Mondays are not always blue

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I wrote this earlier today in a PM to a friend:

It's a lovely morning here. There's a mockingbird outside my window. He has a five-minute repertoire, chattering and piping through his imitation orchestra. Sparrows first, squabbling over the best branch to land on. Then finches squeaking before they sing a short song followed by bob-whites making their own introductions. Woodpeckers, scrub jays, a series of sounds that may be his imitation of someone hammering wood, a grouse, a thrush, a gawping crow, some rare bird I don't recognize, and a wandering gull then back to the top of the order.

I feel like I should put some coins in his tip jar. :)

This is now:

It's still nice. The mist on the hills has burned away and though you can see their summer brown in places, they are still mostly green. I bet in shady spots on the north slopes, I could still find snow above 5000 feet or so. We have three large mountains taller than 9000 feet nearby and an uplift with several peaks of about 8000 feet. The upper forests here are mostly ponderosa pine while the lower are generally scrub oak and mixed. Below that we have chaparral, a brushy mixed growth with occasional trees. Then the desert with cactus, yucca, Joshua trees and mesquite. And suburbs. :)

I drove over to the grocery store and picked up an order and put it away. No toilet paper but I am still good on that front for another month. Food I have a bit much of. The freezer is full and the cooler part of the refrigerator is nearly full. My pantry has plenty of canned and dry food. I'm down to my last four ounces of whiskey though, but that should last through August, at least, since an ounce or two every month or so is the limit of my drinking. :)

I hope all of you are well, healthy, safe, and as content as you want to be.



Thanks for That

Mother's Day was weird but nice.

All four kids called or stopped by. Two small gatherings respecting social distancing. My daughter-in-law is an RN so masks are de rigueur. It was sweet to have the two grandchildren running in our yard, even though hugs were forbidden.

One of the face-timing sessions included the news that we're going to be grandparents, again. This one is very special because its our youngest who is pregnant.

Life is truly beautiful.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Thanks for the description

You seem to live in a lovely part of the world.

I was out in the garden on Saturday weeding my Leeks when I heard a screech from above. I looked up and saw that a female Sparrowhawk had taken a Pigeon in the air. Lots of feathers rained down onto the roof of my Fruit Cage.
Isn't nature wonderful.



Daphne Xu's picture

Old Mother Nature is a Witch with a capital B.

-- Daphne Xu