The Angry Mermaid 54 Y Morforwyn Dicllon 54

Drustina is forced to consider alternative ways to reach a just peace in Dane-mark. Unusually, she find's herself getting entangled in politics and subterfuge. The sword is not enough.

The Angry Mermaid 54


Y Morforwyn Dicllon 54.

Mabina. The youngest daughter and Twin to
Drustan Her twin brother.
Grandpa Erin the twins grandfather.
Giana The twins grandmother
Caderyn The twins father.
Herenoie The twins wise and beautiful mother.
Morgaran The Twins oldest brother.
Aiofe The twins oldest sister. Famous for her beauty.

Act like a Boy or else . . . Chapter 9

Act like a Boy or else …

by Lesley Renee Charles

Chapter 9

The next morning I awoke early and went to take a shower in my private bathroom. Then I went to get dressed. “What to wear for my first day of lessons.” I opted for something casual and comfortable, so I chose a black skirt and a baby blue top to go with it.

Images 38

Images 38

Chapter 38



I push her away from me first of all and look at her.

“I have a daughter?”

Ingrid looks at me and I’m staring at her now. She nods and grabs some toilet paper and she wipes her mouth and she spits again.

“I have a daughter.”

(Sniffle-spit) “Yes.”

“And you slipped me a Viagra and raped me…”

“C’mon Jenna it was hardly rape…” My god she looks like she actually believed that.

“Of course it’s fucking rape! It’d be the same thing as a guy fucking a girl when she’s passed out!”

Vampyre 5.

Vampyre 5.

Chapter 5

Donna and I get some pretty strange looks as we walk into the IHOP together we’re both pretty filthy, there’s dried blood and dirt from the fight and the ashes and torn clothes and if that wasn’t enough Donna’s holding my hand.

The few rednecks without the brain power to just let people be people are sort of choking on their remarks because yeah…go ahead be a redneck homophobe to an officer of the law.

Cider Without Roses 47

The old house was full of laughter and sound now, but I could not share fully in it. Christmas lay ahead, and it would be the first for the child that Rollo was already calling ‘The Conqueror’ in a clear reference to my status as ‘Little Emperor’. I could not face the prospect of the feast, as I had too many dear memories of other ones, better ones.

You are What you Read - Chapter 17

You Are What You Read
Chapter 17
by Freya

Asuna was just finished cleaning up all the glass on the floor when the doorbell rang, “Who could that be? Do you think somebody heard the glass shatter and called an ambulance or something?”

“I hope not,” Linda said. “I’ll go answer the door, you keep an eye on Kim.”

Always and Forever: Numbers of the Beast Pt. 3

How come all of the Cool Girls are Lesbians

My name is Joani.

I am a Lesbian. .

I have known this since second grade when I fell in love with my best friend Jo. We got all excited and ran to her Mom to tell her that we were in love and when we grew up we were going to get married and I would be Jo’s wife and have her babies. Her Mom quietly said, “Don’t be silly, girls can’t have wives”.

Within two weeks Johanna was gone from our school and her Mom wouldn’t allow us to talk on the phone any more.

My little heart was broken. I got it.

Who I am is not ok.

Sarah Carerra - 3.13 - Carerra Business

I felt a tear roll down my cheek. The solemn tone of his words told me everything I needed to know. Sarah Carerra's career had come to an end.

Sarah Carerra 3: Concerto in A-
Chapter 3.13 - Carerra Business
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2012 Megan Campbell
Released: May 7, 2012

Blind Date

A small short I found on my comp, I might as well post here . This is a fictional short story I have done . All copyrights 2012 . You can

use as you wish just give me credit in writing it no matter how bad it is rues

Blind Date

I could have choked Dani for this up as I ran around my apartment .

"What am I going to wear"?,as my mind raced at the notion of my first blind date. I wondered to my self if I should be daring or practical.

My Super Secret Life...Potentials-5.

My Super Secret Life…Potentials-5.


It’s actually my name or the one that on my official papers. But usually everyone calls me Van or more likely Vana.

I get Vana the most.

And I’m not normal.

I’m sort of an orphan, I’m sort of not. I live here in White Star this big city on the planet moon of Coventry. That’s in the Federation if anyone’s wondering.

Gods…where do I start?

I guess at the first of stuff I guess.

Evanescence 23.

Evanescence 23

Chapter 23

It’s been a long day and everything since I had started to practice in earnest. Shaun had retreated to his workshop where he was doing Artifice and while I was curious I was too busy trying to get a better grip on myself and my magic.

I had made some water bottles up and a jug of lemonade and a few peanut butter sandwiches and went out into one of the fields and sat with a blanket.

I need to touch my other selves most of them had been magic-users of some kind before I had been and I actually don’t try to bring Antonia up first but Kara.

The mysterious case of the missing manhoods. Part 11

Lady Margrette Ansbach-Stewart,

from your devoted niece Francis.

I need assistance at once from whatever quarter you can raise it. Please pass this onto my father. I have paid the messenger well and he is instructed to carry any note from you or this letter to him at your request.

Colleen is injured. From her moments of consciousness I believe she is trapped within some packing case, one loaded most violently into a ship's hold, canal barge or even a freight wagon. It is nighttime so I cannot tell.

Cider Without Roses 46

Once more it was Marck who saved my life. Whatever debt he had ever owed my brother had been repaid in full and more given besides, it seemed, but this was not a payment I had desired. Not to wake, that had been my hope. I had managed to get the cut across the left forearm, but it was hard to use that hand on the right, and the blood made the handle slippery, twisting in my grip. I had to be satisfied with the flow from one arm, and it was painful, of course, but that was the price for my peace.

Don't call me that!

"Sir there has been an incident in d185 section 4 of a class 3 infringement."

"So someone jumped ship eh? Isn't it a little early for that sector to start blending?"

"Yes sir."

"I see. And the nature of the infringement is..?"

"Oh sorry sir. Lets see a girl hopped into this dimension here. But has not hopped anyone back."

"Balance must be maintained. Very well, influence someone from her home dimension to'retrieve' her."

"Yes sir!."

It went unnoticed that there was two souls on that planet that were virtually identical. Well the soul was anyways...


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