You Are The Target: 1. Yes To Everything

"What's so funny?" the nurse asked with a smile.

"Oh, everything!" I exclaimed. "The room, the curtains, the bed, this tasteless food... my funny little body with its breasts and—" I stopped and looked down at my lap.

"Hmmm...," the nurse said. "You are a funny little girl, aren't you?"

That was so wrong it made me laugh even more.

[ part one of three ]

Jem...Chapter 18

Jem…Chapter 18

Chapter 18

The lighters are dying down as “Two for the show.” finishes our set and y’know it’s not really me or raven singing that either we’re doing back up for Brooklyn actually and I just sort of ended up drifting over to Raven and we slipped an arm around each other and sort of swayed as we sang and shared the microphone she was holding.

I’m shaking from the adrenaline a little and the song she sang to me was I think the most beautiful thing that anyone’s ever sung to me before but I’m biased really.

Harry Potter and the Curse of the Emerald Witch - Part I

Late Night Conversation

Late night Conversation

“Hey, what’s wrong?”

“I’m scared.”

“About what?”

“About what we talked about today.”

“The... changes you’ll be going through soon?”

“Uh-huh. Its really going to happen? I’m going to change into a woman?”

“Yes. But it’ll be okay. I’m a woman, and I do fine.”

“Its not that. Its just ... everything about me will be different. The way I look, the clothes I wear, even how I think about things ... like boys and men, right?”

“True, but why is that scary?”

First time 24.......

First time…..
Musings from WannabeGinger

With renewed apologies for having to censor my last chapter, for the truths revealed were too recognizable, I continue! “Wishing for what might have been”…. So it is for me. What happened with the Agency had an effect on many things in my life. There’s more pure sex in this chapter — no apologies — but my dressing will return!

Chapter 24

Too Little, Too Late? 51

It was the start of things, and to my surprise I wasn’t rushing into things the way I had assumed. Larinda and Rachel had got Jill out of the nest, and all of the stories I had read on that particular website had been full of the same trope, the same repeated concept: that once the plunge was taken, the ‘new’ woman never looked back. That wasn’t true, and, in fact, without constant prodding by my lover and my friend, Jill would have remained a purely domestic goddess. Things came to a head after our first Christmas together.

Snakes and Ladders-19

Snakes and Ladders-19

Chapter 19

We head to the breakfast together arms linked and I’m feeling just awash with wonder at her. Hell with the whole thing, this world and all of it but mostly because Shaya loves me and thinks I’m beautiful.

Feeling beautiful has done huge things for my soul.

Pink? Why Pink? - Part 06

Pink? Why Pink?
Part 6
 ©2012 - Andrea Ribeiro
Thanks to Hope Eternal Reigns for editing.

Somewhere in this chapter:

"Will you still like me after you see me eating?"

"You can eat like a pig and I would still like you."


What Did We Do Wrong? Chapter 8 Final Chapter


Chapter 8

Justin was awakened by his wife’s terrified screams. She was thrashing on the bed, wrapped in the covers.

“JUNG! JUNG! Wake up! Wake up!” Justin pulled the covers away from her face. Her eyes were wide with terror.

“Hyun! She’s dead! She’s dead! It’s my fault!”

Justin shook her. She was soaked with sweat, her nightgown was soaked through. “Honey, wake up! It was a dream!”

What is my transition about?

What is my Transition about?

What is my transition about?

Well, it might be easier to start with what it isn’t.

Its not about sex.

Let’s make something really, really clear. I don’t fancy boys. Never had a crush on one as a kid, never had butterflies in my tummy about talking with one, never dreamed of having one kiss me.

So put aside any thoughts about me making myself more attractive to men. Its just not the case.

My Super Secret Life-17.

My Super Secret Life-17.

Chapter 17


I took the bus home curled up into the back seat after the worst day of my life.

Sunny’s the Superhero Titan and able to change from girl to guy. She was just one of the hottest girls I’d ever known and since her change she went from being this slutty kind of girl to being this smart and engaging person.

You think you’re in love then…something happens with that one you’re with that just floors you in how awesome they really are.

My so called (Un)Life Chapter 3: A Tricky Situation

Olivia-Munn as the real Danielle.jpg

“Who’s this Danielle chick you keep talking to?” I ask in a voice that I’ve yet to realize isn’t the one I was born with.

“Why, you are, of course. Who else would we be talking to, love?” Carmilla answers. I stop sucking on the third pouch of blood about half way through it and can only stare wide eyed at the two of them while holding the pouch in my hands like a precious toy that’s been broken. I look back down to my chest again, and sure enough, I wasn’t hallucinating a moment ago. I do indeed have boobs hanging from my chest. I reach up and grab one, causing me to blink a few times and twitch involuntarily.

This time, when I tried, I actually did manage to scream. And both Carmilla and Josephine swear up and down that they saw the blood in my pouch curdle a little bit when I did. Like I’ve said before, I’m not exactly very quick on the up take when I’m first waking up.

You Have it All Wrong Four - The Kids Story - Part 01

My Super Secret Life-16.

My Super Secret Life-16.

Chapter 16

I made a coffee trying to pick one of those mini packs that Alexis might like. I settle for a full fat latte and set the machine. I look over at her/Matt. She’s got her back to the headboard, wearing the blankets like a girl but knees up, hugging her knees and she looks…good?

Not even upset, her hair’s a mess and hanging everywhere and the vocal modulator choker’s still on her throat. And her eyes are just doing that dreamy not dreamy off in though stare.

A boy…that’s so much a girl,…he’s beautiful.

Wild Magic 8

At last! It was Friday, the day of my date with Tim. Every time I thought about him, every time I pictured his smiling brown eyes, I got a flutter in my gut, like flocks of butterflies, and a very nice warm feeling in my heart (yeah, I know what YOU were thinking. Tsk Tsk!).


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