sorry my output has dropped off

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Just wanted to say sorry. It might be a while before I have a story ready for you guys, my writing has dropped to a crawl, and I'm not really sure why.


That's Nothing To Worry About

littlerocksilver's picture


I'm thinking about, that's 'thinking', about a novel, and at the pace I write, it might be a year or more before it's completed. I have some ideas about some shorter novellas, but they'll probably take as long. If I worried about other people waiting for something, I'd probably never get anything written.

Just work at your own pace. Don't force it. You'll be happier with the results, and so will your readers.



To busy playing? Dorothy :)

Hugs Dorothy
I couldn't help but point out that it could be due to you having to much fun sending messages to yourself and not enought time sat writing wonderful new stories *giggle*

Sorry to hear about the drop off in your writing really, and I hope you find some sutable energy drink for your muse soon.

Hugs and Love


We'll still love you to bits,

Extravagance's picture

even if you don't write any more stories at all! =)
I'm not as well known here as you, given that I've written NO STORIES WHATSOEVER, and far fewer blog posts than you. However, this has led to me being loved by few, but hated by none! :D

You do the math, big sis. You do the math... ^_^

Catfolk Pride.PNG

Easy Answer

Dear Dot:

Easy Answer. REAL LIFE - a job, a daughter, the weather, mom, brother, doctors, hormones, clothing, dauhter's mom. REAL LIFE - a job, a daughter, the weather, mom, brother, doctors, hormones, clothing, dauhter's mom. REAL LIFE - a job, a daughter, the weather, mom, brother, doctors, hormones, clothing, dauhter's mom. REAL LIFE - a job, a daughter, the weather, mom, brother, doctors, hormones, clothing, dauhter's mom. REAL LIFE - a job, a daughter, the weather, mom, brother, doctors, hormones, clothing, dauhter's mom.

Repitions intended!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Are we there yet!?!

Wendy Jean's picture

Are we there yet!?! Are we there yet!?! Are we there yet!?!

A fractal example.

Dorthy, we don't just love you because of your writing, though you have introduced yourself well enough there. Remember you have many friends out here in cyberspace.

Darlin' , I just wish....

... my output would fall off sometimes... It would make me need not to tuck it away, and it would spare me a nasty bulge in the wrong place!! Keep smilin', honey. Love, Ginger x