Trismegistus Shandy

A Notional Treason

A Notional Treason, a 42,000 word novel in the same setting as Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes and When Wasps Make Honey, is now available from Smashwords in EPUB format, from Barnes and Noble for the Nook, and from Amazon in Kindle format.

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Writing resolutions

I don't necessarily do New Year resolutions every year, but I found myself looking over my records of my writing in 2013, and thinking about how I could improve, and found myself making a whole passel of writing-related resolutions, some vaguer and more tentative than others.

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Nina Kiriki Hoffman's "A Red Heart of Memories" and sequels

Nina Kiriki Hoffman’s sequence of novels A Red Heart of Memories (1999), Past the Size of Dreaming (2001), and A Stir of Bones (2003) may be of interest to this site’s readers for one major transgendered character, who is onstage in Past the Size of Dreaming and A Stir of Bones and appears in flashbacks in in A Red Heart of Memories. Several other characters are more or less atypical in their gender identity and presentation. Hoffman has also written a number of short stories about the characters from these books, some but not all of which are in her short story collection Permeable Borders.

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Reviews: David Levithan and Greg Egan

Every Day by David Levithan (Knopf, 2012) is a novel whose main character, A, wakes up every morning in the body of a different person. "The Safe-Deposit Box" by Greg Egan (Asimov's SF, 1990) has the same basic premise, but a very different plot and tone.

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Review: The Stormlord trilogy by Glenda Larke

The Stormlord Trilogy by Glenda Larke (called the Watergivers trilogy in Australia, and maybe some other countries) is a secondary world epic fantasy, consisting of three volumes, The Last Stormlord, Stormlord Rising, and Stormlord's Exile. I wholeheartedly recommend it as a fine adventure epic with nifty political intrigue, knotty moral dilemmas, clever and consistent worldbuilding, and emotionally affecting characterization. The reason I'm mentioning it here is one particular character, a FtM transsexual. He doesn't appear until the third book, but he has a fairly major role to play when he appears.

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News of my recent writing, and call for beta readers

I haven't posted anything here for a while, but I haven't been idle. I've finished several first drafts recently, and would like to get feedback on them from beta readers before I do final drafts and post them here, or offer them for sale on Smashwords and the Kindle store.

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Travel Agency: Scouts, part 6 of 6

Would it not work with her so far from the Gray One’s office? This place must be empty of magic, or the Gray One would have rescued her by now — perhaps the return spell would not work here.

This story is set, with Morpheus' permission, in his Travel Agency universe.

Travel Agency: Scouts, part 5 of 6

Travel Agency: Scouts, part 4 of 6

“If we can recreate this ‘Coke’ from materials to be had in our own world, we will do as much for the happiness of the speaking peoples as if we replicate a steam engine or internal combustion engine.”

This story is set, with Morpheus' permission, in his Travel Agency universe.

Travel Agency: Scouts, part 3 of 6

“Being a woman is nothing,” Natalie said. “I’ve been men and women, male and female dwarves and camel-centaurs and even merfolk. But having to stay in the same shape for six days! I don’t know if I can do it.”

This story is set, with Morpheus' permission, in his Travel Agency universe. and publishing rights

Some time ago, when the editor of asked for submissions in fairly vague terms, I asked for submission guidelines and got no reply. Recently, I submitted a new story blindly, not knowing anything about the format or subgenres they prefer, and inquired about what publication rights they buy.

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Travel Agency: Scouts, part 2 of 6

“Dear body-borrower,

“I hope you have fun in my body and my world, but not too much fun, if you know what I mean.”

This story is set, with Morpheus' permission, in his Travel Agency universe.

Not Beyond Conjecture, part 3 of 3

Midrun suggested that we all swim away, and let the wizard relax his guard and restore his hearing. Then we could surprise him tomorrow evening and lure him overboard. But the rest of us objected strongly: how many innocent men might jump overboard along with the wizard?

Not Beyond Conjecture, part 2 of 3

The light came back — I had almost forgotten what light and color were. I could begin to put colors to the shapes and sounds of the fish around me. And besides the many small fish, I saw larger shapes as well, swimming toward me or toward the source of the song — creatures with dolphin’s hindquarters and more or less human arms and heads.

Not Beyond Conjecture, part 1 of 3

For a little while I was surprised that I hadn’t drowned yet; then I decided I must have already drowned, but my soul hadn’t left my body yet. But I found that I could still move, once I had recovered from the kick in the stomach. I could move my arms and legs, I could feel myself and my clothes with my hands. I felt little ticklings as fish approached and took a nibble at me, and I swatted them away.

When Wasps Make Honey

When Wasps Make Honey, the sequel to Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, is now available from Amazon in Kindle Format
and from Smashwords in EPUB format. This novel follows the continuing adventures of Kazmina and Launuru as Kazmina secretly rescues slaves from various estates and Launuru is drafted as an acolyte of Kensaulan, the god of the dead. Psavian and Znembalan play larger roles here than in the first book, and there are many new characters, several of whom get transformed in interesting ways.

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Beta readers wanted for the sequel to "Wine Can't Be Pressed

I'm looking for beta readers to critique the sequel to Wine Can't Be Pressed Into Grapes. Copyediting would be nice, but what I mainly need is for someone to look at it with fresh eyes and see if there are any plot holes, whether anything is unclear or (unintentionally) ambiguous, whether the various plot threads hang together in a cohesive whole, whether the ending is satisfying, and so forth. It's 204,000 words,

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A House Divided, part 7 of 7

“Most of you already know Jeffrey Sergeyev,” Ms. Turner said in a loud voice. “She will be using the girls' facilities from now on, as I explained Friday. Please be courteous to her.”

“Ignore the bit where she called me ‘she’ and ‘her’,” I said to the girls nearest me.

A House Divided, part 6 of 7

“Sir,” I said, trying to stay calm and respectful, “could you please ask Ms. Turner not to refer to me with female pronouns?”

“Well,” he said, “we have to use some pronoun or other. Perhaps one of the English teachers can recommend a good gender-neutral pronoun.”

A House Divided, part 5 of 7

“I know there would be problems with you using the girls’ bathrooms or showers,” Dad said, “but — after today, there might be just as bad problems showering with the other boys.”

A House Divided, part 4 of 7

“I can’t,” Arnie said. “Keith and Tara Saunders invited me to a party at their house. I asked if you could come, but they said it’s centaurs only,” he went on, looking vaguely embarrassed.

“Have fun,” I said. I felt weird about that, and wondered if things like that were going to happen often, and if so, if this was the beginning of the end of our friendship.

The Valentine Divergence


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The Valentine Divergence
Setting notes

by Trismegistus Shandy

Updated 2015/9/15 re: neospecies featured in "Nora and the Nomads", and other telepathic neospecies

Before I start talking about the world in which my stories “Butterflies are the Gentlest” and “A House Divided” are set (warning: this will contain spoilers for those stories), let me clear up a couple of possible misunderstandings. This isn’t exactly a “story bible” like the writers of Star Trek episodes or tie-in books have to religiously adhere to, or a set of “rules” like those that ElrodW wrote for his MAU setting.

A House Divided, part 3 of 7

“I don’t like this,” Mom said. “I don’t see how you can keep it up, and the longer you manage to pretend, the more people are going to be hurt and offended when they find out you lied to them.”

I was starting to worry that she might be right, but I wasn’t going to back out unless she and Dad forced my hand by telling people.

A House Divided, part 2 of 7

Dad snuggled in next to Mom on the sofa; she put aside the skirt she was working on and they hugged and kissed, but I thought I saw a little bit of hesitation, and it hurt. I knew too many kids at school whose parents were divorced, or looked like they might get a divorce any time now, and I was happy to think that my parents looked like the sticking-together kind. But when I saw her hesitate a little before letting him hug her and kiss her, it worried me. Could they still stay together after changing in such drastic and different ways? And if not, what would happen to me?

A House Divided


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A House Divided

by Trismegistus Shandy

This short novel (43,800 words) is in the same setting as my earlier novelette “Butterflies are the Gentlest.” They take place simultaneously, but there are no characters in common; I reckon you could read them in either order. I’m calling the setting itself “the Valentine Divergence”; if anyone else wants to write stories in this setting, feel free.

Quarantine Cove, part 3 of 3

Some of us were glad to have a few dozen more male bodies in the mix, so we could be of our preferred sex more often; but by then I think most of us were starting to get used to femininity — if we did not enjoy it, at least we had stopped complaining about it.

Quarantine Cove, part 2 of 3

“As much as I like this Gulliver overall, I think Quindlen made a mistake to have the Houyhnhnms be intelligent draftbeasts.”

“Why?” Spar asked. “Do you think he should have said they were intelligent... what was it in the original? Unicorns?”

Quarantine Cove, part 1 of 3

“Spar! Come on in,” I said. We had all thought my cousin Spartacus was immune to the changing, since he hadn’t caught it when other children did on several occasions when it was going around the village. But it was obvious now that she wasn’t.

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 21 of 22

Then they were on a vast field, with scattered bodies and parts of bodies lying everywhere, and ravens and vultures fluttering from one choice morsel to another. Only one human figure was moving on that field; Kazmina ran towards him.

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 19 of 22

“I do need you,” she said, beginning to tremble. “I said — I said I didn't want to change back, and I don't, but I want even more to be with you, to make you happy. If the only way I can do that is to change —”

“Shh,” he said. “No, you don't have to change for me.”

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 18 of 22

She undressed in the dark and stashed her clothes and shoes on the shelves, then looked inward at her structure, deciding what form she wanted for this purpose. She started making changes, reducing her size and altering her structure. Twitching her whiskers and sniffing gingerly at the door, she slipped quietly into the corridor and scurried down it towards the front parlor.

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 17 of 22

“Come,” she said playfully, “I have no romantic illusions about my own brother — I know perfectly well she loves you a hundred times better than you deserve. If it were any other woman, I would try to discourage her by telling her embarrassing stories about you, but Launuru already knows them all, so I'll just have to accept your good fortune.”

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 16 of 22

Launuru hated herself for her cowardice as soon as she'd run away, but was too ashamed to go back. It was too late to fix things; she'd gambled her relationship with Verentsu, hoping to turn friendship into love, but now she'd made such a mess that there was probably no way they could go back to being friends.

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 15 of 22

“You said you were not betrothed to any man back home; do you hope that Verentsu will ask you to be his bride?”

“Yes,” Launuru said shyly. “But I am afraid...” The geas wouldn't let her complete the sentence.

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 14 of 22

“What's your custom here in Niluri?” Kazmina asked. “Is a woman normally allowed to ask a man to marry her? It's hard to judge from Tsavila or you what women are normally expected to act like here; even in Setuaznu, enchantresses are allowed more privileges than mundane women, and as for you...”

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 12 of 22

Hadn't Tsavila said that he should be kind to her, for she'd suffered enough already? If she was compelled to act this part against her will, further probing could do no good; he had already learned enough to be sure she was no Vetuatsenu. Various moments of their conversations the day before came back to him: she had repeatedly changed the subject when someone brought up recent events in Netuatsenu, or asked more than a few questions about her family.

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 11 of 22

“You're probably not related to her, either.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean I don't know who my mother was. She was a wizard, and probably not from Setuaznu or Niluri or anywhere in between, but my father never talks about her.”

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 9 of 22

“Maybe he did as the servant said, maybe not. Either way, I fear he did meet with some misfortune, for the last I heard his family had not heard from him either. But wine can't be pressed into grapes. I met Itsulanu when I was angry and sad, and he comforted me. Now in less than three days he is to be my husband, and that makes me happier than I can say. I wish my sometime lover may be happy wherever he is; I forgive him.”

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 8 of 22

“Love is a thing holy to Kalotse, and...” Just then she heard a wailing, which got momentarily louder; one of the servants came in holding a fussy, just-woken Miretsi. “A thing with unexpected consequences,” she concluded.

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 7 of 22

Launuru said little in the carriage on the way back to the wizard's house. She was thinking about her reaction when Kazmina had suggested that she change back into the man she'd been when she hired the room. It had been as appalling to her just now as the idea of becoming a woman had been when Kazmina suggested it two days ago. If that were so, how could she ask Tsavila to marry her, promising to become a man again soon?


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