
Personal Foul


Synopsis: Everything seemed to be going Danny’s way as he went off to celebrate his college football team’s latest victory; that is, until he began to change into a girl at a crowded bar. This story is set against the background of the Ohio State football season of 2002 and is a sub-story of the Turbulence story cycle.

Accidental Girl


Synopsis: When a guy dresses like a girl the rest of the world begins debating the right and wrong of it along with the reasons why. Some will argue that it's nature as the cause. Others will tell you it's nurturing as the reason. No one, in either group, is going to agree completely that someone becomes a transsexual simply by accident. Things like that just do not happen that way, and isn't that funny.

A Little Understanding?

A husband and wife learn to understand each others lives a little better by having to live them out as each other.

Revised with a little guidance and editorial help from Aardvark.

Please let me know what you think.

The Summer Job


Audience Rating: 


Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

The Summer Job

by The Chocolate Thunder

One slightly geeky high school kid, one heartless corporation, and one vat of pink goo. A recipe for the ultimate superhero... sorta.

The Summer Job 2: Electric Boogaloo


One slightly geeky high school kid, one heartless corporation, and one vat of pink goo. A recipe for the ultimate superhero... sorta. After her dramatic transformation, our intrepid heroine must now do battle on the field of...battle. Will she survive the onslaught? Or will there be an unnecessary cliffhanger?

The Rigby Narratives -08- Vector/Victoria

The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate TG Experience
McKenzie Rigby

as told to
Andy Hollis
Jaye Michael

Chapter Eight -- Vector/Victoria

"Thank you ladies and gentlemen. Thank you." Another bow and the applause finally died. Victoria Lane glided off the stage and to her dressing room, or as she preferred to call it, her closet with built in makeup table.

Accidental Momma

Accidental Momma

By Tyrone Slothrop- A High Sierras story, part of the Angelverse

A young teen is betrayed by those who should look out for him, and learns the meaning of responsibility and family


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 

TG Universes & Series: 


Wicca Magick

WARNINGS: Contains transgender themes, Magic, explicit sex, mild violence,
bad words, and strange ideas. It has only the strange things that dribble from
my head. If you are not old enough, mature enough, open minded enough, and

The Unicorn Club: Part 1

Brian didn't know what he had gotten into when he responded to a Unicorn's summons. He didn't know the ropes of the job and had short of forever to learn it. He had become a Unicorn. But worst of all, the job description didn't mention the fact he would become a she...

The Unicorn Club

Part One

by Andy Hollis


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