
Sometimes it takes a generator to get the sparks flying....

Since I finally, after an untold number of weeks, have cleared the sleep deprivation-induced fuzz from my brain, I decided to make use of the writing generators this site links to.

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A scrap of writing from my virtual attic

Have you ever found an unfinished piece of writing--one you did weeks, months or even years before--and said to yourself, "Did I write this? I didn't know I could write this well!" That happened to me recently, when I came across an old story excerpt that seemed too good to have come from me.

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Stuff, updates?

Ok folks so I haven't been reading much or commenting and I'm sorry. Work is still the same, absolutely no changes. But that's not what this is about. What is it about you ask? Well gentle reader it is about, I got a vacation request approved and am off this whole week WOOHOO!!!. I have been writing like a madwoman I am collaborating with another author on the site and I am inspired.

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