Mystery or Suspense

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 28

FBI Director Robert Mueller began the call to Attorney General Michael Mukasey by summarizing the current status of Swan Song and where it may still be heading. “Swan Song has been bungled in almost every imaginable way.”

“Then you should relieve Grant Williamson from his duties at once.”

“I am going to relieve him but not till I have his replacement ready to step in.”

“Do you already have someone in mind?”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Twenty Eight

Synopsis- Hiromi tries to remain strong after being rejected by Chuck’s mother.

A Spirited Emergence - Episode 16

Girl in eye
A Spirited Emergence
Episode 16: Surprises

by D.L.

Copyright  © 2010 D.L.
All Rights Reserved.

I am handed a new birth certificate and passport in the name Jennifer Alice Dalton.

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 27

Maurice Gao spoke up. “Do the Watanabes know Ripley is in Australia now?”

Gabrielle Tanaka answered the question. “Yes, they do.”

“Is it possible the Watanabes could check on her activities here?”

FBI Director Robert Mueller answered Maurice’s question. “We are taking precautions, Inspector. The McBride home in Alice is being watched. Charges are being made to Hiromi Sato’s credit cards to make it look like she is leading a normal routine here.”

Maurice nodded his head gently. “Thank you for answering my question, Director.”

Gabrielle looked over at Maurice. ‘Be patient, your turn will be coming soon."

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Twenty Seven

Synopsis- While a JAG attorney works on Hiromi’s legal defense, Gabrielle Tanaka advises the Swan Song committee on how they could get Ripley assistance once she returns to Japan.

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 26

“I agree with you, Audrey-san. Ripley should not be prosecuted, but it is not my decision.”

“Minister Hatoyama is calling the shots?”

Kazu Ippitsusai remained silent. He had said too much already.

“Are you telling me Japan’s Prime Minister is behind it?”

“I cannot say, Audrey-san.”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Twenty Six

Synopsis- Chuck and Hiromi have arrived safely in Australia, so Hiromi made her promised confession to him. It didn't go well, and Chuck became angry about being fooled by Swan Song and by his wife. He's run off home to try and help the original Hiromi, to whom he still feels loyalty, because he's never been sure that the old and the new weren't one and the same person. In order to help Hiromi’s legal defense, Gabrielle has given a affidavit that's almost sure to get her in hot water with almost everyone else at Pine Gap.

Are We There Yet?

Are We There Yet?
By BillieBob

“Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?” ( Read the story to find out)
No warm fuzzy creatures were harmed in creating this!
Who said a Halloween story had to be scary? TISSUE ALERT!!!

A Miracle Lost - A Miracle Regained



A Miracle Lost — A Miracle regained recounts the events Of Halloween Night 2010, when a young girl, who had formerly been a boy, reverts to his old self, because of horrifying events, and then through a new miracle and the assistance of an ancient hero who is commanded back into existence regains her lost femininity.

Self-made Man, Umm Person -3&4

Self-made Man, Umm Person -3&4

By BillieBob

What if it only took the power of thought to make things possible? Just imagine your future and make it real. If you have the tools to do it. Mainly, yourself, and only limited by your imagination!

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 25

The real Hiromi Sato was still in prison. A female guard had just brought her dinner.

“You are new here?” Hiromi asked the guard.

The guard, whose name was Sayo Seo, had been told to ignore Hiromi Sato and not to speak to her. So she turned her back and began walking out of the cell.

“Can you help me? I can make it worth your while.”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Twenty Five

Synopsis- The Yakuza war between the Watanabes and Inagawas escalates as Hiromi meets with Swan Song officials.

The Demon (Inspired by "The Raven" by Edgar Allen Poe)


Once upon a midnight dreary, while I brooded weak and weary
Some demonic cloud the likes of which I’d never seen before
All at once took shape before me, making all my soul implore me
“Flee this evil dark and stormy, quit the room, go out the door!”
Yet it moved so that I could not leave the room, or reach the door
I could but stare and nothing more

Self-made Man, Umm Person - 2

Self-made Man, Umm Person Chapter Two

By BillieBob

What if it only took the power of thought to make things possible? Just imagine your future and make it real. If you have the tools to do it. Mainly, yourself, and only limited by your imagination!

Self-made Man, Umm Person - 1

Self-made Man, Umm Person - Complete Rewrite Chapter One

By BillieBob


There are so many questions I should have asked myself. Questioning my every thought, action, and reaction. Regrets? Some. Hopes and desires? Quite a few. What if it only took the power of thought to make things possible? Just imagine your future and make it real. If you have the tools to do it. Mainly, yourself, and only limited by your imagination!

The Center: Patient Zero - Part 4

The Center: Patient Zero -Part 4

In the language of epidemiology, patients are numbered sequentially. Once an epidemic goes public it is patient one who gets the news coverage or journal articles written about them. What is less known is that there are unrecognized patients who predate the first acknowledged case. Sometimes these people are carriers, like Typhoid Mary, but oftentimes they are merely the unsung victims who's stories are not tied into the whole until long after the papers are written. Jesse Lee was such a person, this is his story.

Story is a prequel to and is set in Lilith Langtree's 'The Center' universe.


Monolith: Chapter 9

Barbra put down the phone and sat back in her chair. She let herself think about the idea that Lyra had lied. Plots of old science fiction movies made their way into Barbra's brain: Alien mind control, robot doppelgangers, and conspiracy.

Sex and the Little League

A tale about Little Leaguers, eleven-year-olds, having sex? Nope. This story is about the sex (or gender) of the players who played youth baseball before girls were officially admitted to the program in 1974. It’s about one particular girl, Kelly Rodman, who may have been the first of her sex ever to play in the Little League World Series. Those who know my stories will appreciate that there must be a twist — a curve ball — to this tale. After all, it does come from Texas, the land of Pecos Pete and other tall tales.

Sex and the Little League
By: Dawn DeWinter

Monolith: Chapter 8

A gentleman in the center of the table cleared his jowl covered throat, the plaque under him read 'Secretary of the Homeland Security'. “We are publicly announcing your existence-” He held his finger up to stop Theo from responding. “as a Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Despite Mr. Farris's report and testimonial we feel that a alien cover story will be more believable to the public.”

The Center : Patient Zero - Part 3

The Center: Patient Zero -Part 3

In the language of epidemiology, patients are numbered sequentially. Once an epidemic goes public it is patient one who gets the news coverage or journal articles written about them. What is less known is that there are unrecognized patients who predate the first acknowledged case. Sometimes these people are carriers, like Typhoid Mary, but oftentimes they are merely the unsung victims who's stories are not tied into the whole until long after the papers are written. Jesse Lee was such a person, this is his story.

Story is a prequel to and is set in Lilith Langtree's 'The Center' universe.


Monolith: Chapter 7

“How's life been?”
Theo was flabbergasted “You turned me into, I don't know what. They think 'Theo' died and that I'm a fake, am I a fake? I've been having a awful time.”
“I'm sorry.” it was the kind of sorry when some one says they drank the last soda or beer when you're looking for one.
Theo took a calming breath “Why did you turn me into this?” Theo waved her hands down her body.

The Center: Taking Wing


Audience Rating: 


TG Universes & Series: 

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

RavenCenter.jpg The Center: Taking Wing
Jack was just an ordinary high school student, trying to get by the bullies and through his classes. But, all of that is about to change as a result of something that happened a long time ago.

Monolith: Chapter 6

The swarm was undeterred and doubled it's numbers, coming in from any angle behind them. They followed the knocked down trees until they reached the clearing filled with cacti. On the other side Theo could see the insects coming out of the tree line.

“Oh sh*%! I think we're surrounded!” Theo yelled.

Monolith: Chapter 5

Her eyes slowly adjusted to the light after a whole day of darkness. She took in the sights, floating limbs attached to a skinny female body and a corridor made of squeezed space with a laminated finish. The feeling of falling passed as she concentrated on the fold opening that was rolling around her.

The Center : Patient Zero


Audience Rating: 


TG Universes & Series: 

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

The Center: Patient Zero

In the language of epidemiology, patients are numbered sequentially. Once an epidemic goes public it is patient one who gets the news coverage or journal articles written about them. What is less known is that there are unrecognized patients who predate the first acknowledged case. Sometimes these people are carriers, like Typhoid Mary, but oftentimes they are merely the unsung victims who's stories are not tied into the whole until long after the papers are written. Jesse Lee was such a person, this is his story.

Story is a prequel to and is set in Lilith Langtree's 'The Center' universe.


The Center : Patient Zero - Part 2

The Center: Patient Zero -Part 2

In the language of epidemiology, patients are numbered sequentially. Once an epidemic goes public it is patient one who gets the news coverage or journal articles written about them. What is less known is that there are unrecognized patients who predate the first acknowledged case. Sometimes these people are carriers, like Typhoid Mary, but oftentimes they are merely the unsung victims who's stories are not tied into the whole until long after the papers are written. Jesse Lee was such a person, this is his story.

Story is a prequel to and is set in Lilith Langtree's 'The Center' universe.


Off Center: Chapter 1

Off Center: Chapter 1
Lilith Langtree

It's been six months since Kristyn was introduced to the world of abrupt sex changes, high heels, murder, and intrigue that were part of the daily life at The Center. Things are about to take a turn for the worse when Colonel Harris mysteriously disappears and Kristyn is left holding the student's, past and future, lives in her hands.

Monolith: Chapter 4

Theo could hear the grunts of David, Beth and her Mom as the officers loaded them into the carrier. The door slammed shut and the transport fired up and followed it's trail to wherever it was going.

“Thank you for cooperating” A gruff voice said.

The Hit


by l.satori aka Laurie S.

The Hit was one of the first short stories Laurie S. wrote for an internet site years ago.

A master of disguise, alias Carrie Creamcheese, is contracted to put the hit on a men's magazine publisher, who is the guest speaker at a women's convention. Carrie dresses as a Playboy Bunny to get closer to the target.


The Center : Patient Zero - Part 1

The Center: Patient Zero -Part 1

In the language of epidemiology, patients are numbered sequentially. Once an epidemic goes public it is patient one who gets the news coverage or journal articles written about them. What is less known is that there are unrecognized patients who predate the first acknowledged case. Sometimes these people are carriers, like Typhoid Mary, but oftentimes they are merely the unsung victims who's stories are not tied into the whole until long after the papers are written. Jesse Lee was such a person, this is his story.


Monolith: Chapter 3

Debra gave them a sad smile “what... what happened to my son?”
Theo choked down a sob and lowered her head farther. “Is she alright?” her Mom asked.
Beth looked at Theo “she's actually the reason we came.”

What Measure is a Hero? Chapter 2: A Call for Aid

What Measure is a Hero?
Chapter 2: A Call for Aid
by Amehtta

While one must respect the shadows, and the power they hold, it would be prudent to not forget the power of the world in which we live. While the shadows hide and cower from the sun, the tangible forces at work create a more obvious effect. This reason explains why many are unaware of the shadows. Why worry, when the light shines so brightly?

Never Trust the Pretty Ones

Never Trust the Pretty Ones

by Jennifer Brock

A grifter with an unusual technique has to take things further when he finds himself in a tough spot. (This was supposed to be my entry in the “March of Fools” contest, but I missed the deadline by a few months, so I reworked it to fit the new theme and then finished it.)

Monolith: Chapter 2

Her chest tightened after seeing the next set of images. “Little is know what happened to the fifth member Theo Holmes, the official press released today is saying he was either lost and or killed in the 'fold'”. The screws were tightening harder in her chest

The Center: Magic Tricks

The Center: Magic Tricks
Lilith Langtree

It was just suppose to be a group counseling session, but when he met Sam, Darius' view of the world changed -- whether he wanted to to or not."

What Measure is a Hero? Chapter 1: Four Shadows

What Measure is a Hero?
Chapter 1: Four Shadows
by Amehtta

Everything in this world exists in two forms; there is the physical, tangible form we know from our day to day interactions, and then there is the shadow, the reflection, the negative of the physical form. Many spend their days meandering through life, never stopping to consider what may occur in the shadows. These people live their lives in blissful ignorance of the secrets the shadows hold. However, for most, this fact is a nonissue, as in reality, knowing the truth can be far more terrifying…

The Center: Guardian - Chapter 1

The Center: Guardian
Chapter One

Korran Weaver

Luke Barklay had a pretty good life. He was popular enough, did well in sports, and got great grades. Kind of an all American kid. With a good future ahead of him, how will he react when abductors appear and an accident from before he was born turns his life upside down and lands him, new body and all, in The Center? Can he adapt, or will the journey kill him before he even takes the first step?

I was living the good life. It was winter break for one, which meant school was out and the mountains were all right there, just waiting for me...

Monolith: Chapter 1

What really caught Theo's eyes was her lack of belly button and purple-ish eyes that seemed to swirl and mix like a cloud of gas. As she floated closer He noticed freckles scattering her body colored like her eyes and somewhat iridescent. She stopped a foot away from his face and smiled, her silver colored hair floated back and forth while covering her ears. A small nose and soft lips confirmed in Theo that she was beautiful. “This shouldn't hurt” she whispered. It hurt.

Schism: part I

By~Flashdance (my user-name on MORFS site)/ G.K.S


Aint found a way to kill me yet
Eyes burn with stinging sweat
Seems every path leads me to nowhere
The bullets scream to me from somewhere
Here they come to snuff the rooster
Yeah here come the rooster, yeah
You know he aint gonna die
No, no, no, ya know he aint gonna die
My buddys breathin his dyin breath
Oh God please won't you help me make it through

--August 30th, 2048 A.D–

The Center: Chapter 9

The Center: Chapter 9 (conclusion)
Lilith Langtree

Sixteen years ago, Cameron's mother was accidentally poisoned. Today, he and others like him are finding out exactly what that means. These children, kidnapped by a government black bag operation, learn to deal with their changes and other amazing abilities while they live at The Center.

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 24

How quickly life had changed. A day earlier, Chuck would have been over the moon about the possibility of his being a father. Now it was like they were discussing an appointment with the dentist.

“Yes, it could be, but I doubt it. I admit that it may be wishful thinking, but I’ve got a feeling. A blood test would tell me which it is.”

“When were you planning to do that? Did we come to Australia for some other reason than to tell me that you’ve been lying to me for a year?”

“Chuck, that’s not fair. I admit that I lied about my work, but most of our conversations were the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Twenty Four

Synopsis- Hiromi tells Chuck the truth about herself.


Jaye Michael

Part Three: Revolution

Chapter Twenty Seven: Postscript

What we call a beginning is often the end
And to make an end is to make a beginning.
The end is where we start from.
– T. S. Eliot


Jaye Michael


Chapter Twenty Six: Appetencies

An apology for the devil:
It must be remembered that we have only heard
one side of the case.
God has written all the books.
– Samuel Butler

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 23

“Bottom line, Rebecca is still my child and we’re very proud of her. As Tom, he served our country and as Rebecca is doing the same. My wife and I have talked it over, whatever choices she makes when her mission is over, we’ll support them one-hundred percent. It is Rebecca’s life, and we feel certain she will make the right choice for the future,” Stuart Slater said to Makoto Tanaka.

“Gabrielle has made choices and decisions her mother and I wish she hadn’t.”

“We can’t live our children’s lives for them. All we can do is give them advice.”

“That is true, Stuart.”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Twenty Three

Synopsis- Hiromi Sato and Gabrielle Tanaka are very busy before they each leave Hong Kong for Australia.


Jaye Michael


Chapter Twenty Four: Mammon

A billion here, a billion there,
and pretty soon you’re talking about real money.
– Senator Everett McKinley Dirksen


Jaye Michael


Chapter Twenty Three: Conjointments

I can’t get no satisfaction.
I can’t get no girl reaction.
– Michael Philip “Mick” Jagger
and Keith Richards


Jaye Michael


Chapter Twenty One: Subterfuge

If an elderly but distinguished scientist
says that something is possible
he is almost certainly right,
but if he says that it is impossible
he is very probably wrong.
– Arthur C. Clarke



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