


by shalimar


The matriarch, Leah, morns her sister, Rachel. Based on the Biblical
story in Bereishit (Genesis) and Midrashim. Minimally transgender possibility
from prayer.


Cold Feet at Christmas 3

Geoff explained our idea, with Eric’s help. The former looked across to me, frowning.

“I only learned some of this to try and keep up with Steph. If it’s talking about bits of bikes, I’m fine. This is something else”

Janet came in at that point, and Pat took her aside, putting away his mobile. I watched her face as he spoke, and each little nugget of Roland’s story led to a definite reaction on her face, culminating in an expression I found deeply scary. I had had my doubts about Janet’s agenda when we first met, but she had proven true to her declared position, and the change in Pat’s mood had been profound. This was something new from her; this was rage. She caught my gaze, and her jaw set. There was a sharp nod, an affirmation of our common cause, and she was gone again. Pat returned to the table.

Kevin's Dream

Kevin’s Dream

I had the dream again last night.

It used to be a once-in-a-while thing, now it seems like its happening every night, and I think I might be going crazy because of it.

I mean, I’m a typical high-school boy, so why would I dream of being a girl?

It always starts out the same - I go over to my girlfriend Tammy’s house, and I change into her clothes. She doesnt seem to be freaked out by this, in fact in the dream she has a blast helping me strip the boy off of me, and reveal a girl inside.



Here I am again, sitting in the kitchen with a glass of milk, staring into space and wishing I was anywhere or anyone else. It’s an odd night that I’m not sitting here awake at 3am. I know I should go back to bed and take another stab at sleep, but it wouldn’t matter anyway.

Today is Christmas day, and in a few hours, children all over town will be waking up to colorful boxes under a lit tree, but not in my house.

A Change in Lifestyle chapter 3


A Change in Lifestyle
Chapter 3

It was our next door neighbor Francesca looking over the fence and holding her young daughter who was crying.

‘Robyn is that you?’ I stopped to look up and immediately thought how stupid I was to assume nobody would see me.

‘Robyn can you help me please I’m at the end of my tether.’ She seemed to ignore how I was dressed and the fact that I was wearing some make-up. She was obviously very close to tears.

Mares Tales 2

Chapter 2 of Mares' Tales.

This story has been on FM since 2003 so it's not new, but I'm adding it to my BC portfolio to keep track of it.

I make no apologies for the content of this story. I had only just gone online a couple of years earlier and was at a very disturbed stage in my life.

Only just getting over the suppresive stage and slowly coming to terms with what I was after gaining access to the internet and gradually recognising my 'inbetweenie' circumstance that wasn't much discussed in those early days.

So no apologies and 'Damn the Torpedoes!'

Cold Feet at Christmas 2

I had to remember that this was a parish church, not a private chapel, as the pews filled with people I not only didn’t remember but actually didn’t know. Simon was in full vicar-mode, in cassock and collar, and his fiancée had managed to snag a corner of the choir stalls so as to be as near to him as possible.

Of Heroes and Bullets: Super Powered Blues

Note: this is kind of loosely based on a very good book, and very different take on the superhero genre: Those Who Walk in Darkness, by John Ridley. I suggest checking it out if you enjoy my humble story.

What happens when humanity gets tired of gods in their midst?

Cold Feet at Christmas 1

“PIE! Get off my bloody face!”

The bastard dog was sat right on my chin, and even though most of his body was on my chest his smelly rear was just under my nose, tail swishing across my face. Jim’s voice filtered through the black and white fur that blocked my vision.

“Down, Pie! Sorry, Dad”

Legacy of the Anari - 10

Legacy of the Anari

by Ashleigh Blayze

Chapter 10

A big apology to everyone for the lack of individual responses to their comments. A big thank you to you all for your thoughts and thank you for reading. I promise normal service will be resumed straight away just real life has been a bit of a mare. Thanks again and I hope you enjoy the next chunk of Ashai's misfortunes!

The Blanchard Home Chapter 1

Jordan Newton finds himself living in a mansion where the residents aren't what they appear to be. He must struggle to hold onto who he is as he becomes one of the house's girls.

___________Chapter I: Welcome home___________________________________________________

Covered Bridges-1.

Covered Bridges.

Chapter 1

There’s times looking back that I knew I was different but really I hadn’t a clue at the time how different.

I pull my rental car into the parking lot of my old home. This is where I grew up. The driveway’s still dirt and is just this big half circle that goes from the edge of the lawn to the road. The grass is starting to reclaim it now. My House and my grandparent’s houses aren’t here anymore…Well it’s been a long time.

Healing a Princess...41 (Fighting the Wind)

Healing a Princess . . . 41 (Fighting the Wind)

By Anistasia Allread

Cavalrymen having heard the alarm and noting their Captain’s tense posture, began forming up behind him.
The Captain turned towards them. “We don’t know what may be out there, but we need to hold them off so that the princesses can get across the river.”
::We should get going.:: Mi’tana suggested.
::Let’s stay here. Just a bit longer.:: Monyka protested.
“Monyka.” Grymm’s words were a bit slurred from his wounds. “We should head down to the river.
“Captain!” a call went up. “Look!”
Monyka looked north and saw a swirling cloud of black coming straight at them.
“What is that?” a voice asked.
Monyka squinted and strained to make out what the mass was.
“Everyone, if you have face guards, put them down.” Rikki ordered. Those who don’t cover your faces with what you can. That is a murder of crows.” The Captain looked to Monyka wide eyes. “Can you do something?”

The mysterious case of the missing manhoods. Part 5 the replies


though I admit to using drink as balm to my soul I implore you to abstain. At least moderate your indulgence. I understand the need. I miss my son grievously but we do not have that luxury. Clear heads are needed at this portentous moment. I will bring you some of that excellent vintage you requested but we must indulge sparingly.

Make My Day

Make My Day

by Julie D Cole

When someone says ‘I hate you’ it often brings a tear,
Especially when the words are from the ones we hold most dear,
Hate is rarely ever meant, but it’s like a bullet from a gun,
The shooter aims, the shot is loud and lots of pain will come,

But ‘Love’ is like an arrow that that flies from archers bow,
It often strikes without a sound, so the target doesn’t know,
So if you hear ‘I love you’ even though from far away
More tears will come, but the feelings good,

Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 2.

Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 2.

Chapter 2

God things came around so fast instead of going someplace else to get myself sorted out I made appointments with different places here in town. Alright I’m a bit vain I guess and I decided that if I’m really going to do this and everything that I was Really going to do this.


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