Jesse Rabbit

Which Witch is Which Again

Which Witch is Which Again
By Jesse Rabbit

“What do you mean you can’t fix it?” I practically yelled at one of the sweetest, kindest, nicest old ladies in this or any other universe.

She blinked at me in her somewhat near-sighted way, sipped her cocoa, and shook her head sadly. “Are you sure you don’t want any hot-chocolate, Andy? Its lovely and warm.”

“Aunty Claire,” I half-groaned, half-growled. “I hate chocolate… and I don’t want to be a girl.” I barely resisted the urge to tell her to stop calling me Andy, a nickname I’ve always hated.

Which Witch is Which

Which Witch is Which
By Jesse Rabbit

Fate likes to laugh at us. Simple fact of life. It likes to put us through our paces, put snakes in our beds just to see us jump and bananas on the sidewalk just to see us fall down. Fate is laughing pretty hard at me right now.

My name is Andrew Steven Parker. I’m sixteen. I’ve got two, count ‘em, two little sisters; Gracie who’s fourteen and Megan who’s six. Gracie used to look up to me, while Megan used to think I was pretty much useless. It wasn’t that long ago… last week to be specific.

Vikings 2: Chinese 1

Sometimes Happily Ever After Needs a little work... and strawberries.

Vikings 2

Chinese 1

By Jesse Rabbit

Kara and Mei have taken the first steps towards being together, but life is seldom that simple. Before they can have their Happily Ever After, there will be tears, there will be violence, and oh yes, there will be blood.

Elan Owen 2: Watch Out Here I Come - Chapter 0

There comes a time in every story when it must begin... so, in the immortal words of Rhino the Hamster "LET IT BEGIN!"


Chapter Zero: Enter the Duction

Elan Owen -7- Just the Thing

Yes, It's back, Sorry for the delay. and because you asked for it, it's longer too!

Every girl has to worry about what she's wearing and Karen found the perfect outfit for me to go to Terminator, the Musical.

Chapter 7

Just the Thing

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