Misty Steppes

Calling all Whateley-philes

As you may or may not have seen, I’ve recently started releasing a non-canon tale in the Whateley Universe, “A New Direction” - thanks to my non-canon status, I can afford to be a little more free with fitting setting restrictions, but it still rubs me the wrong way to break from the established canon.

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A New Direction - WA Non-Canon - Chapter 2

A New Direction - Chapter 2
By Misty Steppes

Note: This is a story set in the Whateley Academy Universe, but it is non-canon, and written without explicit permission - that being said, I'm going to do my best to remain within the bounds of the canon stories' events. Many thanks to Maggie Finson and all of the wonderful WA authors for this playground!

Warped Space - Chapter 4

Warped Space - Chapter 4
By Misty Steppes

Things are slowly picking up, and yet only just beginning... enjoy!

The room went silent in an instant. Heads snapped to the main doorway, where an imposing figure in the same black armor as always strode closer. Hands raised in clean salutes as he passed by each table, and as the man stopped right next to mine I dropped my fork and attempted a messy salute - I was doing my best. He smirked at me.

A New Direction - WA Non-Canon - Chapter 1?

A New Direction - Chapter 1?
By Misty Steppes

Note: This is a story set in the Whateley Academy Universe, but it is non-canon, and written without explicit permission - that being said, I'm going to do my best to remain within the bounds of the canon stories' events. Many thanks to Maggie Finson and all of the wonderful WA authors for this playground!

Drift Queens - Chapter 1

Drift Queens - Chapter 1
By Misty Steppes

I promise there’ll be more Warped Space soon - my muse just decided this would be an interesting story, so this first chapter popped into existence. Maybe I’m reading too much WolfJess :P. The title is subject to change, and this chapter definitely needs a rework at some point if I’m going to turn it into a story, but let me know what you think!

Pacific Coast Highway, California, USA

Drift Queens


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Sage Sakamoto is just an average kid, living his high school life in Southern California. It just so happens he also spends his nights breaking local street racing records, without anyone knowing. Nothing could possibly come of that... right?

Warped Space - Chapter 3

Warped Space - Chapter 3
By Misty Steppes

My, it has been a while hasn’t it. Apologies for the absence, the Real World has indeed been cruel over the past… almost two years, I think it’s been? Dear. Well, whilst I get my bearings, enjoy a new chapter of Warped Space!

Once more, I looked out into darkness.

Warped Space - Chapter 2

Warped Space - Chapter 2
By Misty Steppes

Don't go expecting these every night, folks, I'm just trying to decide where exactly I'm going with this story, and I do that by writing until I'm happy with a chapter and where it takes the story. That being said, enjoy!

Warped Space


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Aaron was determined to change the world with his work, no matter how what it took. But one catastrophe later, and he's got much bigger things to look forward to, for better or worse.

*Thanks to Rasufelle's sample pages for guidance on creating this title page!*

Warped Space - Chapter 1

Warped Space - Chapter 1
By Misty Steppes

Welcome to my first story! Be warned, this may receive a rewrite at some point, but I'm not going to do much good staring at it so I might as well let it out into the wild. Enjoy, and I'd love to hear comments or criticism down below.

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