Not Real Fun

I can't say what has happened to the Internet. I thought it was only in the last two weeks, but it may have been actually going on for much longer. ONE person has actually reached out to me, offering help and I gave them all my contact information.

It's been nearly 20 years, and along the way several people have asked for help, and I have done my best to respond. I've tried very hard to be responsive to the site administrators. The record is there, if they kept any.

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2 encouraging dreams

I had 2 rather encouraging dreams last night.

In the first one, I was in a contest where I had to climb up what looked like a life-size pinball machine.

In the second one, I was back in university and realized I had forgotten to write down the location of one class, so I went to the office to get it.

So what was encouraging?

In the first time, I wasn't afraid to take a breath and plan each step I took.

In the second I wasn't afraid or ashamed of asking for help when I needed it.

and that's encouraging.

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Had a fun interaction on social media

I was recently in a discussion on line, and I was called a 'snowflake.' Here is what happened:

Holly Snow

Thank you for the wonderful compliment! I am a proud snowflake, unique and beautiful.


Holly Snow actually, that's a pretty good come back. You got me. Enjoy your day.

I would love for more people to embrace the term 'snowflake,' and respond like this.

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Ruth's Reunion - Chapter 1

I was shaking and couldn't get rid of the tightness in my chest. I felt cold, which was surprising considering the hot summer weather. I tried my best to keep from sweating which would ruin the light makeup I had applied earlier to hide my exhaustion. The long airplane ride back home would have been stressful enough without having to keep tabs on the bundle of energy that now lay sprawled across the backseat with his head in my lap.

I looked at him closely and smiled, I hadn't been able to get him to sit still the entire 6-hour flight and here he was, sleeping like an angel.

Mates 29

I was caught, well and truly. It wasn’t solving a puzzle, it wasn’t confirming my guesses, but rather receiving the two-edged gift of the hand grenade of Dafi’s confidence. That phrase actually ran through my head, and as one part of my brain ran off arguing about whether grenades had edges, the rest of me simply sat and stared, trying to work out a much more important question: what the hell to do now?

May 2024 25th Anniversary Contest Ends Saturday!

Just a friendly reminder that the contest ends in only a few days!

If you still have a story you want to enter, then here's a reminder of the rules. We've had a couple entries that break the rules so far, and we'll be giving them an honorable mention when it comes time to list the contest stories.



Ladies GTG

I’m inviting you to my weekly Sunday Zoom meeting. Only trans women are invited. If you have an invite feel free to invite others I include a link to my local time standard so that you might match it up to yours, Some of the ladies in the past are from Great Britain and Germany. Most of them are writers who post stories on a Big Closet Top Shelf. Though that this is no way a requirement.

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Lynn Conway has Passed Away

This breaks my heart as I loved this lady so damn much for what she has done for all of us who were caught up in the gender-blender. I conversed with her many times and she was so sweet to take the time to talk or text me. My only desire left in this world was to meet this amazing lady before I checked out. Lots and lots of tears, I'm going to miss her so damn much.


By Any Other Name. Part 20 of 35

Chapter 20

Three weeks later, Colin was holding the back door of a glorious dark blue A8 for me to get in, while Brendon and Jeff put my things in the boot. In the meantime, I had been subjected to one major surgery and several minor ones. I was now classified as a genuine replica of a woman. One that was still a bit slow moving and still had minor horrors at my reflection.

Changing The Past For A Better Future

Allison Zero - Book 1 - Part 11

A dark metallic hallway on a space station, functional and industrial with signs of advanced technology, with a large hexagonal window with a view of a star field. Faint pink text with the words ‘Allison Zero’ are centred on the window to the star field.

Allison and Angie were having lunch when Allison revealed she wanted her ears pierced. Angie knew the perfect place for it, and it was also the perfect place to fix Allison up with makeup, but neither counted on finding two women who treated Angie and Allison just like Angie and Allison treated everyone else; they were fun head-wreckers.

Now Allison needs quiet. And to rest. And more. But with the pace of the past few days, with all she’s discovering, all the secrets revealed on the deep space station, she doesn’t know how to achieve any of that. And she doesn’t know what she’ll do if she can’t find it.

Truly Transformed and Really Changed

The Seventh Wheel (Part 5)

7th 5.png


Author's Note: So we made it to the penultimate chapter, I see. When I originally wrote this section of the story, I was surprised. It sort of came out of thin air. It wasn't planned, there was no pre-thought and I was wondering why I had to stick in another freakin' portal reference... Oh well, things worked out for the best, well, so far... ha... I hope YOU like it...


Charlotte Had A Boyfriend : 5


"Charlotte didn't say much, but she did ask me why my name is Mason."

"What kind of stupid question is that?" Carly began,
her face registering annoyance, puzzlement, and curiosity all at once.

"That's — uh — actually a really good question, actually," Tatum put in, hesitantly.


Sarah’s Dream: Chapter 9

I was a freshman in college when I heard the news on TV that Hiroshi had died. They called him video game entrepreneur Hiroshi Yamamoto, who clearly had to be the man I had been dreamwalking with for the last three years. Sure enough, he was present neither in World of Dreams nor in the studio. So I figured that was over and I was on my own now. I’d learned a lot; enough to be dangerous, but I wasn’t planning to use my power to steal, kill, or worse.

Dina, part 2

I took a deep breath to stop my heart from fluttering at the sight of the girl in front of me. Long, shapely legs encased in glossy translucent tights emerged from a tiny, almost skin-tight black skirt. Her curvaceous chest was covered by a thin light grey t-shirt, and tiny flats with delicate bows covered her feet. Her make-up was immaculate, with her face free from any blemishes, her eyebrows shaped to perfection and her mouth enhanced by nude matte lipstick and lipliner.

Kobayashi Mary Lou

Kobayashi Mary Lou

"Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the star-ship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: …"

The Enterprise computer automatically signaled Red Alert when more than one hundred unidentified ships materialized ‘from nowhere’, partly surrounding the Enterprise.

Captain Kirk, who was on the Bridge ordered: “On screen. Mister Spock. Analysis please. Lieutenant Uhuru, open hailing frequencies and standard greetings.

Finding Myself One Step at a Time

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 42

Breakfast was underway when we got back to the Great Hall. While I did notice some concern from a few of the professors and a few students in the immediate vicinity of Draco, everything went back to normal when I calmly and quietly sat down. My spot next to Pansy had been taken, so I sat down next to Daphne, who was sitting next to Draco. Daphne gave me a little nudge with her shoulder and a smile. I haven't really gotten to know Daphne yet, but she seems nice. Slytherin is very cliquish, everyone pretty much sticks to the same close knit groups that had formed by our second day here.

Diva in Disguise 3

Diva in Disguise Chapter 3

After Pete had gone, Alice left the little motel where they had been staying and moved in with me. My college friend offered to remain a further fortnight. Her stated intention was to help clear my mother’s house for sale, but while her practical assistance was welcome enough, just having her around was an emotional support I was most grateful to lean upon.


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