two bits of good news to share

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I have two bits of good news to share.

1st bit of good news, I found the email of the lady who ran the local writing group, we had a good trade in emails, and I feel like I have rediscovered a friend I had lost.

2nd bit of good news, I used my new CPAP machine for the first time last night, and I only had 6.6 apnea incidents per hour. in my original sleep study I was getting 130 incidents/hour, and on my old machine I was still getting 35-40.

so yay!



Daphne Xu's picture

It's nice to get back a lost friend.

That's good new with your new machine. 130 per hour? Yikes! Those machines do make a difference.

-- Daphne Xu

Have you tried counting sheep?

WillowD's picture

OK, OK, I know this joke is in bad taste and is trivializing a medical problem. But as soon as I saw "6.6 apnea incidents per hour" I couldn't resist. I know too may people that suffer from this. :(

Love ya.