Holly H Hart's blog

Almost Free, to a Good Home

I have lost so much weight in the past 3 years that my corset no longer fits properly.

It is bright blue satin and black and laces to around 34 inches which is now loose on me.

It is in excellent condition, work only by a Little Old Lady, ME!

If you are interested, send me a private message and we can see what we can work out as far as shipping, which might be free, but no promises.


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Ho hum. Annuder HHH update,

I got the final word just this afternoon.

My Chemotherapy starts around noon on Monday.

And I have been accepted into the trial study of the immunosuppressant inoculations. There was a fifty fifty chance I would actually receive the injections, and the other fifty percent, that I would just be in the other half, being monitored periodically the rest of my life.

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Interesting how location affects the way news is presented

Though I haven't lived in San Jose since 2010, I still read the online version of the paper. I did live there or work within the range of the printed paper from 1973 - 2010, and have many friends living there, so I still identify with the city. Besides, I like their online comics!

This article,

about the murder of a transgendered woman does give her name as James (Lucie) Parkin.

But, it states that her transgendered status was not the cause of the murder, and most importantly,


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An update, 4 1/2 weeks after my surgery

I'm doing well, and still ahead of the surgeon's expectations ... BUT
There had to be a but, didn't there?

I've known for two weeks that in the pathology lab work, they found that one of the 17 lymph nodes that were in the removed mass had cancer cells in it. But I was not able to see the oncologist till today, so only a few people have been told.

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Thank you to everyone who has wished me well

Everything continues to go well, 6 days after getting out. I've cut the pain pills in half and may quite in a day or so, and went out for several hours shopping with Gwen and Shelly.

Didn't buy much as we we pricing and trying to locate an exhaust fan for the kitchen. I need to let the landlord's agent know our ideas, as it will soon be too cold to keep the back door and kitchen window open to keep the smoke alarms from going off,or when cooking onions.

I'm still less comfortable when sitting or standing vertically, but if I can kick back even a bit it isn't bad.

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Holly is BACK! Additional info.

Hello, all, here I am, back home 5 days after my surgery, minus my gall bladder and about 1/5th of my pancreas.

I tried to get on at the hospital to let everyone know things were going well, but the 'nanny' filter on their network decided this is not an acceptable site for an adult to visit..

My doctor seemed to be thinking I was doing well. He told me that his personal average for this is 8.8 days, so I am well ahead of that average.

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Read it fast, this may not be available beyond today

Here is an interesting cartoon I found in today's paper.

This is a direct link to the strip that may be gone tomorrow.


You may be able to see it later by clicking on September 03 2010 in the upper right corner for a while longer.

I'm not familiar with the site, just happened across it in the Indianapolis Star online.

Why September 03 2010 showed up today, I have no idea.

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Notice of a probable BCTS BBQ in Northern Utah, June 19

Shelly/Shalimar and I are going to be moving east in the last half of June, and spending a couple of nights and one day, a Sunday, north of Salt Lake with Penny Cardon, author of ‘Educated in the Hills’.

We will be traveling with a couple of other BCTS members, Beth Williams, & Sparrowchild, so that will make 5, and I have already contacted one other BCTS member about it.

To make it a bit easier to get there, we are thinking we may hold a BBQ in the Ogden area, and invite anyone from this community, as we have twice, out in Walnut Creek, CA.

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A last reminder about the West Coast BCTS get together

As I have said before, I will be checking my email one last time around 8AM tomorrow for any last minute requests to attend, but I think we will have enough, ( and there is a new grocery 2 blocks away), if you should just decide to come at the last minute.

Here are directions from the west, Oakland/San Francisco direction, on HWY 24, on I680 from the south, and I680 form the north.

This URL is for coming in from the Oakland/ the west on hwy 24 & the Caldecott Tunnel.

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The weather forecast for Walnut Creek is looking better?

It's gone back from showers to just partly cloudy all weekend. And now they are saying a slight chance of showers.

I guess we'll just have to set up tents and hold our hands out to see if they get wet.

So you're all still invited to join us at the 2nd West Coast BCTS get together, as long as you can make it to downtown Walnut Creek on your own

PM me if you are interested.


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2nd west coast getogether is next Saturday It's not too late

If anyone is still sitting on the fence about joining us, please do so, the more the merrier.

If anyone sends me a Private Message here right up until 8AM Saturday, I will send more complete directions with a couple of images to help if you are driving.

We figure the unofficial starting time as noon, and to run until whenever, probably around sunset.
We'll be doing some setting up, and making sure the Canada Goose messes are cleaned up before noon. Several hundred live in the park.

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The action in my post "62 hours" went wonderfully.

I can't believe how easily everything went.
I had to wait until the court room opened at 9AM, and was out before 9:15, after teh judge (GG) made a little joke about it.

"Holly Happy Hart, I think that is one of the best names I've ever heard I hope you'll be very, ( short pause ), HAPPY, ( second short pause ) with it." This in front of a courtroom full of people. I wonder how often she gets to use a bit of fun word play?

By 9:30 I had several certified copies of the decree.

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My Magic Number, as of 7PM PST today, is 62

I've almost posted something about my upcoming event twice, only to realize that someone else might feel I was upstaging a post they made that day.

In 62 hours, I will enter courtroom 60 in the county seat, and go before the judge.

I fully expect to walk out with a piece of paper that tells me my legal name is now:
and go from there to the Department of Motor Vehicles to start the process of getting a driver's license that say the same AND that my gender is F.

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The April 2nd BCTS Get Together is coming

I'm still working on options for bad weather, but somehow or another we're going to make it work out.

If nothing else, we may have a couple of tents to go over the tables at the park. They still need to be checked out. But hopefully we will not have to worry about them.

I'm still looking for a place we can go indoors if we have to. The place I thought of first, does not have a separate room we can use, but I haven't put on a full court press yet.

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A DATE, & maybe A PLACE for the Second West Coast BCTS MEET

We have A DATE, but only roughly, A PLACE

We had the date for our Second West Coast BCTS Meet narrowed down to Saturday April second, Sunday the third, or Monday the fourth.

I pretty much took Monday out of the running, because some of need to go to work on weekdays.

I suggested that Saturday looked best, as Saturday afternoon and evening was mid-weekend, while Sunday afternoon was crowding it for anyone who had to return quite a distance.

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In Oct., many wrote and said, "Why didn't you tell us?


Of course most of you will not be able to make it. Last October 14, Arecee, MonaLisa, Rachel Anne, shalimar, Heather Rose Brown & I got together in a park in Walnut Creek, CA, when Erin was up this way.

( Rachel, shalimar and I all seem to think we had one more person, but can only name the seven listed above. I'm sorry if you were there and we are missing your name.

A number of people said, "Why didn't you tell me? I would have tried to make it," or words to that effect.

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Vicky Kowalski- 1st Trans person elected trial judge in US

She is the first transgender person known to have been elected as a trial judge and one of very few elected to any office.

Read the article here, before it is archived in a few days.


I followed this election, though I live in the next county.

There was some opposition by some people/groups, but her opponent did not seem to use her gender/gender change as much of an issue.

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Happy Hollydays and an update on my health, too

I'm not sure how many of you read Arecee's blog when he posted Assassin part 6, but I'm the editor who was under the weather and delayed the posting by about 3 weeks.

it seems that I have had Hepatitis, luckily, not the contagious types, for several months. I've been trying to take off 2-3 pounds a month and had gotten down to 210 from 250 Nov 1.
Then, without trying to, I lost 10 pounds by US Thanksgiving Day, Nov 23.

That is when I really began feeling bad. My Thanksgiving meals consisted of a bowl of soup and 2 peanut butter sandwiches.

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More warning about the new Facebook thingy, 'Titan"?

In the above article, Dan Gillmor at Salon warns about a couple of issues
One if them is the part about the conversations feature which includes a complete archive of everything you’ve ever electronically exchanged with your friends and loved ones on Facebook: What a treasure trove for divorce lawyers and law enforcement.

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Okay, so in one area, Facebook, I'm a Luddite

I do not, nor will I, put my life out on the internet.

I want absolutely nothing to do with Facebook in particular, because they are constantly invading the privacy of not just their users, but the people their users are in contact with.

I know two people who said things on facebook that cost them a job, because even though they had removed it, it was still archived on the internet.

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Just a little something good August 6 only

This comic is only available for one day, before being replaced the next day, but I thought it fit our community a bit


And on the far left are some newslinks, one of which is about the judge in the California Proposition 8 case.


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Turnabout is fair play

I edit for a number of authors here, and do not ask for any notice in print, either on their stories, or elsewhere. I do it to help them with their stories, for as most will admit, And I certainly will on my own writings. The author is usually too close to the story. When looking it over, the author sees what they meant to write / thought they had written, instead of what actually went down on paper ( or in pixels on their screen). It is always helpful to have at least one extra set of eyes look at the story.

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This is weird ...

Every once in a while, someone posts a comment or blog about apparently not being able to reach as TG site such as this because of suspected censorship.

That's not my problem, at least, not entirely.

I can't reach any site except Top Shelf right now. Everything I was connected to and anything I try to reach, not comes up with a page asking me to 'CLICK HERE' to download installation software for Comcast if I'm a customer. OR, if I'm a Comcast Technician,to take the next step, and activate my connection.

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I'd like to thank PS, in New Zealand for taking over the Bike Archive

For quite a while, Real Life, in the form of time spent looking for work, and a few other things, got in the way of archiving EAFOAB.

I'm no longer looking for work, but the new job came with a relatively long commute, so my time is still at a premium. I would like to spend it on other stuff, and limit my time at BCTS to reading and editing.

PS, in New Zealand has been, with my thanks, collecting everything from 650 on, in the usual 50 chapter blocks.

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I'm not complaining ... far from it.

When I posted Maggie the Kitten's Kitten Tail', I did an experiment.

I deliberately posted my story about her, right behind it. I even used her name in the title, as I had done when I originally wrote it for her.


At this moment, her story has 514 reads, mine has just 383.
And I'm not upset, because she has written a lot more quality stories than I have, and probably always will be able to do so. Her work is deserving of catching the eye of her fans just because she wrote it.


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Does anyone else have this problem at BCTS?

When I check in at BCTS WITHOUT logging in, I am always missing a few blogs and stories that I can only see if I am logged in.
For instance right now, as I AM logged in, I can see Gamma Trials; Working Relations -6; & Homecoming Princess-Princess Found 12; AND I can see a blog PCOS. But if I log out, they disappear and the last story I can see is Easy As Falling Off A Bike 762.

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