Erin Halfelven

Smarter than the average pic-a-nic...

We had a great time at the picnic on Saturday and Beth and I had an adventure in San Francisco Sunday complete with phantom elevators and aggressive potholes, I'm sure it will all end up in a story by one or the other of us. :)

Thanks again to everyone who showed up and made Saturday such a lovely day. And thanks to Beth for the good company on the trip.

And thanks to Piper and Bob and everyone else who kept watch on the site while I was gone. Piper had to do a bit of rescue Sunday night while Beth and I were out with my brother and his wife for dinner. Thanks!

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Strangewise -1- A Dream of Winter

A Dream of Winter

by Erin Halfelven

The aisles of the warehouse store wound around like a worm committing self-abuse. High up on one shelf sat a fifty-five gallon drum. All frosty white and silver on a midnight blue and black background, letters spelled out "Winter" like that was the name of a new energy drink.

"Why would anyone want a can of Winter that big?" asked little Jodie.

TopShelf Move Complete!

Bob and I are in the BC/SD chatroom. C'mon in! -- Erin

Click here to Chat

Update -- Things are looking good. Server load is nominal and the number of visitors is almost back to normal. :) We'll keep an eye on things and make sure it's all okay but when the DNS has finished propagating in 24 to 48 hours, all should be copacetic. Starting Monday, we have a few more changes to make, like bringing the old site back up as SecondShelf etc.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Erin and Bob

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Radioactive Blues

I haven't done any writing since Mom got really sick, and me too. But I'm sitting here listening to Tom Petty, Dave Matthews, Hank Williams, Roy Orbison, Johnny Cash and Randy Newman (my iPod is confused, too). Something happened, a song. Imagine this written and performed by one or more of the above guys.

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Mom back in the hospital

They sent her over from the rest home with a temp they couldn't get down but the doctors at the hospital don't seem too worried and Mom is in good spirits and actually a little less confused than she's been being. I've got a cold so I don't dare get too close and I'm running a temp myself, a mild one. They're giving her antibiotics and intravenous liquids and will keep her for at least a couple of days. I'll go over in the morning to check on her but I think she's going to be fine and back in the convalescent hospital soon.

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Author Little Katie in hospital

Little Katie, aka K.T. Leonard, is in the hospital in Florida with a bloodclot in the lungs. They think. Unfortunately, she has medical contraindications for the usual treatment for this condition, blood thinners, and she is in a lot of pain. She's been staying with her pastor lately, she's a Christian, and she would appreciate any prayers anyone might wish to make on her behalf.


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10,000 Hours

Science has discovered that if you do anything for 10,000 hours, you become an expert at it. :)

Four hours a day would take about seven years to add up to 10,000. I think I became an expert at running BigCloset sometime about three years ago. :)

How many of you have become experts at something without quite realizing it?

- Erin

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Soapy Serials?

I may have started something.

BC and Stardust (and perhaps now Tor der Traume, in German) are the only open TG sites, I think, where this story could be told in this way. Since I did Urban Renewal, Adonna has begun Blue Moon at Stardust and now Angharad with Easy as Falling off a Bike here: serials told in daily, or almost daily, short episodes. Edeyn's two recent serials may qualify for this category, too. :)

What shall we call this new artform? :)

- Erin

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Took a day off

I've got a ton of stuff to do but I took the Fourth off to laze around at friends', eat, cook and talk. I came home last night and slept 10-1/2 hours, very unusual for me. Now I feel like crud, aches and pains all over, stuffed up sinuses and a sore throat. I'm going to take it easy today, do very little and hope I feel better tomorrow.

Hugs to all and especially those of you waiting for me to do something in particular,

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Taking the afternoon off

I've got lots to do. But I'm going to go get in the car with my laptop and go for a ride. I may stop somewhere and get online to see that things are okay. I may do some writing. I may drive to the coast or up to the mountains or out to the desert. I may be back before midnight. I will be here tomorrow most of the day. Be good to each other, everyone and see you when I get back.


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