Blogs, Topics, Weblinks, Forms, Polls etc.

Welcome back

Welcome back bcts
I am glad you have solved some of your problems.
But some still persist when navigating away from a story to go back to the story index
I am still being redirected to porn sites i hope all of you who work so hard to keep this site safe can solve this as the last thing I want to see is this disgusting filth.


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IMPORTANT: Potential Site Downtime

An update for everyone:

Piper is hard at work on the site figuring out what's going on and trying to fix it. Part of that process is involving a lot of backups and a lot of software updates. As a result, there is a chance the site may go down for an extended period of time as we work on the issues.

We apologize for the interruptions this is causing, but ultimately our goal is to keep the site a safe place to visit and post your fiction and comments.

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State of Britain, or Britain in a state....

Today I cam across two pieces of news, the first about J K Rowling (anyone on this site who is still defending her.... how?), and covers her view of what a trans woman is.

"a man revelling in his misogynistic performance of what he thinks 'woman' means: narcissistic, shallow and exhibitionist".

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Hey everyone.

We know that there are a lot of issues folks are having with weird popups and stuff right now. We're trying to tackle it as best we can, but it's a bit slow going -- we're managing to fix the symptoms as we find them, but we're still rooting out the causes.

If you're having issues with things on the site that you think are specifically related to this situation, let us know here before posting another blog, please. That way we can keep things easy to find while we look into this.

Information that would help:

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Andre Norton and/or Teddy S ???

I have just finished reading "Beast Master" by Andre Norton, "Tommy, The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl" by Teddy S. and wonder if the two authors are one and the same?
The protagonists in both stories are Navajo and use some Navajo language words. "Na Ta Hey" is one phrase that is common to both stories. The similarity ends there. One story uses gender change and Andre Norton's does not. Though Andre Norton used more than one pen name. When she first started writing she used a male name to overcome prejudice against female authors.

It is interesting to mull this over.

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Is anyone else having problems?

Not sure if it's me or if the site has been hacked, but had something new started happening. When I navigate to a new page, I'm getting porn sites popping open in a new browser window. It only seems to be happening on BCTS. Also seeing some Javascript exposed on the right hand menu in the Story Stats header.

Anyone have any thoughts or ideas?

Android Tablet V14.



Tanya Allan.

Just re-reading one of the old Tanya Allan stories and realised I had not seen anything new from her for quite some time, Nothing came up with a quick search on Kindle or on BCTS, Hopefuly Tanya is fine and has just decided to take a break from writing although given her prolific output over the years that seems unlikely. Maybe someone on BC knows a little bit more , It would be nice to find out she is okay.



BCTS Recommendations 2: A Strong Start

Are you ready? It's time for a second helping of...

BCTS Recommendations!

A Strong Start

Sometimes all it takes is one good sentence or paragraph to get you hooked on a story, and this time around, I want to see some recommendations of stories that do just that: stories that kick off with a bang, that grab you and rivet you to your seat and scream "read me!"

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Editor needed!

People may know me as that tiresome contributor who writes way too much and often produces stuff full of errors.
Which is why I need an editor when it comes to passing on my serious material to be turned into published works on Amazon through Doppler Press. Readers will know that Doppler revenues contribute to Big Closet Top Shelf so we all win if people buy my stories.
I have lost touch with Gabi and Bronwen is busy with other things. Eric is on standby for my more specialized collections but I am in need of an editor for the rest.

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Looking for a story...

The story I'm looking for is about a female demon who shapeshifts into a male teenager going to a school set like it was the medieval period.

Some more of the storyline: The land is split into 15-16 kingdoms, everyone rides robotic horses, the female demon gets herself a priestess in the form of a little girl who was adopted by a minor royal family.

Any help please- Thankyou


Trans Unknown genius Sophie Mary Wilson

Sophie Mary Wilson CBE FRS FREng DistFBCS was born Roger Wilson; June 1957.

Wilson underwent surgery and transitioned in 1994.

She is an English computer scientist, a co-designer of the Instruction Set for the ARM architecture. Wilson first designed a microcomputer during a break from studies at Selwyn College, Cambridge.

ARM processors are used in light, portable, battery-powered devices, including smartphones, laptops, and tablet computers,

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Struggling to write a branching story

Below is the start of a multi-part, branching (aka Chose Your Own Adventure) story I've been struggling to write for a while now, so I thought I'd share what I have so far, and see if anyone could offer any advice.

The two main branches seem to be leading to either crossdressing, or romance. The crossdressing branch is a bit less difficult, but I'm still worried about it turning into something predictable and boring. The romantic branch is something I don't have a lot of experience writing, so I'm worried I'll completely mess it up.

Does anyone out there have any experience writing branching stories? I'd also appreciate any advice on avoiding crossdressing tropes, as well as writing romance that's believable and interesting without diving into ... sex stuff. If you have anything to share on these or other stuff, I'd love to hear it! :)

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UK YouTube personality F1nn5ter

Announced today that they are taking HRT. It will be interesting to see if they get the same type of support they enjoyed when they treated their female presentation as cross dressing and a lark. They seem to be making a good living from their Internet presence, which includes more than YouTube. Comments seem to be extremely positive. Yay.

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Concerning Depression

My heart goes out to my fellow trans ladies out there struggling with Depression and thoughts of harm. I have only been 'out' to the world since last Labor Day, having been firmly in the closet since age 7-8. This past holiday season was my worst ever, being shunned by my children and a large part of my relatives.

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A New Edition of Kelly Girl is out now!

That's right, folks! We've been working on a new, updated version of Kelly girl, and it's live now!

If you've never read the book before, but are a fan of Wanda's stuff, then I highly recommend giving the book a shot. It's a fantastic story, with some great characters.

If you HAVE read the story before, but haven't picked up the ebook and it's been a few years... then now's the ideal time to give it a re-read.

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I went for a walk this afternoon…….

My day started out very well. The weather was gorgeous - sunny and warm, with just a light breeze blowing; much nicer than February should be in upstate NY. I actually had a reasonably decent night’s sleep the night before, which has not been a given for me since I was a teen and especially moreso over the past few decades.


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MtF and FtM Brain Difference

Years back research was done on slicing and dicing MtF, FtM Gay, Lesbian, and "normal F and M" brains. Years of medical research papers along with all the follow on research from that initial lab report was a mixed batch of agreement and denial from medical and scientific teams around the world. Gay and Lesbian publications jumped in on the positive claiming Gay was hardwired into the brain. Naturally I had to send the Medical Research Report to several publications.


MtF and FtM Brain Difference

Years back research was done on slicing and dicing MtF, FtM Gay, Lesbian, and "normal F and M" brains. Years of medical research papers along with all the follow on research from that initial lab report was a mixed batch of agreement and denial from medical and scientific teams around the world. Gay and Lesbian publications jumped in on the positive claiming Gay was hardwired into the brain. Naturally I had to send the Medical Research Report to several publications.


Two tables telling a fascinating story

Hi all,

Today, I've got a little tidbit to share that's sure to tickle your fancy!

I dove headfirst into my story stats on Friday, curious about what really lights your fire. And guess what? Stories that are easy on the ears (and just as easy on the pants) are stealing the show with some seriously impressive hits-to-kudos ratios.

But that is only half the story!!!

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Storywriting Guidelines I Use

The January 2024 Writing Contest is over. I had the distinct pleasure of being one of the two judges with Emma Anne Tate. We scored the stories independently. The following remarks are my opinions and do not reflect the opinions of Big Closet management, Emma Anne Tate, or Joannebarberella.

The vast majority of Big Closet authors are terrific storytellers with vivid imaginations. They are passionate about their beliefs and eager to please the readers.

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a near miss

So last night as I was taking Sharon and Sam home, I almost had a collision with another car.

What makes it worse is I'm pretty sure I was at fault.

Now, nobody was hurt, and no damage done, so you could be forgiven for wanting to call that a good thing.

Not me.

I have always struggled with my focus and concentration, and almost all the problems I have had behind the wheel have to do with that, but today was a good reminder than a lapse in either while driving could have serious consequences.

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An interesting article about a woman with a non-binary child.

Given the murder of a non-binary child in the US recently, this article was interesting. It claims the parents of other schoolkids are more trouble than the kids who are interacting with a non-binary child. And remember most opinions held by children, including prejudices, come from the parents.

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Oklahoma transgender student dies after allegedly assaulted by students at school

Here is a link to the story:

I am sick and tired of reading stories like this over and over again. I am sick of depraved people using other people as the others to rally votes. I am sick of conservatives saying they are the party of Jesus. I am sick of conservatives who will do nothing but offer thoughts and prayers when they have the power to do something. I am sick of people who vote those conservatives in and try to say they are allies for civil rights. You cannot vote for people in power who have as their main platform treating others as second-class citizens just because you think you are going to get another tax break. I am sick of conservatives saying they are for personal rights yet time and time they fight to take them away. I am sick of conservatives saying that we do not have issues with discrimination.


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Purpose, Plans and Plotting – And too many ideas..?

Something strange is happening to me writing Allison Zero. It’s not that this has never happened, it’s the intensity with which it’s happening. I spend quite a while working on each part of the story, and generally edit as I go; often reading back over pages after I’ve written maybe half a page extra. And I do this multiple times to maintain the flow of what I’m writing. This is how I’ve always written.

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dreaming of transitioning as a teen?

Its pretty rare for me to dream of something related to being trans, but it does happen sometimes, and last night was a good example.

in my dream, I somehow got into trouble with a teacher regarding a dress code, which resulted in me being asked to wear a red bra under my shirt, which was white, and anybody could clearly see the bra if they were near me.

Then, one of my classmates asked me to flirt with a boy to distract him from something, and I responded I didn't know how to flirt, but she just told me to try anyway.

Gee, you think this would make a good story?

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Lost stories

Anyone known story with title "Lauren's sub for summer" ? Or author name ?
This story was on Wattpad and was deleted. That was one of the best fanfic stories which i read.
Wattpad helpdesk not will be helpful with looking for author name. Them helpdesk was nos not helpfull.
I remember one more story same author with title "Dani".
If anyone know anythng about autohor and this story i will be gratefull for any messages.

Sorry if this wrong forum, have problem with put this message in aproppriate topic.



Eight days ago

Eight days ago, I gained another year, but today is a much more meaningful day. This is my wife's birthday, the day that the woman I have spent 33 years with now was born. I love her with all my heart, and I thank God for her each and every day.

Lol; this year is all about elevens for me. I got married at twenty-two years old, I've been married for thirty-three years, and turned (sigh) fifty-five this year.

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Facebook Not Mandatory

For years when my computer booted, 'Facebook' automatically loaded and I used it quite a lot. Recently the owner of that site has been sued for damaging children and had to testify in one of the US Government houses.

A day or so ago my computer would suddenly load without it and it has been quite enjoyable.''



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Has anyone else had the "Error 503 Backlash" or whatever it's called with this website as of late? I just had it when I was trying to publish the last chapter of my TMEP serial, and I almost panicked. I thought I was gonna lose the ~2000 words that I had written! Luckily, I tried again, and this time it worked. SO relieved to not have to rewrite that whole chapter from scratch...

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MORFS Website

So after speaking with someone from the website and receiving the suggestions, I decided to make this post. For many people they do not know how to use the internet archive. After watching a video on it yesterday, I learned how. So for those who miss the MORFS website I decided to post the last date that an update was made to the site. This way if one of your favorite stories are not accessible on any of the various sites. You now have this resource. I hope the link works right. As time goes on if I find places where these stories are currently archived I may add those addresses.

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Is there a reason bullets are set up the way they are here?

  • Sample bulleted list
  • Just to show what bullets look like.

You see that the bullets appear in the left margin and the text of the bullet lines up with the regular paragraph text.

This is contrary to the way I see bullets used literally almost everywhere else, where the bullets are either aligned with or indented with respect to the body text and the text within the bullet is indented further.


Main Page - Teasers/Blurbs - Update on old blog post

Since my previous blog post about story summaries and blurbs, and after all the helpful advice, my "process" has had a new addition. All my Toni With An i stories now have a blurb on them, so does Marking Your Card, and Allison Zero has been getting a blurb right from the start.

I don't know how it's working out, but I feel it's beneficial, and it's something I want to continue. I don't think comparing kudos/readers/comments across stories is very helpful as blurbs only play a small part, but I would hope readers are finding them helpful. I certainly feel justified in doing them (based on nothing but gut feeling and what people previously asked for in the older blog.)

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2024 New Year's Contest

If you click on 2024-01 January - New Year's Resolution Story Contest above, you will see a list of the entries.

Contest Closed for entries.

Please post your choices for top three stories and possibly win $50.

Start the New Year right by participating in Jill, Emma, and Joanne’s writing contest!

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My Last Set of Comments

Please take some time to post your top three choices and possibly win $50.

Trust Your Gut?

Life is all about discovery and adaptation, according to this very good tale by Marissa Lynn. The world changes convulsively as the characters build cocoons and emerge as colorful butterflies.

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Don't Truncate Your Author Name.

First: I have been guilty of that which I complain about and now see the error of my ways.

When entering your author name on a story it is easier to navigate if you have carried through with some consistency. I understand that there are several Authors that use more than one name. I have three though primarily use "Gwen Brown".

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"All I have left is madness"

So last night I had a dream.

In the dream I was in a room with three people.

The shortest of the three, who might have been a dwarf, threatened me with a knife, and I knocked it out of their hand.

Then I went to the other two, and said, "You've made a mistake. you took me because you thought I was a good person. But I'm no longer a good person. All I have left is madness. Now, you will let me go, or I'll kill your friend here and eat him, and make you watch."

I woke up before I got an answer.

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Just got home from hospital. Ten days ago I stepped out to the end of my street to catch a bus, and then my lungs decided not to cooperate. I collapsed, pulled out my phone and made a hash of trying to call an ambulance. Fortunately, another woman stopped to see if I was okay, took over the call and stayed with me till the ambulance had loaded me on board.

That was ten days ago, as noted above. The cause was a large blood clot in my pulmonary artery.

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Space Knowledge

To dispel my own irritation, here are some important definitions:

Space is anywhere outside the Earth's atmosphere.

Deep Space is outside this Solar System.

Galaxy is a generally spiral shaped collection of stars and other matter that is thought to orbit around a Black Hole. The number of stars in our Galaxy is thought to be in the billions. At light speed, Scientists say that it would take 200,000 years to cross it.

The Universe has unnumbered Galaxies in it. Our own Galaxy is thought to be in a group of Galaxies that occupy the Lanea kea group.

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Looking for a story

Looking for a story that I read a few years ago. A pilot, I believe military, undergoes a swap (as part of a global swap) and ends up in the body of a little girl I think in Japan. I remember that she gets attacked by a man early on and escapes. She's taken in by a family. If I remember right, eventually she is reunited with his family. I've searched all the key words I can think of but can't find it. Can anyone help?


Not your usual looking for a story (now solved)

Hi all, I was thinking about a book/short story I read years ago and I wondered if anyone here could remember the author or book name.

The story is set in the future and it’s about cars that can drive themselves, people who look after them have years of trouble free motoring but the people who don’t have nothing but trouble, the story comes to a point where a badly treated vehicle goes all “Christine” on the owner.

I believe it was called ‘Automatics’, does this ring any bells for anyone?

Hoping you can help

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Forgotten Books

Just read a blog about the old Nine Princes in Amber series by Roger Zelazny and it got me to thinking about a novel that I purchased back in 1975 for my wife that Christmas. First hardcover edition of the English translation (by Derek Coltman) of Malevil by Robert Merle. Merle was also the author of the bestseller, Day of the Dolphin, some of you may remember. The only books of his, still in print, are in 50 languages--none of them English. All his English novels are out-of-print.

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Family Court (Mediation Now) Update

For all of you who are wondering what's happening now, and want to know what's going on, my In-Laws have filed again, after being denied an emergent hearing for custody. This time the judge is having us all go into pre-trial mediation to see if we can solve this outside of court.

This has nothing to do with the criminal case but is still nerve-wracking, I thought you would all want to keep updated (we are still representing ourselves pro-se, because we have yet to find a lawyer that will help us for less than a $3500 retainer for Family Court).



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You're Only Human, final chapter later this week

I plan to release the 10th and final chapter for "You're Only Human". I never wanted to have it be a "love connection" between an AI and the human narrator but I moved the needle into that direction and found it shoved back the other way by the AI. So, the story will end on a not so happy ending in "virtual love-land" but more of a way to have the narrator not confide so much with a program but with others in the flesh.

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Brave Enough to Die...Bravely?

...Not Suicidal...
Just embarrassed???

Not feeling too well just now so got in a tub of hot water to soak away the joint pain. With all the ruckus over illegal drugs, I'm not about to try to find something illegal. I tried a light dose Tylenol (Paracetamol) but it did nothing. The hot water just made things worse, so I got out. I am too shy to go to the ED on the week end, and I have an appointment with my Doctor on Wednesday. I'd planned to use a Taxi Wednesday if the Bus seems too much.


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Today is the fourteenth!

The writing contest will accept entries as long as it is the fourteenth somewhere.

We opened the contest on Oz time and will close on New Zealand time.

For those in the States, there is a five-hour difference between Auckland time and Minneapolis time.

Before the contest started, Emma, Jo, and I posted sample stories. They did not qualify for awards because we are the sponsors. In my opinion, all three stories were exceptional. They should have been because they were mostly group efforts.

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What. Have. We. Done?? Simple math on the Contest Entries ...

... Simple math on the number of contest entries (115 is the most recent number I've seen), times the minimum entry length, says we have dump-er-inflict-er-deluge -er- "sent" our Judges well over 277,500, to perhaps around a half million words!

Plus comments. And our responses. And Contest reminders and 'house-keeping' ...

To our Judges and all others involved, may I offer my condolences on y/our success!

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Only a few days left!

With only a few more days before the deadline for the New Year's Resolution story contest, I want to give a huge shout out and THANK YOU to our beloved organizers: Jill, Emma, and Joanne. You all are amazing and really have outdone yourselves with this effort, huzzah! And additional thanks to all those helped fund it!

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I added a third story -- Something very different from me.

I just posted my third story for the contest. This one is very different from me. Inspired by Dorothy's first story, it is highly autobiographical of my own process for deciding to come out.

It is somewhat fictionalized, and the time frames have been changed, but it is ultimately my story.

I needed to write it, and I hope others will find some value in it.



I'm having a little contest with myself

Right now, "Resolution Evaluation" has 63 kudos, and "Night Shift" has 58 "kudos. I'm curious if "Night Shift" can catch up, so I'm kind of competing with myself on the subject.

Of course, "Resolution Evaluation" has 28 comments (half of which are my replies), while "Night Shift" only has 10, so its not likely "Night Shift" can catch up in that area before the contest ends, but it looks like the kudo count will end up being close.

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Seventh List of Contest Stories

There have been surprises in this contest.

I didn't expect the quality of the stories to be as robust as it is. About thirty percent of the entries are top-tier. There haven't been any that I thought weren't readable.

The number of stories inspired by this contest is about what I expected, a total of one hundred and fifteen -- with less than a week to go.

At the Midnight Hour

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