Upset over Steubenville

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Just heard the verdict in the Steubenville rape case. As I feared, a slap on the wrist for the popular football players, and no justice for the victim. Trying really hard not to let myself get lost in anger ....


Juvenile Court

Frank's picture

They were given the maximum sentences and can be held until they are 21 if they aren't model prisoners. They also have to register as juvenile sex offenders. The state Attorney General is convening a Grand Jury to see if others should be prosecuted.

I don't understand why they were treated as adult criminals.



My disappointment...

Andrea Lena's picture

...looking at 'headlines' from various on-line news aggregates, it was very frustrating to see the focus of the verdict on how much the two offenders had to lose rather than what they had already taken from the girl. Folks lamenting about such lost potential and such. I was glad that they were found guilty and received sentences that at least reflected some penalty. And they have their whole life to rebuild their future. One might be reluctant to hope that the girl has the same opportunity.


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

no slap on the wrist

I don't see how you can view a lifetime sentence as a slap on the wrist. Sure, they will be in Juvie for about 4 years (which is the going rate for rape these days) but they will be registered sex offenders until the day they die. So, they won't be able to get housing, jobs, further education or most government assistance. They will be viewed as pedophiles and social pariahs until the day they die.

This is no "slap on the wrist." If you want to know more, PM me.

Katie Leone (

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