Dorothy's M.Y.T.H. universe without too much modification. It starts about a year before Help! My girlfriend is a Unicorn!


From the previous chapter: Cindy gripped tighter and squeezed the breath out of me. Again.

Mom rolled her eyes. "I'll just leave you two to work it out."

"Help! Don't leave me alone with this meanie meanie bobeenie!"


Cindy released her tight hold and backed up enough to look me in the eyes. For the first time since I started this adventure, she looked vulnerable.

The Many Faces Go To War 4

“The Many Faces Go To War: Chapter 4”
By = Fayanora

Chapter Four: Dolores Umbridge

Notes: This is the second chapter of the sequel to “The Many Faces of Har---er, Adira Potter.” If you haven't read that series yet, this one isn't going to make much sense. Also, a reminder for anyone who forgot: the person formerly known as Harry still exists, she's just transgender in this one, her new name is Adira, nicknamed “Addy.”

Naughty Outdoor Adventures

Naughty Outdoor Adventures

By Daphne Xu

Friday Afternoon Out

Bryce Mansfield put the finishing touches of make-up on his face. There, thought the six-foot-two, 22-year-old, 170-pound engineering senior. He should pass adequately as a twelve-year-old Chinese-American girl.

A New Life 02

This story was originally conceived to be a stand alone tale, but it fit Dorothy's M.Y.T.H. universe without too much modification. It starts about a year before Help! My girlfriend is a Unicorn!


My life changed when I was taking my evening hike through the back forty. I just didn't realize it at the time.

From the previous chapter: She dutifully filled "Victoria Catalina Lupo" into the appropriate space, went through the rest of the information with me, stuffed the paperwork into an envelope, and sealed it up. Then, she gave me a hug. "Welcome to the family, Vicky!"


Linda, I mean Mom, had baked and decorated a "Welcome to the Family" cake. Once I gave her my new name, she put it on the cake. We took some pictures and had a private family party. Then, as an afterthought, they asked me for a name for my current teen male form.

They sure know how to make a guy... or girl feel welcome.


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