Complicit in a Lie Revisited Chapter 39

Charles is now at Jane's Winsome Girls' School for Wayward Boys. He has volunteered to become one of Jane's girls to help Jane not only clear his name but to help Francis. He has a lot to learn about being a girl in a short amount of time, as Toby Camber is arriving at the school in a weeks time. Something else occurs that Charles wasn't expecting, he learns something else about himself while being Charlotte.

A Whole New Me - Literally; Part Seven

The next couple of weeks of school were ok, but I was plagued with regret. I don’t regret using my body and femininity to protect Tom, even letting my body be used to do so, but I think the threesome was a bad idea. I wasn’t ready to do something like that, and I know I only did it as he said he kinda liked watching, but me, as a growing woman, well, that’s a different thing. I am glad it happened, I enjoyed parts of it, but I don’t think it would have been my choice, or at least, not at that time in my development.

Not Like Other Girls - the Wedding

Emily Berrigan is a 23 year old transwoman who hasn't seen her twin in six years. Why? Because her parents threw her out when she told them who she really was. Now, her older sister Stephanie is getting married and wants Emily there - as a bridesmaid. Will sparks fly?
This is it. Stephanie's wedding day. Thanks to everyone who stuck with my story.

The Angel On Her Wing - 4 - Much Ado About Everything


Authors note - This story is in the format expected for the new 25th anniversary contest. I enjoy writing these stories, but I am not too fussed about entering or winning contests. I hope this may act as a stimulus for other authors to enter when entries are allowed on 1st May.


by Columbine

An Unexpected Christmas Gift Chapter 8

An Unexpected Christmas Gift Chapter 8

By Joannebarbarella

This is an expanded version of a story I posted some weeks ago and I have had a lot of help from two of the best writers on this site, Angela Rasch (Jill MI) and Emma Anne Tate.

Complicit in a Lie Revisited Chapter 38

Charles is now at Jane's Winsome Girls' School for Wayward Boys. He has volunteered to become one of Jane's girls to help Jane not only clear his name but to help Francis. He has a lot to learn about being a girl in a short amount of time, as Toby Camber is arriving at the school in a weeks time. Something else occurs that Charles wasn't expecting, he learns something else about himself while being Charlotte.

Lilith's Despair Chapter 11

As Lilith's family expanded in ways she never imagined, she found herself grappling with a secret that filled her with both joy and apprehension. Deep within her, a new life was growing, a precious gift that she held close to her heart. Despite the excitement and anticipation that welled inside her, Lilith couldn't shake the lingering sense of uncertainty accompanying her newfound condition. 'Who got me pregnant? Sara or Shar'li?' she thought to herself.



Arbret law was quirky and it gave all the right to whatever medical procedures they wanted, providing of course that they could pay for them. What the law did not do was allow any privacy, so medical staff could legally take money for informing any one they chose concerning the GRS treatment of the trans or the psychological problems dealt with by psychiatrists. It was a system that ensured conformity due to fear and any who was in any way different was hounded and victimised mercilessly.

The Dance Coach - Chapter 1

When Kathy returned home later she was quite chirpy but deep in thought, but later over dinner, she raised the subject that was on her mind.

“I was talking to some of the girls during the meeting and the conversation got round to Morris dancing and the fact that their husbands seemed to spend more time with the Morris team at practice and in the pub than with their families. Laura suggested that it would be good if some of us joined the Morris team to become more involved in their interests, what do you think?”

“No chance ! There are some mixed teams but most prefer to be traditional and all male and the Mayfield Morrismen is one of those groups, it would send shivers down their spines to let any women join. If you really want to be involved with Morris it would be better if you set up your own women’s team.”

“That’s what I thought you would say. So, how do we go about setting up our own team, we would like to keep it local rather than travel elsewhere to an established group?”

”To start with you need a coach, someone to teach you the routines and lead you in practice, unless any of the girls already have some experience.”

I was thinking that you might be able to give us a helping hand to start us off, you’ve been involved for years and know all the traditional routines. I’ve sort of already volunteered for you to talk to us, teach us the basics and see what can be done.

TG-Crazed Scientist Part 05

For the rest of the afternoon, Genesis and Ramona shut themselves in their rooms so they could gather up the stuff they needed for their road trip-changes of clothes, cell phone chargers, and books to read when they got bored. While she was packing her stuff, Genesis got out her phone and called Jesse to ask him to accompany her on her trip.

After a few rings, Jesse answered his phone. "Hey," his voice said. "Who's this?"

"It's me. Genesis."

"What...Genesis? That new intern at Pride Laboratories who walked off?"

"Yes, it's me."

"What do you want?"

Niaroo Part 8

Chapter 8 – This is your big night, Bro !

The next day I was nervous once more. I was meeting Kelly who I knew I had strong affection for but at the same time I had sensed she was nervous about me in my Angus mode. She had loved me when I dressed as Susan and tonight I would dress as my alter ego once again and take Kelly for dinner. Could I rebuild the fences that had been damaged by Angus and is there a future in a relationship that requires me to be en-femme full time?

Gaby Book 26 ~ On The Edge ~ Chapter *32*

book 26 print cover_1.jpg

Book 26
On The Edge

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2021 Madeline Bell

Seventeen - it's a birthday overshadowed by its predecessor and successor and Gaby's looks set to follow that pattern. There are however big decisions to be made, should she grab life by the horns and experience everything it has to offer or take the more conservative, safer route through life. This volume, the 26th in the Gaby series has all the elements of classic Gaby, bike riding, teenage angst, developing relationships, grist to the mill for our heroine as life in the Ahrtal ticks on.


Niaroo Part 7

Chapter 7 – Thank you for being a friend

When I woke the next morning I realised I had a lot of things to do – things I had sat aside while attending to my presentation as Sally. I needed to do a grocery shop for one thing, as well as vacuum and dust the house and there was the small matter of finding myself some meaningful work to pay my expenses! I DID have an exhibition stand to furnish in a few weeks but I really needed to find something in the interim and it would involve me taking the initiative and seeking out the work.

Without This Ring

“Don't forget. Friday is my girls night out.”

“So soon?” Michael said. “No, wait. I guess it's been over a month. What do you gals do on these girls nights out?”

“Nothing really,” Barbara said. “Jennifer, Latitia, and I just go to a bar and have a few cocktails. Talk about our husbands. The normal girls night stuff. If you are curious, you can always come with.”

Sarah's Dream, Chapter 2

When I next returned to the dream, I pulled the pad out of the pack and was glad to see I’d established communication. But I was confused by the content of the message. “Dear Sarah,” the message began. “I’m Tommy. I’m also in high school. I named my character Elissa.”

So somebody responded, but it’s somebody else who visits here like me and not the girl herself. And it’s a boy. Being a girl here might feel strange to him.


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