Three Girls - Chapter 21

Three Girls (Plus)

Book Five

Chapter Twenty-One

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio

I have no gift to bring....


Three girls find they have a lot more in common than their music...
yuki's wish - playing, freedom, music...all for what if not to be the girl i am
lainie's hope - maybe now they'll listen...more than just playing...maybe now they might hear
danni's dream - the dawn awakens my soul no longer the same now new my heart sings
terri’s challenge — my voice, my heart…my life are yours for as long as I live…

Trick of the Mind - 47 & 48

Trick of the Mind — 47 & 48

by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — Written From The Heart

Thanks to Wren Erendae Phoenix for editing/proofing.

“The rugby club is putting on a 'Top Of The League' ball next week to celebrate our success. The guys from yesterday were wondering if you'd like to be their dates for the night. That kind of includes you and Pete, Rich... er I mean Rachael. What do you say?”



This is a stand alone story about unintended consequences with a dash of humor. It is the typical tale of warning that you should read the fine print. Our hero Bradley discovered the fine print too late.

Rights reserved by author with usage permission granted to Big Closet only.


Somewhere Else Entirely -32-

As the day of the festival approaches the palace begins to fill up with noble guests. A chance encounter means that Garia faces a challenge unlike any she has come across so far.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

32 - Meet the Neighbors

Jem...Chapter 2

Jem…Chapter 2

I love this song, I honestly love this song and the way that the writer and lead singer Linda Perry just wails out those lyrics has always got me singing along and even just doing housework I’d move to the music.

I’ve never rocked out this hard with other people before, especially one’s that could actually play. I really get into belting out the song….”What’s Up, What’s going on?” By 4-Non-Blondes.

“And so I cry sometimes, when I’m lying in bed.”
“Just to get it all out, what’s in my head.”

The Rusted Blade, Chapter 17

The Rusted Blade, Chapter 17
A collaboration by darkice and kitn

“Don’t you recognize your best friend, Arron?” He stared at her again and she bared her teeth at him in what could, possibly, be taken for a smile by the truly unobservant.


I'm Touching You

I’m Touching You

By Julie D Cole

To A special friend amongst us who I want to touch today. No names.

Because you gave me your support when I first joined this site,
I carried on,what joy I found — at last a chance to write,

I looked at lots of work you’ve done and the Kudos you have scored,
So many girls have read your words, like me they’re never bored,

Because you touched me many times, since you said that first hello,
I’m now touching you with my good luck — and I just thought you should know,

Whilst some of us get all the breaks and others, just a few,
I’m passing on what ones I can, but this special one's for you.

The Angry Mermaid 39 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 39.

Chapter 39 describes the Angry mermaid's adventures on passage from Cyprus to Rhodes during their voyage to Constantinople to pay their respects to the Byzantine Emperor.

The Angry mermaid 39.


Y Morforwyn Dicllon 39.

Mabina. The youngest daughter and Twin to
Drustan Her twin brother.
Grandpa Erin the twins grandfather.
Giana The twins grandmother
Caderyn The twins father.
Herenoie The twins wise and beautiful mother.

Trick of the Mind - 45 & 46

Trick of the Mind — 45 & 46

by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — Written From The Heart

Thanks to Wren Erendae Phoenix for editing/proofing.

“You OK?” I asked her.

“Yeah, you?”

“Better knowing we aren't lying to your folks anymore.”

“Yeah. You needn't have folded so neatly under Mum and Dad's cross-examination though.”

Seasons of Bailey: Autumn - Part 7

Only days after what seemed like a magical evening,
Bailey is hit hard on all fronts.
School, home, and even a visit to the doctor's office,
has Bailey recalculating and rethinking his approach to life.
It seems all he can do is try to keep his head above water.
However, a fresh face puts a new perspective
on how Bailey has been viewing things recently.
Perhaps there is a silver lining to his currently cloudy days...

Seasons of Bailey
by Taylor Ryan
Title image and story Copyright © 2010-2020 Taylor Ryan
All Rights Reserved.

My Magic PDA part 4

MY Magic PDA part 4

The Conclusion

Bob and Megan, a married couple in their final years retired for the night. Just before drifting off to sleep Bob made an off hand comment to which Megan agreed with a slight twist. They did not know something was listening and granted their wish. How will this challenge work out when they hardly know the rules of the game?

Sept 20, 2011
Newly edited through the unforgiving seventh grade English teacher. There are a few minor changes but nothing to alter the story. You will notice a change from first person narrative to third person in some scenes. This is intentional. The primary focus is from Bob/Sarah's point of view. I shifted to third person when Bob/Sarah was not involved in the scene and for areas where scene setting is involved. With that in mind it should lessen any confusion. I trust this helps convince you there is a method for the writers madness and it is not a lack of skill. This decision may be a failure but I did it on purpose.

Rights reserved by the author with permission to host granted exclusively to Big Closet.

Through the years: Tracy emerging part 5

“Everything okay, Son?” Conner asked. “I thought I heard crying in your house, haven't seen Tracy next door either.”

William was quiet for a few moments as Vance took his first swing. “No Dad, it's not.”

“What's wrong?” The older man asked.

“We learned something last night and it's tearing Tracy up.” William replied.

“What's that?”

William leaned the ax against the house and led his father away from the house. “Dad, the other day when she was attacked in your back yard it started behind the barn.” He pointed to the large structure that was on his property.

“Yeah, she said that. Then she ran, right?” Conner asked.

“It's more, Dad.” William led his father to the corner of the barn and he stopped, then they both watched Vance cutting wood. William let out a sigh and shook his head. “They attempted to rape her.”


A glimpse into Tracy the next morning, and how William takes care of his anger issues. Plus because it makes me laugh, more of Vance and Sage

A special thanks to DJKauf for the editing



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