
Demented Fur Baby

A few days ago, I received, in the mail, from Amazon, a thing that screws onto a water tap outside, where my fur girls can lick it to get their water. I had one before, and my pup took to it like a duck, or a dog, to water.

Unfortunately, my fur girls are a bit older, and don't seem to want to learn how to get water from the thingamajig. They'd much prefer I put a bowl under it, and hold the thing on so their bowl fills up like I'm their personal maid or something. Honest! They're dogs, not cats!

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Wonder if I can use this

Ever done one of those things that was incredibly stupid, but you know you can use it in a story (if you can get over the embarrassment, that is?)

I was getting my brunch (I'm somewhat of a late riser) ready, consisting of smoked sausages and BBQ sauce (Don't judge me! LOL). I was reaching into the door of the fridge for the BBQ sauce, and I stopped myself from squeezing it onto my sausages when I realized that I had found, not BBQ, but Hershey's. Chocolate Sauce.

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Muppets Most Wanted (Limited Spoiler)

I went and saw Muppets Most Wanted. Like the other Muppet Movies it uses the shotgun approach to comedy, if you tell enough jokes some of them have to be funny. The more you know of current pop culture personalities, the funnier it will be.

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