Not So Little Little Girls


Synopsis: Little Miss Muffin has been selling upscale dresses for little girls since 1958. Sales were nearly flat last year. Ms. Pennyworth, owner and president of LMM has discovered, thanks to her sister, a new market she believes can raise those numbers again. What Ms. Pennyworth needs now is someone to help her tap into that marketing. Of course, if you're going to start selling little girl dresses to guys, you're going to need a guy to promote those sales? Mark, Ms. Pennyworth believes, is just that guy.

Stark: Best Served Cold


An innocent man, trapped by a woman with a taste for revenge and her sadistic friends, finds an unusual savior with her own ideas of vengeance -- and a past that taught her own tormenters why it's a bad idea to break something as complex as a human mind...

Amazon - Part 07: CHARM SCHOOL Week 3


Etiquette School continues, but in the mean time ...


Amazon — Part 7: CHARM SCHOOL Week 3
By Itinerant
Edited by Amelia R.

Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer.

Monday, January 22, 2001
Washington, D.C.

The orders were clear, even if the scope of the task itself was not.

Femme Friends


Lou and Pete have always veiwed themselves as hard-drinking, love em and leave em guys who were gods gift to women.
Why then, did they suddenly announce to their families that they're tired of pretending to be men and want to become women?

She Let Herself Go...But Not Him.

Bikini Beach: If I should Die Before I Wake (ending)


Sorry. For some reason not everything that was shown in the preview ended up in what actually got posted. Here's the ending. Please comment at the end of this and not at the end of the bulk of the story.

It's not what it looks like.


When things change in your life that are out of your control sometimes you just have to accept them not matter how great or differnet they are.
Slightly updated on Feb. 20th 2006

Amazon - Part 06: Charm School, Week 2


Etiquette school continues, and Kate has her work cut out for her.


Amazon Part 6: CHARM SCHOOL Week 2
By Itinerant
Edited by Amelia R.

Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer.

Author's Note: The dates for each section can jump around a bit.

Making Do


After the death of his wife, a man and his sons are always having to make do.
His sister shows him a way to earn a few dollars; all he has to do is to allow the producers of a Reality show to make him over as a woman and film him for two months as he meets challenges they set for him.
When the filming ends can he return to his old life despite finding love as a woman?

No Obligation, Part 5

Becca, formerly Jack, contemplates a job offer from the Universe, and considers whether she is truly worthy of the position they wish her to fill.

No Obligation
Part 5

by Randalynn

"Get A Job, Or Peter Parker's Lament."

Stalking Chelsea

Goddess Rhiannon


Rhiannon, the ancient Celtic goddess, doles out punishment to an abusive father. But what will become of his battered son? Meet the Erotic Mistress Rhiannon in her adventure with the Uber buff Dawn Whitham and the diminutive, sexy Lovette.

Sanura's Tale: Part 3 - A MORFS Universe Story by Britney McMaster


It's 2048, and besides all the normal stresses, teens are now faced with the possibility of many strange changes induced by the MORFS virus. Sanura continues to cope with her new life and her new powers.

A Feminine Family (Sequel to "Flipping the Frat")


After taking revenge on a Fraternity that wanted to turn his brother into a sissy, a man has to deal with his brother's desire to live as a woman along with his dad's increasing femininity.
Worst of all, he finds himself inexorably drawn to being a submissive, traditional housewife while his wife takes on the role of husband.


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