stanman63's blog

Is There An Official Listing Of Caregivers By E.E.Nalley?

Is There An Official Listing Of Caregivers By E.E.Nalley?
By Stanman63

Caregivers By E.E.Nalley has a series of stories posted here, but I see no history of how to read this fine collection. Anybody have an idea/?

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Whatever Happened To Lulu Martine?

Whatever Happened To Lulu Martine?
By Stanman63

Lulu Martine was posting a story Lulu - A Dark Comedy of Identity, last year and she stopped posting suddenly. I sincerely hope that she is alright and will be returning soon. Anybody know why she is not here?

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Where Are They?

Where Are They?

By Stanman63
Admiral Krunch Being Christina Chase , Billie Sue Pilgrim [A Lizzie Jane Adventure] Lulu Martine Lulu - A Dark Comedy of Identity and Toni Trepasso ? All mentioned authoresses have stopped posting. WHY?

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The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 4 Honeymoon Trips By rache

The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 4 Honeymoon Trips By rachel76m Delayed

By Stanman63
Rachel sent me a P.M. saying that the next chapter will be delayed due to work.

May Your Light Forever Shine

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The Bodysuit In Fiction

The Bodysuit In Fiction

I have been using the all-purpose bodysuit in my stories to give my characters the bodies that they crave. Now, I know that such an invention would not be made due to the impact on medicine and society as well, it makes for a great story.That is why I am posting a story where it is first made, and why.

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Why The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 4 Honeymoon Trips By r

Why The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 4 Honeymoon Trips By rachel76m Delay

By Stanman63
She sent me this e-mail

Hello Stanman,

Yep, my phone line went dead late Friday night or early Saturday morning. I had to wait until Monday to call ATT to place the repair order. I thought it was fixed while I did the call, but then it went dead again. Hopefully it will be resolved by Wednesday.

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Puppy Power!

By Stanman63
My dog friend Moo-Moo recently gave birth to a passel of puppies. She is a German Shepard/Poodle mix with German Shepard markings, but the size of a Toy Poodle. The father is a black mongrel about her size. Talk about Puppy Power! Scrappy Doo, you have no way to meet their cuteness.

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Transsexual Canadian Beauty Queen Asks Trump to Eliminate Mi

Transsexual Canadian Beauty Queen Asks Trump to Eliminate Mi

Janet L. Stickney

Janet L. Stickney
By Stanman63

She started posting her stories here, but has stopped. At the same time, I was accused of plagiarizing her stories. Can anybody contact her and let her know that if I have offended her that I apologize?

May Your Light Forever Shine

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So Many Pills To Take Add On Part Three

So Many Pills To Take Add On Part Three

By Stanman63

I went back to a radiologist yesterday for a blood test to check and see how the meds are doing. I am doing fine the meds are not adversely affecting me. In fact, I am doing very well, almost where he wants me. I go back on the 12th for another blood test, and he has refilled my prescriptions as well.

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Me And My Recliner

Me And My Recliner

By Stanman63

I now have a recliner that I can sleep in and keep my footsies up level with my heart. I need this to get my legs back down to normal size. My old bed and mattress is too far gone and with the recliner, I can sleep in same room as my brother in case of an emergency. When I was rushed to the hospital, he was the one who called. Now, we are setting things up for my medical needs.

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Was Sick! Now I Am Back

Was Sick! Now I Am Back

By Stanman63

On the last night that I was here, I was rushed to the hospital because I was literally drowning in my body fluids. I was out for four days as the doctors gave me meds to absorb the excess water which has also reduced my weight by quite a bit. I am still a bit weak, so won't get into helping with stories until then. I know that several have sent me a PM about being sick. Thank you for your concern.

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