MY possible mortality

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I apologize in advance, for what i am about to tell u all, fair warning this is very sensitve announcement and im scared, im so scared i fear what i thought i concered,

I am shaking and crying, i feel my end is coming near.

I have had 3 spine operations in my teen years and at the last one i was led to believe i never had to worry again of scoliosis.

today i went to the er, to see why my namonia hasent went away

I was told i no longer have namonia,

instead he said i am having an allergic reaction and to get a allergy test asap, as well as my scoliosis has returned and once again atempting to penetrate my lungs.

just in case my fears are a reality, I want to tell u all i luv u very much if i have a time, i am unaware, but incase i am gone tommorrow, please all live your life to the fullest before its too late

i luv u all very much

hugs all,
erin amelia fletcher



I very much hope and pray that your concerns are baseless. In any case my prayers are with you.
Biggest and most gentle of hugs

I'm confused. I have/had

I'm confused. I have/had scoliosis. How in the world does a sideways curve of the spine risk compromising the lungs? Usually, even the worst cases just cause things to shorten (reducing space for the lungs top to bottom), but nothing penetrative.

I'd definitely suspect allergies. It might even be something like gluten intolerance.

Good luck, and hopefully the diagnostics are quick, simple, and have reasonable treatments.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.


Piper's picture

Depending on the degree of the twisting, and which part of the spinal column is being affected, it could damage the portions of the spinal cord responsible for autonomic functions (i.e. breathing). Also, the deformity of the rib cage from the thoracic spine being twisted may also cause difficulty in your breathing. It can also "squeeze" the heart making it harder to operate, or other issues causing it to work header.

"She was like a butterfly, full of color and vibrancy when she chose to open her wings, yet hardly visible when she closed them."
— Geraldine Brooks

It's not actually twisting,

It's not actually twisting, as such. It's a left/right curve. (there's another word for a spine that goes in/out wrong. I'll ask a chiropractor tomorrow, maybe)

That can certainly compress the rib cage area a bit, but it's the penetration I was wondering about.

(I can attest to the fact that it can be painful. I have one vertebrae that likes to cause heartburn, for example - at least, that's what it feels like)

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

I'd like to share a prayer with you

A Prayer by Chief Yellow Lark (circa 1885 or '86)

"Oh great spirit whose voice I hear in the winds, and whose breath gives life to all the world, hear me.
I stand before you, one of your many children. I am small and weak. I need your strength and wisdom. Let me walk in beauty and make my eyes see. Help my hands to respect the things you have made and my ears sharp to hear your voice. Make me wise so that I may know the things you have taught my people, the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock. I seek strength not to be superior to my brothers, but to be able to fight my greatest enemy - myself. Make me ever ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes, so when life fades as a fading sunset my spirit may come to you without shame."

Erin, I hope your fears are needless and that all will be well, but I will pray for you.

Some days you're the pigeon, some days you're the statue


The way I read this is that Erin is taking it really really badly. Ie the big S (in case I am gone tommorow...)

Please tell me I am way off base Erin.

I feel

that there is very little for you to worry about and that you may be causing more problems from stressing.
Whatever happens, I wish you well.


my hopes and hugs go out to you in your time of need. i to know what scoliosis is yet have been lucky mine did not get beyond the 5 degree mark yet i still get sore if i do to much. may the good mother / father keep you safe and i pray your fears are unfounded you are here to give all of us a place to hold our heads up and and give us your love and i in return give you mine ten fold back all will be well dear soul.

As a fellow back sufferer

Angharad's picture

you have my sympathies, hopefully the breathing problem can be sorted - possibly a form of asthma. Try to relax and it should feel easier.

Best wishes,



Prayers for you.

We will all be keeping you my love in our thoughts of healing and prayers. We cherish you and we will continue to keep you in our thoughts.
Stay Sweet Keep the Faith
Michele Whitewolf

The only bad question is the one not asked.

Sorry to hear about your

Sorry to hear about your condition, it's not easy going through any kind of medical issue like that. A few years ago I was kind of in the same place as you, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor had to have the surgery and believe me I was think about my mortality too.

All I can say is try to stay as positive as possible I know that is not always going to be possible but I found from personal experience that your moods can have a direct affect on a medical condition.

Find things you can do that will make you feel better a good example is when i am in a foul mood I find a good comedy, its pretty hard to stay in a foul mood when your laughing your ass off and by the time the movie is done I am feeling much better.

You will be in my prayers Erin, an if ever need to talk I am just a message away.


Good vibes for you

tmf's picture

I too will be keeping you in my thoughts.
Lots of Love
Lots of Peace
Lots of Happiness
Lots of Health


Best wishes

and hopes for your recover.

*Gentle Hugs*

God bless you...

Ole Ulfson's picture

And keep you in the palm of His hand. I'll be praying for you along with many, many others. Remember, you are loved.


We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!

Gender rights are the new civil rights!

I'm sorry

to hear of your condition. Scoliosis is a difficult condition with which to live under the best of circumstances. Your news is heart-breaking.

Is there anything that can be done?

My heart goes out to you, and I am reduced to tears.

Red MacDonald

Best wishes...

I hope that this will prove, eventually, to be no more a immediate death sentence than when my doc told me I had Leukemia. (Yes, that really scared me!)

Best of wishes to you!
