Jem...Chapter 11

Jem…Chapter 11

Chapter 11

I end up using the corner of my thumb to blot out the tears because it sounds lame and stuff but This moment and the cornball singing and stuff, and the girls singing along as Raven strummed away on the acoustic.

Honestly, one of the best moments of my life.

So yeah, I guess I’m a girl or just a softy but I’m choked up and blotting tears and I can’t stop the smile there. It’s for all of them and for here and us and…and Kimmie is hugging me again and I love that she is.

I Love that I’m not the only one dabbing at tears.

Lead Shoes-4

Lead Shoes-4

Chapter 4

Wow life can certainly turn on a dime right?

It’s been a few days since everything started to change and well I’ve been just really busy. We pretty much called it a day once we had gotten home and got my things in my room and then made supper. We actually made supper together and had spaghetti. It’s so nice not to feel useless y’know.

My So Called (Un)Life Chapter One: Prelude to a Change

Olivia-Munn as the real Danielle.jpg

I had decided to leave town and never return. After everything I had lost, I figured that Fate was done with me. I figured that Ravencrest was as good a place as any to be. If only I knew...

Texas Gal-Chapter 52-Ashes, Ashes, All Fall Down

Texas Gal-Chapter 52-Ashes, Ashes, All Fall Down

By C.Sprite

Posted with author permission by Stanman63!

Synopsis:David is a young boy who is forcibly introduced to cross-dressing by his sisters, and their friends. The experience quickly changes his life, as he discovers what has been missing in his short life, for so long.

The Hero Part 15

The Hero



Part Fifteen

They had two weeks to get prepared for the visit to Buckingham Palace and the meeting with the Queen, James was still being tested at regular intervals and at the moment everything seemed to fine. Elizabeth had notified the school that James would not be attending school for three days of the week in question this would give them one day either side of the visit for travelling.

The Pregnant Boy -9- Normal

It didn't take the girls long to find the perfect swimsuit for Juice.

"I dunno," said Justin.

"But it's great!" said Shabeez. "It's got this crazy pattern, like one of those magic eye posters!"

"What's so great about that?" asked Jenn.

The bandeau-style bodice was made as part of a tank top and the bottom had a panty with a skirt, all in a nearly psychedelic print of violet and navy lines on a white background. Across the breasts, the twisting lines made a fool-the-eye pattern that looked curved and full, even on the hanger.

Shabeez held the suit up next to Juice. "See? If she wears this top, no one can tell how flat-chested she is!"

The Pregnant Boy

by Erin Halfelven

The Gift

The Gift

By Anon Allsop

I sat alone on the little park bench and contemplated the chance that had been offered to me. Slowly rolling the golden wish coin between my fingers. It had passed into my hands earlier that week but I really had nothing I wanted, I was pretty successful, and fairly wealthy... even in my advanced age.

The only thing I could have ever improved upon is my utter loneliness, up until about 10 years ago that too would have been far beyond my needs. The day that I lost my beautiful wife of 63 years was the day that I died as well. I frowned and looked at the remarkable coin, If only it would have come sooner... maybe I could have saved my dear wife.

Transfigured: Ascension of a Spellbinder (revised)

Of ASpellbinder

Ragnarok Image

Ragnarok Rising    0b_part.png    II


NOTE: This is the revised and expanded version of this story and is my preferred version.

As I seek to find a means to halt Ragnarok I find allies in the unlikeliest of places. New enemies present themselves and I learn of the cruel experiments performed by the mad Doctor Mengele. He claims he can grant men the ability to use magic, but at what cost?

Texas Gal-Chapter 51-I See Rough Seas Ahead, Captain!

Texas Gal-Chapter Fifty-One-I See Rough Seas Ahead, Captain!

By C.Sprite

Posted By Permission By Stanman63!

Synopsis:David is a young boy who is forcibly introduced to cross-dressing by his sisters, and their friends. The experience quickly changes his life, as he discovers what has been missing in his short life, for so long.

Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-11

Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian-11

Chapter 11

I’m standing there stunned at the sudden rush of the girls laughing and squeeing and running all over the place. Hillary’s laughing a bit too. But she’s pointing at various girls and shouting out orders.

“Bring all your clothes even the good stuff and the stuff that you’re not using that might fit Dylan!”


“You three get all the different make-up stuff we have and bathroom stuff!”


“You two junk food!”


“You two Movies!”

“Yo, Earth to Hill.”

“Deidre, mud masks and cucumbers!”



by Anon Allsop

A young man who uses a 'Linking Spell' on his roommate, trying to change him into his vision of the perfect female. However the spell backfires and he unknowingly casts it upon himself. Now he is uncontrollably transformed into April, the young female that his unsuspecting victim would lovingly desire.

Note: The Linking Spell is a trigger spell that is in an ancient book of which when invoked, creates an unbreakable bond of love between one person and another...a sort of love spell. If it were used on a person of the same sex, one of them must become the opposite to fulfill the magic within the spell. This person would possess all the embodiments of the spell caster's desires. The closer one is to the other, the faster the spell works.

The Angry Mermaid 49 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 49.

This is a chapter that touches on some reactions to Drustina's undisclosed duality when she is injured and forced to undergo treatment. Firstly however, she has to teach a thieving village headman a lesson about horse theft. The outcome is slightly unexpected but Drustina uses the outcome to later teach a young boy a good lesson in compassion and honesty.

Are Those Yours? -3-

And so this little Ad Hoc tale continues. There won't be any more for at least two weeks, I'm afraid.

Are Those Yours?

by Penny Lane

Chapter 3

The name tag said Shirley. Underneath that, in smaller type, it said Foundation Fitter and underneath that again it said Supervisor.

"Dave? Dave Shepherd? You remember me, don't you? Shirley Boothroyd from school, only I'm Shirley Parsons now. What are you doing in here?"

The man standing in front of her reddened and looked extremely embarrassed, as well he might, since they were standing in the Ladies Underwear department of Maddens, a top department store. They had decided to travel to a nearby city so that he wouldn't meet anyone he knew, and as luck would have it...

Shirley decided that it was more than simple embarrassment that had upset an old school chum. There had been nothing between the two of them to cause any problem so why..? She looked briefly at the two young women with him, and then back to Dave, raising an eyebrow.

"I, um, need to be fitted for a bra."

The Courtship and Nuptials of Dawn Part 4

The Courtship and Nuptials of Dawn
by Lesley Renee Charles

Chapter 4

Christian woke up that morning and looked through the windows and leaves of red, gold and brown decorating the trees outside. He was unable to go back to sleep as the past was preying on his mind. He felt guilty over the part he played in the creating of Dawn.

Too Little, Too Late? 40

We joined the rest a little later, somewhat more relaxed, and over breakfast we planned the day’s campaign. The morning and early afternoon for Will at the college, while three of us did the rounds of the shops, and then Neil and Mam would meet us with the cars for a drive out to the coast and an early tea. Back home, change, and into the town again for our night out.

The Bus Stop

Inspired by the Hollies song, this story is about a young man who shares his umbrella with a beautiful girl during a rainstorm; his growing affection toward her is compromised when he discovers she has a secret!

Killer Queen: Those Wacky Nazis

Killer Queen: Those Wacky Nazis
A Dark Realms Universe Story
By Dr. Bender

In 1944, Corporal Lance Valantine returns home to Ravencrest a wounded hero after years of spying on the Nazis for the Military Intelligence Service. In 2011, a striking vampire college student calling herself Suzanne, Party Queen of the campus, is hell bent on making tonight a night to remember... or perhaps a night some would wish to forget forever.

What could they possibly have in common?


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