
The Princess Academy called L’Académie pour les Dauphines

Rafael sat in the wooden chair, barely daring to breath. Just past his 12th birthday, Raf was on that precipice between childhood and maturity. With his knees pressed together, his hands clenched tight, an almost imperceptible tremor of his body and the stark contrast of his wide eyes standing out in bas-relief against his pallor, Raf was more terrified than excited to be participating in the prestigious scholarship program.

Each scholarship specified paired the recipient and the prestigious private school that they must attend. Since Rafael was to attend The Princess Academy, he knew that there had been a mistake because he was a boy and his scholarship would now be revoked.

Tuckerspawn Forum?

Where happened to Tuckerspawn Forum? Is it archived anywhere?

I tried to use the wayback machine to get access to some of the content but I was having trouble finding the actual content despite it indicating that it did archive it. Any suggestions to access the following areas:
Future Tuck forum
Fanfic (particularly one - “after graduation”)

Thanks in advance,

[ sorry to have to ask what may be a bad question but I missed this due to a TBI and the subsequent recovery. ]

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Rebuilding a life after transition....

It's an on-going struggle to re-build my life after transition (and divorce). Each time an important person from my past - whether it be a sports coach or classmates or co-workers/bosses that I can no longer consider references or refuse to acknowledge me, it hurts.

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Illusion shattered....

How strange. I had no desire to dress up in drag today when I saw the dresses. Come to think of it, a few weeks back, I found my stash of jewelry: the peridot flower dangly earrings and matching necklace, the faux ruby earrings and bracelet, my "goth girl" accoutrements. BUT I didn't find the urge to dress.

I felt curious and like a kid poking the bruise to see how much it hurt, I conjured up images of my past...

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