Fantasy Worlds

The Foolish Prince Chapter 1

“The Foolish Prince”

By Zapper

Synopsis: In the golden age of Hyberia; an age of magic, swords, and sorcery there is a land in the far north. The kingdom of Vanaheim is ruled by Oberon and is enjoying a time of prosperity and relative peace. Prince Caspar is bored with his decadent life and seeks out his father’s Court Sorcerer demanding an artifact to help him satisfy his every lust . . . mischief and chaos ensue. [This story contains elements of possession, transformation, and body-swapping. There are graphic erotic scenes that might offend some readers. ]

Elsewhere, Otherwhen, Somehow: Chapter 2

Theona slowly returned to the world, waiting a short time before she attempted to sit up.

She noticed the man was leaning toward her, almost as if to help her to rise. She looked at him more closely, and soon realized that he was positively huge compared to her. At a guess, she thought he might be 8 feet tall, weighing somewhere between 350 and 400 pounds.

Then she realized that he was speaking to her again. "Lass, are ye well? Ye swooned for a bit!"

Elsewhere, Otherwhen, Somehow: Chapter 1

Theo, short for Theophilus, Brendovin, stood on the edge of a gorgeous valley in the Appalachian range, soaking in the view. It was a beautiful, if slightly nippy, mid-spring afternoon, mostly clear blue skies with a cloud floating by now and then.

Theo was 5'11, 165 lbs., 19 years old, with strawberry blond hair just touching the tops of his shoulders. He had been born on Midsummer's Eve almost twenty years before, and lived with his mother; Daddy went MIA on his second army tour in Iraq three years ago.

Tea and ... Oops!

It had been a long day at Cass Elliott, and I was looking forward to joining Mr. K. today for afternoon tea. As I walked up DeLaney towards Mulberry, and the Curio Shop, I thought about just how much my life has changed in the past year. I was completely absorbed in my thoughts as I rounded the corner and saw the shop come into view.

I opened the door and quietly entered, removing my Nike's and putting on my moccasins as usual. I was about to take my usual place at the tea cozy when I noticed the flashing neon SRU sign. Damn, I hate it when that happens...

We Never Break A Promise Chapter 7

We Never Break A Promise 7
Warm Hearted
Proofed and edited by Catherine Linda Michel

Fiona, with Ged's arm around her, watched Willow sleep in the huge, four poster bed with loving smiles on their faces. Then Fiona said, "We have our baby back with us and the cursed promise that kept her from us was destroyed with that school of hers."

We Never Break A Promise Chapter 6

FROM THE EDITOR: This episode does have some violence and other things which may be triggers for those who have problems with these things. While I don't want to deter anyone from reading this episode it IS a pivotal one in Willow's life, if youhave triggers about unwanted body swaps, violence, bad language, please exercise caution in reading this chapter.

We Never Break A Promise Part 6
By Warm Hearted
Proofed and edited by Catherine Linda Michel

We Never Break A Promise Chapter 5

We Never Break a Promise: Part 5
By Warm Hearted
Proofed and edited by Catherine Linda Michel

Willow sat up in her bed and saw a tiny 4 inch tall woman with platinum blonde hair and golden wings. She remembered recent events and knew this diminutive beauty with golden wings was Wee Lo, her fairy godmother. Willow said, "Good morning Wee Lo. Erin told me about you and how I was named after you. I'm so happy to meet you aah.. Godmother.".

Wee Lo smiled and answered, "You too Goddaughter. So stand up and let me have a good look at you."

South of Bikini 4: Episode 10- Loose Ends

With the Time Machine Bandit, Clemson, now ‘incarcerated’. Alex and the crew of Meridian 12 must now find their Egyptian passengers a new home. What other surprises are in store from the Empress of Time and Space? And is this the last time we’ll see Andromeda, Regina and the crew of Atlantis?

Age of Gods Online Chapter 5


Serena was a top player in the popular browser game Age of Gods Online which combines elements of strategy and RPG on a platform available to everyone with access to the internet. As an RMT scum, she climbed the ranks of the deathmatch with real world money. One day, after she was defeated in battle by another player, she went to sleep and woke up in the world of AGO.

But something was wrong. She woke up 300 years in the future of the current Age of Gods Online. Will she be able to unravel why or how she got there and if she'll ever return home?

Age of Gods Online Chapter 5
The epic struggles of young gods in another world.

By Shiina Ai

Left at Eden - Chapter 14

Left at Eden

They walked down the path towards the colony. It was a well worn path however. “There’s no real continents , there’s islands here, some are pretty darn large though.” Hailey said.

“I joined the girl scouts and a rock climbing club, just so I’d have excuses not to go home,” Amber laughed, adding, “I’m even a cheerleader. Or was.”

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals 18

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals: Book Three.
Or, "Aspie Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban."

Note: I do not own this. J. K. Rowling does. This is just fan fiction. No money is being made.

Note 2: There may be a few bits and pieces lifted word-for-word from the canon material. I tried to do that as little as possible, though.

Chapter 3: Trouble Smith

Love and Zombies

Life is short, sometimes. Does true love ever die? This story is very dark, it came to me in a dream that should have been a nightmare if it wasn’t for the strange look of peace on the heroine’s face…
Sorry this is a little rough but this is the only day it makes sense to post this here. It's the first time I've been brave enough to post anything, enough of the waffle, on with the story...


Hero Prince(ss) Chapter 1


This is a story of a time that could've been a long time ago, but not of this world. It is a tale of a prince and a hero. A tale of a hero who fought with all his might and lost so much, yet also gained so much. A tale that will make you laugh (hopefully), cry (maybe) or unsure if you should laugh or cry. Though it must be said, that this is not a typical fairytale.

Who would've known that fairy tale character you would've admired in your childhood was actually not what it seemed?

Hero Prince(ss) Chapter 1
When the hero is not what you'd expect.

By Shiina Ai

Age of Gods Online Chapter 2


Serena was a top player in the popular browser game Age of Gods Online which combines elements of strategy and RPG on a platform available to everyone with access to the internet. As an RMT scum, she climbed the ranks of the deathmatch with real world money. One day, after she was defeated in battle by another player, she went to sleep and woke up in the world of AGO.

But something was wrong. She woke up 300 years in the future of the current Age of Gods Online. Will she be able to unravel why or how she got there and if she'll ever return home?

Age of Gods Online Chapter 2
The epic struggles of young gods in another world.

By Shiina Ai

Age of Gods Online Chapter 1


Serena was a top player in the popular browser game Age of Gods Online which combines elements of strategy and RPG on a platform available to everyone with access to the internet. As an RMT scum, she climbed the ranks of the deathmatch with real world money. One day, after she was defeated in battle by another player, she went to sleep and woke up in the world of AGO.

But something was wrong. She woke up 300 years in the future of the current Age of Gods Online. Will she be able to unravel why or how she get there and if she'll ever return home?

Age of Gods Online Chapter 1
The epic struggles of young gods in another world.

By Shiina Ai

Through the Fire and the Flames - A TG Mixed Tape

A quirky Doctor and her sidekick, a young teen facing a crisis, living toys, and an astronaut's greatest joy! Press play to read these and other exciting tales that can only be discovered on a TG Mixed Tape! And then, read the Mixed Tape round table interview to get insight into how some of these authors work!

Also including stories by MA Thermidor, Phoenux, MrMarvel, Desert Willow and Semicolon.

A Brief Encounter

The Kitsune wakes from her slumber, having recovered from her bout with the Maou of the eastern territories. She had grabbed hold of his weakness and after days of trading blows, cut clean his horns dispelling his magical force. Though the fight was close and exhausting, the rewards made it worthwhile. All of his territory along with her own set of majestic horns, signifying the crowning of a new Maou.

Her powers recovered and amplified by her new found status, the Maou sets off in search of a place to settle down to ponder her future options.

The Many Faces of Adira Potter 20

“The Many Faces of Adira Potter: Chapter 20”
By = Fayanora

Chapter Twenty: The Strange Prophecy

Note 1: Text in 'Italics and British quotes' is Parseltongue.

Note 2: Once more, I apologize for the bits and pieces of canon dialogue/narration here and there. It's been frustrating me, too, but some things are just too perfect already to change. Which, fair warning, includes most of the conversation Fudge, Hagrid, Flitwick, and McGonagall have in The Three Broomsticks.

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals 17

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals: Book Three.
Or, "Aspie Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban."

Note: I do not own this. J. K. Rowling does. This is just fan fiction. No money is being made.

Note 2: There may be a few bits and pieces lifted word-for-word from the canon material. I tried to do that as little as possible, though.

Note 3: I re-read this series recently, and OMG the number of continuity errors is embarrassing. I blame it on a combo of reading too much HP fanfic and having a poor memory.

blood Splattered nights (revised)

Blood Splattered Nights

Cold, cold is all I feel, no flash off my life before my eyes just cold, no pain as the warmth flees my body, I can't believe this is how it will all end laying, in a pool of my own blood on the pavement in a dark alley, alone it just felt so surreal as my eyes and mind fill with darkness, no bright light where my lost friends and family awaits just… nothingness cold and black...


Chapter One

Left at Eden - Chapter 1

Left at Eden

Kevin wasn’t a tall boy, by any means. Nobody really picked on him because he was fast, agile, and the rumor had it he was a ninja. Of course ignoring the fact that his mother was Chinese and not Japanese aside, like the true Ninja of old he did nothing to dissuade those rumors. He had no idea that that was about to get him into more trouble though.


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