
Editors work harder than the writers

That great book you read took hundreds of people working behind the scenes working to make the book appear in print. Those great movies aren't made by a few actors-actresses and a camera man. Thousands of people are involved before it is finished and that's not counting the promotions.

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"By George, I think she's got it!"

Since I figured you folks needed a break from yet another blog post detailing the myriad reasons I don't have the talent to write, the courage to write, or the experience to write, I thought I'd talk about my trip a week ago to Green Bay to see a speech pathologist (hey, it ain't a trip to Lambeau Field, but I at least got a chance to get out of the apartment).

No, no. I'm not going to replace 500 words of whining about my writing or lack of same with 500 words of whining about my voice.

Well...maybe a little whining, but for the most part this is good news. It might not seem like it at first, but...well, just read on:

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Nice hair color

Over all appearance makes the first impression. Different people rate different things first in appearance. Clean fresh look of course is important. Makeup tricks so the "wow" appeal is visual impact. Clothes are up there at the top of first appearance. How many don't pay attention to their crowning glory, their hair? Sure they brushed it but did they style it and make sure the color is theirs?

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Brown Recluse bites and other things

Not sure how many times I've been bitten (dozen or more) by that spider with two names. Brown Recluse or Fiddle Back. There is no anti venom. The horror stories of being bit by that little critter abound. Within hours of the bite the familiar Bulls Eye forms. White point in the middle with a spreading red circle around the center. Then the nightmare of tales begin as told by the victims. With in a week the flesh starts to rot until a quarter or nickle size hole is left behind.


Anyone Know how Elizabeth Jean is Doing?

Just wondering how Elizabeth Jean is doing I know she comments on stories and blogs but I was just wondering if she was doing ok because she has not posted a new chapter to any of her stories since November of 2012.

I hope nothing bad has happened to her or anyone has said anything hurtful to her.

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Trying to Sell Your Story? Business 101 Applies Here

Forget the Get Rich Quick idea. Don't believe in If You Build it They Will Come fantasy. Selling a story is a business. You want to start a restaurant so you find a really "CHEAP" barn to lease. You refurbish it, put all the equipment in it, hire help, and..., wait for customers who never show. (Kinda kin to posting on Amazon)


Another Great Has Passed

Native Oklahoman and Hollywood great James Garner has passed away at the age of 86. My first memory of him is on the TV show "Maverick" (which he hated), and he went on to become one of the most versatile male leads in Hollywood, able to move from TV shows to movies and back. He was always proud of being from Oklahoma, and its impossible for me to come up with even a partial list of all the things he did to benefit the people and the State of Oklahoma.

They don't make them like this anymore, and that's our loss. RIP Jim, we're gonna miss you.

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Pingo et al

I've just found a delightful piece in the current BBC News Magazine on the work of a fellow who is collecting words that describe geographic phenomenon. The concept is wonderful and I think, important. The photos are lovely and the language enthralling. Have a look if you'd like. Words are so enchanting.


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Doctors report

after 3 months in wheelchair I can put full weight on the leg/ankle I broke on April 12 . I can now walk with a walker short distances , it's hard and I get tired fast but going in the right direction . Small baby steps next step will be using a cane . The doctor said 6 month and I told him Labor Day 4 & 1/2 months I am on track for the Labor Day date WOO-HOO
Thanks to everybody who has sent me get well wishes HUGS RICHIE

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I'm in the Twilight Zone

Am I the only one living in 2014 two years into the future? Don't pull me back to 2012 yet, I'm fixing to make a killing in the precious metals and stock markets. By the time 2014 gets here you can call me your Highness Majesty Royal Fluff or maybe just Hey You.

Look at the comments posted dates on "Assassin". I was tripping along in my own little world and had a lucid moment when something didn't seem right. So being the ditz that I am, I honestly had to double check to make sure I was Back to the Future reading a story posted and commented on in 2012.



some of you know about the prayers I ask for back in February, for my wife well she just got out of the hospital again. As it stands now she on dialysis 3x a week. just thought you like to know.


Transgender Actress nominated for Emmy

Emmys Make History With First Transgender Acting Nominee Laverne Cox "I’m on cloud nine. I’m through the roof,” the actress, who recently graced the cover of Time magazine, told The Hollywood Reporter early Thursday. The cultural impact of Orange, which launched its second season in June, has not been not lost on Cox:

Pretty girl


Question about choices

I have noticed a lot of stories that involve a SF or Magical change M2F, the changee ends up shorter, very often shorter than the average height for women. As a lover of tall women, I find this unfortunate, not that this has made any real change to how I have enjoyed the story.

What I am wondering is why this choice is being made? I can understand that exceptionally tall TG people may wish they could be shorter, but it seems to be taken to extremes, even with characters that were not particularly tall prior to the change.

Just a musing. Any answers would be nice.


Tabloid slumming, and the need for a role model

I feel as though I'd just emerged from a six-month coma--otherwise, how could I have missed something like this?

While perusing online newspapers, as I'm inclined to do, I happen to run across a familiar name and a phrase I never thought I'd see linked together: "Bruce Jenner" and "sex change".

The "click bait" worked. True or not, there's no way in hell I was going to pass this by.

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A few pieces of entertainment for those on BC.

The return of the Beautiful Sailor Scouts.
As of 3 am (PDT)today, Saturday, July 12, 2014.

The reboot of Sailor Moon, has already started.

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I'm still alive incase anyone was wondering ?

Just so you all know I was hit with a stroke on May 23rd that hit the left side of my body and I just got out of Rehab today and I'm going real slow at the present I'm suppose to continue more rehab here at home Will Talk later Thank you all. See you later! Richard

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Gender changes slowly coming

Over the past sixty years the concepts and perceptions about those who do NOT fit the gender identity they were tagged with at birth is slowly changing. Sadly, Harry Benyamin's Gender Dysphoria is still hung onto all boy-girls caught up in the gender blender. In other words, if one doesn't accept their birth sex designation then they are crazy.

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Writers Block Broken ?

Several weeks ago I posted about writers block ,about stories that have been left unfinished it seems some of our great writers have heard my pain and started to pick up stories where they stopped adding chapters . KUDOS & THANK YOU for each and every page posted.
I thank each of you creative thinkers for wonderful stories and taking the time to post on BCTS with is a free site hosted by wonderful dedicated unrecognized people.
Please for those who can donate .

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