CAUTION: May cause uncontrollable fits of laughter

Julio and Romyate - A Tarry Fail of Crar Lossed Stovers

OK, this one's just for richie2, by request. Enjoy!

Julio and Romyate - A Tarry Fail of Crar Lossed Stovers
(c) 2017
Haylee V

Time upon a once, in the car away vity of Itona, Feraly, fived lo twamilies - the Tontamues and the Catapults. Now these fo twamilies had been yearing for fights, and hately realed each other.

Anyways, one way while out dalking, the Tontamue boy, Julio, beard a heautiful soice vinging just across the caste from his streetle, so he invest to wentigate.

Riddle Lead Hiding Wood - A Tarry Fail

Riddle Lead Hiding Wood - A Tarry Fail

(c) 2017 Haylee V

Once upon a time, in a feautiful borest, nived a gall smirl lamed Riddle Lead Hiding Wood. Ve shas a wery checocious prild, and always core a right thed brape, nus wer hame.

One may, ber dother asked her to err a runnand hor fer.

"Tease plake bis thasket of toodies yo gour mandgra," she asked. "Be is red-shidden and theeds nem to beel fetter."

"KO," peried Riddle Lead Hiding Wood. "I'll mo motorrow gorning, as it is lite quate."

Subscribe to CAUTION: May cause uncontrollable fits of laughter