015) It's my birthday...

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And I lost another inch from my waist and an inch from my height.

I've always been 5'5.5" ever since... mid-high school? Fairly recently, I've been feeling like I'm slightly shorter, and when I googled "m2f hrt shrinking", there were results, so apparently, some people do experience a slight loss of height on hrt. So I decided last night to check, and I was 5'4.5". Decided to measure again this morning to be certain, and it came up the same, maybe a sixteenth of an inch higher.

I also had to tighten my belt a little bit more, measured my waist this morning, and I'm now a 29" waist, still 38" hips. Oddly, my weight's actually gone back up a pound. Maybe it's the boobs, they were pretty irritable last night. My hips are kinda sore too, I've heard stories about hips rotating forwards or something like that and that they can have a dull ache to more severe pain associated with it.

I think I'm going to have to re-evaluate just how powerful these herbs are, I would've sworn that my waist couldn't get any narrower without my rib-cage starting to show, just last week, now it's gotten an inch narrower, and none of my ribs are showing. My hips are also seeming to change in some way other than just having some fat put on the sides of them.

It seems to take a little while for effects to start being noticeable, but once they are, they seem to start moving fast.

I don't remember if I've mentioned this yet on a blog, but my eyebrows are very definitely growing back in, and doing so in a tighter, more feminine, pattern. I lost them due to a coupla accidents burning them completely out when I was much younger, and they never really grew back.

Anyways... dunno what sort of birthday this'll be, it landed on a Sunday this year, so we can't go out to dinner somewhere (the LDS don't spend money on Sundays). It's also dreary out this entire weekend, and tomorrow still, at least. I never look further than a day in advance, it's usually different by the time you get there.

Oh, for those who didn't know, I've only been pretending to be 26, now it's official.



Extravagance's picture

sound rather hot. Are you trying to get me in the mood for more than just *HugglePurr*s? = )

- - -

I'm an honorary catgirl. =) I like fine seafood, and I love huggles and gentle scratches! ^_^

Catfolk Pride.PNG

uh. no...

Just reporting things as I observe them. I'm also not going to be wearing anything to show these changes off, at least not normally, so pretty sure no one's going to notice... much. Definitely not trying to turn anyone on.

I am considering buying some women's cycling skins with my next paycheck though... I've always wanted to have proper kit, but never could quite justify buying it over other things of interest, and now I can justify it, I'm certain men's skins aren't gunna fit the way they're supposed to for the entire point - reducing drag. The second point for the shorts would probably still be fine - padding, though perhaps a little too well...

Actually, I went over to the local bike shop a few days back and tried on the mens tops... really bad fit, even the small was baggy all over except the boobs, where they were excessively tight. Didn't bother trying the shorts, I already had a pretty good idea what would happen there. Haven't had a chance to try on any women's skins, want a little more privacy to do so, everyone at the bike shop know me. There's a Dick's in town, so hoping they have kit and some proper changing cubicles for privacy.

I'm also hoping to find the skins with women's cut, but gender-neutral appearance. I'm not actually trying to be a woman, have no intention of getting SRS, nor do I want to walk around in women's clothes any more than I absolutely have to, like underwear... as I've mentioned before, men's boxers ride into my bum and roll down my waist towards my hips, because I have to wear them so big to fit over my hips. Women's underwear are far more comfortable. That I need a bra is fairly obvious at this point. I wonder how big they're going to end up, since the typical on hrt is that they keep growing for years, so if they're already this big less than a year into hhm, who knows what could happen.

At least right now, I can get away with wearing men's pants slightly big to fit over my hips and just belt them at either my waist - for better comfort - or where a male waist would normally be - for appearance sake. And baggy male shirts fit over me comfortably enough.

Abigail Drew.


Well Happy 26th Birthday, Just remember when you get older you don't celebrate them or let others know your actual AGE you be wishing you were still 26 someday! Happy Birthday Richard


In my family...

Even my parents still celebrate their birthdays, and tell us their ages, though I never bother remembering them ;P

My folks are in their 60s, I think. At least I'm pretty sure my Dad is at least that old.

Abigail Drew.

old people and candles

Raff01's picture

One year when my grandpa hit....I think it was 58, my mom and grandma were being smartasses and put that many candles on the cake. He about collapsed trying to blow them all out.

When they lit it...all black candles on a black frosted cake, it looked like a forest fire

we do that...

To our parents too. It's fun.

Abigail Drew.

my roommate

Raff01's picture

Calls each birthday the anniversiry of his 21st birthday. In his mind, nothing before that counted.

Happy birthday Slicer. Sorry about no eating out, but remember, we're in the Great lakes area. Weather could be nice tomorrow.

Weather could be nice tomorrow.

Heh. Could be. Not holding my breath though when every single forecaster is calling for more rain and thunderstorms.

Tuesday though... Tuesday could be decent...

Abigail Drew.

Special day

Happy Birthday and congrats on the changes.

I'm with Extravagance: GRRRRRRRR... In my case, I like your disinterest in SRS as I go both ways .... LOL


both ways...

But I go neither way, and never have, so it'd never work.

Abigail Drew.

Happy Birthday

Ole Ulfson's picture

Congratulations on the weight loss!

My stance has always been that my weight is perfect for my height, which varies. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Good luck for next year,


We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!

Gender rights are the new civil rights!

Latter-Day Saint...

Also more commonly known by the inaccurate nickname of Mormons. Mormon was merely the prophet who compiled the records that became the "Book of Mormon". By our beliefs, that doesn't make him any more special than any other prophet. It's Christ we follow, and God we worship, same as any other Christian.

Abigail Drew.

Hi, Slice

Happy Birthday!

Just wanted to tell you that I lost an inch from about 1.3 years of HRT. I went from 6' 0" to 5' 11". It surprised me a lot; I didn't know it could possibly happen. I figure what shrunk is the thickness of the disks in my spine, but it could have been bones, I guess. I was 43; I'm 62 now. I might have shortened a small amount since then, like 0.25" or 0.38", but I think these amounts are within the error variance of the height measurement techniques.

I envy you for your size! and..... You could always switch Christian denominations so that transitioning won't be regarded as evil or sinful. Same God, same JC. It's possible that your body is making a decision for you, even if it's contradicting your conscious wishes. If you become very fem and still want to end-up with a womyn, it might be easier as a lesbian than as a straight man.

Hugs and Bright Blessings,

Ready for work, 1992. Renee_3.jpg

Hugs and Bright Blessings,

transitioning won't be regarded...

Well, technically, this is a very complicated issue in the church, and not blanket "evil" or "sinful". In my case, full SRS would be, since I don't feel as though, spiritually, I should be female.

Even if just because of body changes I do wind up in a position that gets me excommunicated, I'll still hold to my LDS faith, I'll just have to do so as a non-member and with no access to priesthood ordinances. In other words, I'll still live an LDS life, just without church attendance, since it'll be forbidden me. I won't simply attend a different church.

If something changes and I do start to feel as though I do in fact have a female spirit, the BCTS community will be the first to know, then my parents and bishop. At that point, there'd be no reason to try to conceal it, since it'll be far too obvious when I seek counseling and full transition.

Right now though, I'm pretty sure where I stand: an asexual guy with some mixed up wiring causing some behaviors to tend towards the femme and strange sexual fantasies when I sleep of being a woman. I also don't mind the feminizing of my body. I accept this situation fully as it stands, and hope that in spirit form after I leave this life I can be whole, whatever that really should be for me - which no one can really know in this life unless God chooses to tell me, and then, I'd be the only one in this life.

Abigail Drew.

Mine too

Wendy Jean's picture

Same day as your blog, so it was yesterday.

I'm 55.

Interesting changes.