My mom took me shopping for a ladies coat

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A few days ago, I had causally mentioned to my mom that next time i had some cash, I wanted to look for a ladies coat. To my surprise and delight, today she took me shopping. Even though i went in male clothes, it felt like a genuine mother-daughter shopping trip. We found a nice coat that fit me, and I feel much better for it. Do I have the best mom, or what?


Go Mom


I guess all I can say is "GO MOM"!!!!!!!


I always new the title was wrong.

Back when I was a kid, there was a TV show called "Father Knows Best".

I always knew different. Moms know. Then they tell father what to think and how hard to think it.

You go girl!


Yay Mom

Like others have said. Moms know a lot more than we give them credit for even when they won't admit it to themselves. I have to say it to, Go Mom! :)