Almost took my daughter to work with me

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Well, last night I managed to do something so dumb it scares me - I was driving my daughter to her mom's, and instead I started heading for work. Fortunately, I caught the error in time, so no damage was done, but still, its pretty frightening.


Don't beat yourself up!

It happens to me far too often. I call it being on auto-pilot. Usually it's something simple like taking a left when I need to go right, because I almost always go left. Like you I realize what I've done pretty quick. It is a big wake up call to be careful out there on the road.


PS: Years ago I was working one of those insane rotating shifts jobs. One morning, the clock went off, I got up and went to work. ....On a day off! LOL! Got all the way to the parking lot before I realized I didn't have to be there. Blonds don't have an exclusive on being dizty!

Oh that's nothing

Raff01's picture

I had a co-worker at a gas station that was set in her ways of working on certain days. She was a work Wed, to Sunday person. Always working from noon to ten at night. That left Monday and tuesday for errands. Well one year Christmas fell on Wedensday and the store didn't open up Thanksgiving or Christmas that year due to us needed to re-do the gas tanks. I'm sitting at the house, enjoying a nice lunch, waiting for the big dinner an my phone rings. so I reach over and pick it up and she asks

"Um, why didn't you come open up the store? You're running late today."

To which I answered. "Merry Christmas Jan... go home and enjoy the holiday."

She was silent for a moment, then groaned. "I....reallly....crap....sorry for bugging you."

Day off? What day off?

I've done that, not with a job, but more than once when we had a day off of high school. I'd get up, get dressed, go to school, get there, notice it's locked up and no one's there... then remember, "crap, it's a PD day" or whatever.

What's worse is it was a Catholic high school. With uniforms. And I should have noticed no one else was wearing it on the bus. Doh! Oh well...

(NOT a morning person)