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I Lucid Dream In Cinema

I am not what you would call a calm sleeper. I tend to toss and turn throughout the night, waking up, and falling back to sleep over and over again. Sometimes I come closer to consciousness than true sleep, and during these times, when I'm almost in control of what I'm thinking, I tend to have my clearest -- and often, strangest -- dreams.

Last night, this happened to me, and the result is something that, while nil on actual TG content, I still felt compelled to share.

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Learn to Write Better

I have tried to write many stories. Some are so terrible, that even after I've written a few pages, I don't even want to save it. I'm a programmer by trade, and I believe my "creative brain" is sometimes completely locked away entirely and my writing reads more like a list of facts. But, some read OK. It's kind of funny, because some times, when I read over something I wrote years earlier, I'm impressed and even wonder if I really could have written it.

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Taster for Whispers in the Soul

whispers in the soul cover.jpg

The sequel to Whispers in the Mind, Whispers in the Soul has been available for a few days for Kindle readers through

I am aware that my last posted taster may not have been seen by many people, so just wanted to repeat the taster for those who may be interested.

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Crossdressing Charlie: Volume One

Hi all!

Busy, busy, busy these days! I'm just preparing to move into my new house for the next year so I have been taking care of all that jazz but do not fret as I am still in the process of writing the next three episodes of Crossdressing Charlie.

Relating to that, I have a bit of an announcement to make. Episodes 13, 14 and 15 will be the penultimate episodes of the first series, collectively titled as Volume One. Think of it as a kind of season finale to a TV show after a few months run.

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Interesting Observation and updates

First the updates... the writing on K&K 6 has stalled because of pain. I got a page written today before my shoulder and wrist attacked with a fiery vengeance. So... I am not really getting a lot of progress there. But it is moving.

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Beta readers wanted for the sequel to "Wine Can't Be Pressed

I'm looking for beta readers to critique the sequel to Wine Can't Be Pressed Into Grapes. Copyediting would be nice, but what I mainly need is for someone to look at it with fresh eyes and see if there are any plot holes, whether anything is unclear or (unintentionally) ambiguous, whether the various plot threads hang together in a cohesive whole, whether the ending is satisfying, and so forth. It's 204,000 words,

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Whispers in the Soul Now Published.

The sequel to Whispers in the Mind, Whispers in the Soul is now available for Kindle readers through

Find out what happened to Michelle and as she faces several challenges and new characters are introduced in this, the second of the series.

Find it here! Whispers in the Soul (US)

Whispers in the Soul (UK)

Dark Whispers has already begun, and will be the next in the series.




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Lulu Downloads

OK, I am doing this out in the open, (1) so I don't have to bug Erin, (2) thinking maybe someone has already had this problem, knowing full well that I am not the sharpest tool in the shed.

So, I went to Lulu and bought Tiffany Shar's, "Bears Know Best" but am stupidly struggling with this stifling download process. I have the Kindle PC program, but don't know what is compatible with what.

I have a PC with Win 7 and when I try to download Apple's reader, it won't go. It says there is an error.

I download stuff all the time from Amazon because they make it easy for dummies.

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Writing Update

A couple of people have been wondering about where I've been...some people thought I fell off the face of the Earth and someone PMed me a while ago about nasty comments keeping me from writing but neither are the case. Its just that dreaded Enemy of all Writers...the Block. I just can't for the life of me figure out how to finish Season of the Witch. I've been plugging away at the latest chapter for a while now...about 5 pages into it so I'm making progress but I'm still trying to work out the rest of the story. I hope to have it done real soon.

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New work published on Kindle - humorous verse & poetry

Just to announce that I have just published a collection of humorous verse and poetry, in my usual genres.

Find it on US Amazon here: Dragons & Stuff!
On UK Amazon here: Dragons& Stuff


Yes, I have finally FINISHED a NEW book!

I sent it off to my editor a few days ago, so, as soon as it returns, I shall be publishing the sequel to Whispers in the Mind, entitled Whispers in the Soul.

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Help posting story advice

If you hadn't noticed, I started posting a new story, but I am having some issues.

Here is my problem. I think the story really should be a stand alone story. I think it would work better that way. The problem is that length has gotten the best of me and I haven't even finished writing the whole thing yet. I think in the end it will be under 30k words, but feel as if that may be too much for one post (I think post should be kept under 10k and usually strive for 5k). Maybe its because I view Big Closet more like a magazine than a library though.

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Bears Know Best Final Post and SUTL 10k Hits :-)

It's been fun to post my latest work up on this site over the past summer. I hope that most of my readers have enjoyed Bears Know Best. If you missed it, the 28th and Final part is now posted. Thank you to everyone who has purchased it, read it, and commented on it over the last couple months!

I also enjoyed another milestone today too. Just a few minutes ago my first book, Standing Up to Life's title page hit 10,000 hits!

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Video card possessed?

Um so this girl freely admits that she is not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to computers. So, this girl's computer is being funny. When posting on some sites, it looks like the ribbon on her typer thingy is running out of ink. Well, this girl does not believe there is such a ribbon in her computer, at least she has never found one. Where would they put such a thing?

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Need Some Assistance

I am retired Air Force, a graduate of OTS, and also was an OTS flight commander and instructor for five years; however, I know that the ordeal at the Air Force Academy is something totally different. I've known a number of Academy graduates over the years; however, it's been 24 years since I retired and have lost contact with any of them. I am familiar with drill and ceremonies, taught it, and some of the other things that go on, but any information would be appreciated.

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Kit and Kin and more Transitioning

Well, 4 chapters out for Transitioning Home and I think you can all get an idea just how hurt poor Thomas is. It sucks being that screwed up both physically and mentally. You gotta feel for the poor boy. Man am I mean to my characters sometimes and this story just got started. You all got like 32 chapters to go. Heh...

And I finally was out of pain and other stuff long enough to get chapter 5 of Kit and Kin done. I am very happy about this because now the fun stuff can really get started. Poor Takeshi, his whole world shaken and not stirred. :(

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my latest story

those who have read my latest Jaci and Dottie story may notice the appearance of a group of girls, some of whose names were taken from friends here. Its a little thank you for all the support you guys have given me. I hope you liked the story.

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Did you win a contest?

This kind of fell between the cracks and didn't get announced but there were five winners in the April Fools and Other Wise Contest. Check here to see if you were one of the top four winners and then PM or email me to tell me what you want done with your $35 prize. Since there was only ONE vote between fourth and fifth place, we decided to go ahead and give five prizes.

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Reading Material

Most of you don't know me except for a few blog comments and sorry to say even fewer story comments.

Erin's appeal for donations got me to thinking. The first paragraph (in part) "…annual server contract for four of the BC/SD/TGF servers is coming due. These servers run BC, Stardust, TGFiction.Net, CrystalHall, qnez, TGLibrary, StorySite and a dozen other TG and TG friendly websites…." got my attention.

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Update and freebie

Had a very busy summer - so far. Celebrating over 8,000 books sold, so a HUGE thanks to all those who forked out the vast amount of filthy lucre to pay for my books.

I am just about finished my book. WHISPERS IN THE SOUL. It is in the last few paragraphs, as I tidy the ending. I shall be sending it off for editing and then uploading it to Kindle in a short time.

Once it is ready I will post a teaser of the first chapter here.

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Ooops! Posted the wrong chapter of The Jekyll Legacy

I apologise for my inadvertent posting of the wrong chapter of The Jekyll Legacy, and can only plead extreme fatigue, as I've been out rearranging the garage all day. I managed to toss my brain into the dustbin and have only just ran out and collected it before they hauled it away.

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Nice number

Some authors play down the number of kudos they receive - they're not important or indicate anything.

I disagree, I enjoy everyone of them that you the readers give my efforts and just now they reached the magical figure of 77777.

Thank you to all of you who contributed.


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The newest Through the years is up

I want to work on more, but I shall be house and dog sitting. An old home, so guess what fool is taking his scariest video games and movies with him. See how much fun I can have tonight. The next part is only partly done, but I'm not sure if I shall take my computer or my XBox, may just take the Xbox so I don't injure my computer in the travel.

I shall attempt to make the next chapter as quickly as I can

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Anyone Know if Lisa Grey is still around and writing

Anyone Know if Lisa Grey is still around and writing. I just finished rereading her stories and was interested if there was more somewhere. One of my favorites was The Serendipity of Freedom. At the end of one version of the story she had a note "In the conclusion of The Serendipity of Freedom, Valerie and the task force go forth into enemy territory. Will Valerie once again defeat the odds and return home to Miri? Will the Terran Government overwhelm the dissidents, or will liberty and justice prevail? Find out as Valerie's story comes full circle. -- LCG"

just curious

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A warning about Facebook

I notice that lots of authors on BCTS are also on Facebook and some have friended me. I noticed some funny stuff going on about a month ago and then they said that they wanted each user to use their real name. Then I noticed that I was getting things in my email that were hostile, so I closed both my FB accounts down. I do not plan to return to them, and may open new email accounts if it gets worse.

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Chapter 2 and an update

So here is chapter 2. Enjoy the read. This is where the plot really emerges and gets a bit crazier. Gotta feel for the poor guy.

As for the update, before the latest round of storms to come through I managed to get more writing done. Once the pain fades I should be able to get back to that and finish that chapter up, so hopefully a new Kit and Kin soon for you all, so long as my pain levels remain at good levels.

Well TTFN and TTYL.

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"Operation Rescue - The New Co-Ed" by Elrod W @ Fictionmania

Has anyone else here been following Operation Rescue - The New Co-Ed by Elrod W on the Fictionmania site? It is a fascinating and well written story. The first chapter was posted two years ago. Chapter twenty was posted today; and the story is not yet complete. I find myself going to the fictionmania site just to check for up dates to this one story.

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Approaching 1800

When I sit down and think about it, it strikes me as completely absurd that I'm still writing a story which was intended to last a few episodes, and is now just about twenty away from 1800. Five years ago if someone had asked me if I'd be able to do another twenty episodes, I'd have been far from confident about saying I could - now, it's taken for granted I will - both by readers and I suppose myself, as well.

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A public service announcement from Loki and Dustin...

Just to keep all who are interested informed, Dustin and I are still working on A Tale of Two Sirens. He and I both had real life get in the way for about a week and after it was all taken care of, we decided to avoid being in this situation again by not posting any more chapters of the story until all is said and done on the writing side of it.

So fear not, the story is very much alive and well. Things are acutally looking to get very interesting in the near future for Ashley and Danielle, so please stay tuned. ^_^

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Transitioning Home and other stuff

So, I am starting to post Transitioning Home. There are 36 chapters and I will be posting two a week on Tuesday and Friday. This will not take about 18 weeks to make it through everything and I hope you all enjoy it. Just so you all know, there is sex, violence, language, etc... It can get very intense and if you have triggers for some things this might not be the story for you. It is very realistic in dealing with war, trans issues, asshattery and the like. So, you are forewarned.

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Now this was a great birthday

You may laugh at this, but normally my birthday is just the day, maybe go out to eat and that's that. Well I wanted to go to the game store in the mall and see if there was any cool video games out there that I wanted. Didn't see any, so I went to the music/movie store and hit pay dirt. I found the movies Surf Ninjas, Ferris Bueller' day off, Dudley Doright and E.T. and just had to get them. I haven't seen E.T. on dvd in a few years now and I've wanted to watch it really bad. I haven't seen Surf Ninjas for about 10 years and I loved it then, and then there was Ferris Bueller's.

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New Story

Well I have just submitted part one of my new story as there were no takers on my request for a collaborator. I'll just have to see how it goes and if it doesn't suit then I'll discontinue it and try something else. If after reading part one someone would like to join me with the rest of the story I would be only too happy to accomodate them.
For those of you that are still waiting for me to continue stories that are still ongoing, I apologise as i have not been able to get my PC out of storage at this time, the person who is storing for me is still on holiday as yet.


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Epic Fai;

I tried my hand at a little erotica and transformation story, but I don't think my writing ability in that area was able to pull it off. I like the concept of Orgasmicur and was wondering if someone would like to attempt fixing it. I never saw a person transform while masturbating in a story, but it intrigues me.

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EOF's whereabouts

Just in case anyone's wondering where EnemyofFun has disappeared to... he's got caught up in events that took place a long time in a galaxy far away :)

Courtesy of a post he made to Google+ this morning:

Sorry for being absent for so long in my writing...I assure you nothing bad has happened. I've actually kinda got sucked into Star Wars The Old Republic. I did writing almost 5 pages of my latest chapter for's hoping I can take some time off TOR to actually finish off the chapter :)

So now you know :)

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The Constantine Affliction

Today I've run across a book by T. Aaron Payton, 'The Constantine Affliction.' It's a Victorian Steam-punk book with a strong TG element. Neither primary characters are affected, but several secondary ones are.
Since it is by Baen Books there are teaser chapters and can be purchased though their E-book service.


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Shower Scene Research

Hi everyone,
I'm writing a new story and plan to write/need to write a nonsexual post-transformation shower scene. My muse is negleting me a bit - I think Karl is angry because it's nonsexual - so I'm looking for inspiration. I'd be really greatful if you could recommend stories that contain well written shower scenes.

thank you,

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Decision time

Since I have decided I am going to hook my star to Tegan, the story I have been sending around with little effect for the last few years I am going to post on here. I want some one to read it as I am very proud of the story. So, come next week, after Whedonfest is over and I can breathe, I plan on releasing my story Transitioning Home.

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Anybody heard from Bobbie C

Anyone heard from Bobbie Cabot, is she still here or back in the Philippines. As the Philippines was hit by a bad storm Typhone/Hurricane and many were killed and missing. It hit the Minila area real hard and just want to know that she is OK!

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