Taylor's Modern Life Part 3

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Later that afternoon, Natalie walked into the room, not realizing Taylor had a visitor. "Hey kiddo. I got that poster I promised you. Sorry it took so long but I had to drive over to Alpine Springs to get Robin ... to..." she paused, offering a sheepish smile.

Sitting by Taylor’s bed was a girl who couldn’t be much older than herself, with medium length blonde hair, and wearing a tight tanktop exposing a belly button ring to complement several earrings. "Sorry, I didn't realize you had a visitor. I'll come back later,” Natalie backpedaled.

"Oh hello; you must be Natalie. Taylor has told me so much about you! You're more than welcome to stay if you want." The girl smiled warmly.

Natalie blushed faintly. "Yeah, she's kind of special to a lot of us around here." She approached, offering her hand. "You must be her sister? Her social worker mentioned managing to track you down at Yale. It's great to finally meet you."

"I'm Michelle, When Tiffany called me I thought it was to tell me mom, dad and Taylor were all gone, but I am so glad she's safe and has people looking out for her. Before you came in I was talking with her about taking some money out of both our inheritance and buying a duplex in Alpine springs so on the weekends I can come get her, and we can spend time together."

Natalie nodded. "I wish I could help, but I'm just a junior in high school starting this fall. That sounds like a great idea though. And she can still attend the private school, and get a really good education.”

"Yeah, Tiffany and I were discussing the private school. I will also get to come hang out with her on holidays, so it kinda works out. She will stay on campus in the girls dorms during the week and with me on weekends."

"I'm just so relieved to know she's not getting stuck in foster care or anything."

"I would never let that happen to my lil sister. I'm going to be paying half her tuition to Sunshine, and the state will pick up the other half, and I'm moving onto campus this weekend to save on rent. One of my friends is leaving to Edinburgh and has a roommate, who will be needing a new one." Michelle giggled softly. “I’m not sure who it is, but Steph says it’s a mutual friend, so...”

“Oh, cool! I’m not sure if I can get into Yale, but I’ve a friend up in New Haven that I’ll probably be doing that with. Though we might just grab a couple more friends and start our own Sorority house at this rate,” she added with a giggle herself.

“If you try hard enough Natalie, anything is possible” Michelle smiled brightly. “Same goes for you Pumpkin,” looking over at Taylor. “I got a lot of missed time to make up to you.”

Natalie smiled warmly. “Speaking of which, I should really give you two some private time. I just stopped by to drop this off.” She held out the rolled-up poster-sized print with a grin. “I managed to get all the girls to sign it for you.”

Taylor smiled and took the poster. “Thank you Natalie!”

Michelle smiled, “Hey Natalie, next weekend, would you mind if I stopped over here and picked you up so we can take Taylor shopping for more clothes?”

Natalie blinked a few times. “You’re serious? I’d love to. I saw THE cutest belt the other day, and thought of her.”

Michelle giggled, “She doesn’t have a lot and with the house destroyed I’m sure we won’t be able to salvage much from it anyway, I’m going to go pick up her uniforms in a few hours for school, I heard they are pretty relaxed on what the kids can and cannot wear.”

“Yeah, the high school used to be a lot more strict, but even they’ve really relaxed it these last few years, I’ve heard, and the elementary-grades are even more so. Lemme just find something to write down my address. Taylor already has my cell phone number,” she added, glancing around. “Oh, here it is.” She announced, picking up a small notepad and pen laying next to the hospital phone. She quickly jotted down her street address, tearing the page off and handing it to Michelle.

“If I’m not there, I’m probably here, but I’m pretty sure I’m not on the roster for next weekend so I’ll probably be there.”

“Sure thing, Hey Natalie, thanks for watching out for Taylor, she needs all the support she can get, since I won't be around all the time.” Michelle hugged Taylor and smiled at Natalie.

“No problem. At first I didn’t think she had any family at all, so I started checking on her daily, talking to her while she was unconscious and stuff. I … lost a really good friend a couple of years ago. She was practically my sister, so I know how much loss hurts, and I wanted her to see a friendly face when she woke up. But there’s no replacement for the real thing.”

She grinned, stepped closer, and gave them both a hug. “You two take care, and stay in touch. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call me.” She smiled and turned to step out again.

“So Taylor, I got a lot of making up to do as a big sister huh? I’m so glad you’re safe sweetie, Once I’m done with college you and I can live together if you want, and tomorrow I’m going to go looking for that condo if you want me to.” Michelle smiled.

“Sure Michelle that way maybe we can have a place when I get out of here?” Taylor smiled as she snuggled into her sister. “I know these things don’t normally go that fast, but I can hope,” she added with a giggle.

“Your such a smart kid Taylor, maybe as smart as your big sis,” Michelle smiled. “If you are then you’re going to show up all your friends at your new school, just try to make some ok?” Michelle ruffled Taylors pretty blonde hair.

“Natalie’s trying to talk me into joining the Girl Scouts. I probably will just so I’ll have someone to talk to, but she says the senior scouts in Alpine Springs are really nice.”

“Good. I think its a good idea; just let me know if you need any money to join ok sweetie? I’ll make sure to give it to Tiffany for you.” Michelle was so happy her sister was so outgoing, but there was this thing nagging at the back of her head; wasn't Taylor supposed to be her little brother?

Taylor nodded quickly. “I’ll ask Natalie about it next time she comes in.”

“You know I got mom’s strawberry hair, you ended up with such a lovely light blonde, and its so cute curly like that.” Michelle giggled as she ruffled it again.

Taylor tilted her head slightly. Wasn’t her hair dark brown like their fathers? She seemed to be critically examining it herself now. “Wow,” she finally whispered. “Um, I mean...” She giggled. “I guess I forgot how bright it was.”

“I hadn’t seen you except for christmas since you were three, I missed you a lot munchkin. I’m going to go get us something to eat ok?” Michelle smiled.

Taylor smiled as she leaned over to kiss her sister’s cheek. “I missed you so much. I always wished I could be just like you,” she blurted, blushed, and smiled. “Food sounds great. I’m so hungry,” she quickly tried to change the subject.

Michelle winked at Taylor and stood up, “If you apply yourself munchkin, you can do whatever you want. Hows a big mac sound?”

“Oh! That sounds so good! Um, can I get a vanilla milkshake too?”

“Sure sweetie, I’ll sneak them in for us ok?” Michelle started to leave the room.

“Yay!” Taylor giggled happily, trying not to dwell too much on losing her parents. At least she still had Michelle.

Shortly after Michelle left Natalie came back. “Hey Pumpkin, I saw your sister leave. Everything ok?” Natalie was concerned but smiled.

“Oh, hi Natalie!” Taylor smiled brightly. “Yeah everything’s great. She’s just going to get us some lunch. It’s completely healthy, honest.” She nodded several times, but started to giggle. “Okay, it’s a big mac and a vanilla shake, but I haven’t had real junk food in like … however long I’ve been in here.”

“Ooh I won’t tell anyone, I promise. “ Natalie giggled, “Tiffany will be here around four, so let your sister know when she gets back if I’m not here ok?”

“Oh, okay. Um, hey Natalie? While you’re here I’ve got a question.” She trailed off, adding a moment later, “About girl scouts.”

“Oh sure, I can answer any questions you have Pumpkin. Just ask.” Natalie smiled, loving her nickname for Taylor, hoping she didn’t mind it either.

Taylor fidgeted with the hem of her hospital blanket for a moment or two. She dreamed of a day like this growing up a boy, and now that it was finally here... She bit her lip. “Do you really think I could get in? I talked to my sister about it, and she thinks it’s a great idea.”

“Yes you can sweetie. Is that all you wanted to ask me about Scouts?” Natalie smiled.

“Yeah. Michelle says to just let her know about any fees to join, and she’ll have Tiffany take care of it. I just … don’t really know what I’m s’posed to do - to join I mean. I’ve never done anything like this before.”

“I’ll go with you to meet the local scout troop leader once you get settled in in Alpine Springs if you want.. She’s not only my friends’ cheer coach, but the sister-in-law of the Girl Scout summer camp director. Oh, and she’s super-nice. You’ll really like her. As for cost it’s not bad - $12 annually, plus uniform, books and other little things. I can loan you my old scout manual if you need it.”

Michelle appeared in the doorway a moment later with a bag of McDonalds food and smiled at Natalie and Taylor, “Or I can just get her everything she needs, I really don’t mind, I think it’s a great thing for her. It’s something I missed out on, and while I was waiting for our food I was looking at the lifetime scout, since I am now officially a female.” She giggled a bit.

Natalie giggled as well. “That’s what I’m thinking about doing too. I’m already a counselor in training, and I’m definitely going to go back as an adult volunteer for camps after I graduate, hopefully as a nursing assistant while I’m in med school.” She grinned.

“Oh a fellow med student. “ Michelle giggled, “I’m studying Bio Med Engineering.”

“Oh, cool!” Natalie exclaimed. “I want to get into either pediatric medicine or nursing. That’s why I volunteer in the children’s wing here so much.”

“I think you would make a very fine pediatrician Natalie. There aren’t very many good doctors who are good with kids these days. But you should also take some gender studies too. It will help.” Michelle smiled.

Natalie nodded. “One of my friends is related to a trans-person. I honestly had no idea until she kind of let it slip one day.”

“You would be surprised how many of us are at Yale, it’s like we have our own sisterhood there.” Michelle giggled, “Some who pass and some who don’t but you know it makes no difference because it’s what’s mind and heart that count.”

“I totally agree. I mean, I have a gay friend at school, but he’s like, the nicest, sweetest guy I’ve ever known. I tell him everything. I know it’s totally not the same, but it’s the same principle I think, as far as what’s beneath the surface, y’know?.”

Michelle pulled out three big macs handing one to Taylor and one to Natalie, “I had this idea you would be here, so I picked up an extra just for you.” then pulled out a milkshake for Taylor.

“Oh wow. Thanks Michelle. I’ve been running around the hospital all day trying to help out, and I haven’t had a chance to stop and eat lunch yet. I owe you one.” She smiled happily as Taylor sat up and happily tore into her hamburger.

“Junk food!” she bubbled. “That hospital burger the other night was good, don’t get me wrong, but a Big Mac’s a Big Mac!”

Michelle giggled at that and handed out the fries as well, handing Natalie a diet coke, “I wasn’t sure if you drank regular or diet so I got you a diet.”

“Oh, either. I actually like the taste of diet, but either’s fine with me,” she answered warmly. “Oh, I looked at Taylor’s x-rays with Doctor Brahms again this morning. Turns out what we both thought was a hairline fracture on the growth plate in her arm was, um...” she giggled. “It’s kind of embarrassing. There’s some kind of flaw in the machine that was just caught when an identical ‘fracture’ appeared in another patient’s x-ray. After the technician repaired it, it was gone, so while her arm is still broken, it’s not nearly as bad as they thought it was.”

“Oh that's good news huh Taylor?” Michelle smiled, “So when does she get released? Tomorrow I'm going out to look at condos.” Michelle smiled.

“Doctor Brahms talked like it might be as early as Monday. She’s going to confer with another doctor from New Haven, but if she’s able to get away sooner, then it could even be tomorrow.”

“Hear that sweet pea? you and I might be able to go out and look around for a place tomorrow, and then we can go check out Mom and Dads old place and see if there is anything you want still there before we sell it ok?”

“Sounds great!” Taylor said a little too excitedly for someone who just lost her parents. “Um, I mean, yeah,” she answered a little more subdued, but still smiled.

Michelle noted the difference and frowned a little, “Mom and dad I take it, were still taking out my problem on you sweet pea?”

Taylor frowned, looking at Natalie. “Don’t go and get the wrong idea here... Our parents weren’t abusive. I mean … not really. They never hit me or anything, but they...” she trailed off and frowned again, looking at Michelle. “My sister had to be raised by our aunt because our parents were kinda mean about her condition.” She remembered it differently, but those old memories, as pertained to Michelle at least, seemed to be changing, and for the better.

Natalie’s turn to frown, “How horrible, Parents should never do that to their children. Taylor it wasn’t your fault your sister wanted to be a girl, but they probably treated it like it was huh?”

Taylor nodded sadly. “I only ever got to spend any time with her at the holidays. They wouldn’t even let me visit her during the year.”

Natalie frowned still, “That sucks you two, well I am really glad you both found each other again, and will atleast be able to see each other whenever you can.” her frown turned into a smile.

At that very moment a knock on the door could be heard, and Tiffany the social worker popped her head in, “You ladies busy? If you are I can come back at Four. I figured since I was here, I'd check to see if everyone else was.”

“Tiffany!” Taylor cheered warmly. Natalie smiled as she waved the woman over.

“Nah, we were just talking about Taylor and Michelle’s family situation over lunch. Come on in.”

“Well I have good news, and good news this time, I talked it over with my boss, and Michelle just needs to sign some papers, and she will be Taylor’s legal guardian. The other good news is, the state agreed to help with over half the tuition for Taylor to go to the Sunshine, and is giving Taylor a large budget to buy school supplies and clothing. One last piece of good news, but that can wait till Michelle signs the papers.”

Taylor slowly put down her milkshake, staring blankly back at Tiffany. Michelle smiled brightly. “Wow, that’s amazing news. How on earth did you get the guardianship pushed through so fast?”

Tiffany smiled sweetly. “I don't like to blow my own horn, but I am one of the best social workers there is, and I have a few friends in high places.” She put an emphasis on high places.

“I can’t thank you enough. It’s going to be hard going back to the old house again, but at least some good is going to come from all this,” Michelle admitted.

Tiffany pulled a clipboard and a pen with some papers on it out of her brief case, “You can sign these anytime you’re ready, and I will also need Taylor to fill out a report on how she was treated at home. It won't take long, and it can be a short paragraph sweetie. I don’t want to cause you any more pain.”

Taylor frowned a bit. “Um... Anything I write isn’t going to affect my staying with Michelle right? Because I wasn’t really allowed to even see her except like once a year anyway.”

“No sweetie, the department just wants to know what kind of life you had before now, so we can make arrangements for you as you need them.” Tiffany smiled.

“Oh, okay,” she answered simply. Michelle smiled.

“I can sign those papers right now, if you don’t mind waiting a minute for me to read over everything.”

“Thats fine Michelle; take your time. It’s pretty straightforward. It pretty much states you will become Taylor’s legal guardian till she's eighteen unless she decides to go to college, just like any other parent would be responsible for their child.”

Michelle nodded and, after glancing over everything quite briefly, signed and initialed where indicated, handing the clipboard back. “Everything looks good. By the way, we’re going to try and find a nice condo in Alpine Springs so we can spend our weekends together. If you happen to know a trustworthy realtor that would help a lot.”

“Oh I might know one. She’s a nice lady too. You both will like her I’m sure.” Tiffany grinned innocently Soon it would be Lily’s turn at the deception. They hadn’t met Lily-Rose yet, and deception was her specialty to boot. She’d sell them as much with her silver tongue as anything.

“Great,” Michelle answered. “I don’t need much in the way of space myself, but it’s gotta be something Taylor absolutely loves. God knows she’s been through enough already.” She smiled, wrapping an arm around her sister.

“Here let me get you her card, you two can call her tomorrow or anytime you want to and talk with her.” Tiffany smiled and pulled out a business card, taking the signed papers off the clipboard and handing it over to Taylor with a lined sheet of paper on it, “Whenever you're ready to write that sweetie.”

Taylor accepted the clipboard, wasting little time in answering the question. She spared no detail in mentioning how her parents treated her - good and bad. She had no memories of this strange new life as a girl, so had to answer as best she could about life as a boy, leaving out details that made no sense.

Tiffany and Michelle were talking about Alpine Springs and the Sunshine school, “She will have a lot of other girls her age around, yes.” Tiffany commented, “No it’s separated, the girls have their own dorm, and go to their own classes, and boys have a dorm and the same for them.” she finished.

“Really? That’s kind of a relief. I mean, don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to sound like I’m imposing gender stereotypes, but after what she’s been through, I feel like that would be a better environment for her overall right now.”

“We tend to agree with that statement at the department, which is why I choose specifically the Sunshine Academy. It used to be a state run school and children’s home, but then it was turned into a k-12 private school for both girls and boys, but in traditions of what it used to be they keep girls and boys separated, but during the weekends and other activities they can mingle.”

“I guess I should be thankful I didn’t get sent to one of these schools,” Michelle giggled under her breath. “But I don’t think Taylor’s going to have the same problems I would have.”

“Sunshine certainly isn’t for everyone. Also if you can make it on Monday morning, the Head Mistress of the school would like to meet you.” Tiffany smiled.

“Monday... I have a lab that afternoon that I can reschedule if I need to, so that’s not going to be a problem at all.” She paused to grin. “My instructor’s great about these things. Will you be attending as well? And will Taylor need to be there? Though that might be a good idea anyway if she’s out of the hospital by then.”

“Yes you both and I will be there, She wants to meet Taylor and have her take some aptitude tests, and she wants to meet a guardian so she can discuss the school and what is expected, and I will be there because the state is involved temporarily.” Tiffany smiled.

“Sounds good,” Michelle answered, casually glancing over at Taylor, who had by now written a page and a half. She giggled politely to herself as the girl finished, offering the clipboard.

“Sorry. I um... I guess I had a lot to say about our parents. I didn’t want to leave anything out.”

Tiffany smiled, “That’s fine sweetie, we wanted to know everything.” Tiffany took the clipboard read a little of it and then put it away. “You have beautiful handwriting.”

Taylor blushed brightly. “Oh, um, thank you. I put a lot of effort into it.” That part at least wasn’t a lie. The only thing she had been more proud of as a boy than her beautiful hair was her remarkable handwriting, especially for her age.

Tiffany looked over at Michelle, “You have a smart lil sister, does it run in the family?” she said teasingly.

Michelle laughed softly. “I don’t know about our parents, but Taylor and I both classify as ‘genius’ status, according to aptitude tests. Technically I could probably have my Doctorate right now, but I guess I wanted a little of the ‘college experience’ first.” She grinned.

“Well atleast Taylor won’t be lacking for help. On monday, she will take a series of tests to see what classes to place her in. Oh but don’t worry - there are many gifted students at Sunshine so she won’t be placed with a bunch of girls five or six years older or anything.”

Tiffany smiled reassuringly, adding, “Oh, one more thing.” Tiffany pulled out a plastic card and handed it to Michelle. “This is for Taylor; spend it on her school supplies and clothes for her, and don’t feel guilty if you buy yourself a thing or two on it as well.” Tiffany winked as she turned around and left the room.

Michelle shook her head slowly as she watched the woman leave. “Well I don’t know about THAT, but I’ll spoil my baby sister rotten,” she mused with a grin.

Natalie smiled, “Looks like everything's working out the best for you two, I’m going to go see if the specialist was able to make it in today. I’ll be right back.” She turned and left the room as well.

Taylor waited for Natalie to leave before motioning for Michelle to come closer. “I can’t take it anymore. There’s something I gotta ask you, but I need you to promise you won’t tell anyone - not Natalie or my doctors or Tiffany,” she asked with a solemn seriousness belying her age.

Michelle smiled, “As long as its nothing bad like asking me to keep a secret if mom or dad ever hit you or anything, but sure ask me anything you want Sweet Pea.”

“No, it’s nothing like that. it’s just … Things aren’t the way I remember them before I woke up here. Little things like my hair color, and .. um... big things, like … that I remember being a boy.” She frowned darkly.

“Taylor, I hadn't seen you really since you were three, other then at special holidays and mom and dad made sure we didn’t spend that much time together, But you’re right, I could have sworn you had brown hair, and you were a boy. But if you’re happy being a girl, I will support it fully because I want you to be happy.” Michelle smiled.

Taylor smiled brightly as she wrapped her uninjured arm around Michelle. “You have no idea. I am so unbelievably happy. I wanted to be like you so much, but the one time I brought it up Mom insisted that I was a boy because I had the wrong parts to be a girl. This is what I always wanted. It just felt weird waking up, remembering things differently now than what they were before. I thought I was going crazy.” She giggled.

“But I guess it doesn’t matter anymore. You’re the only one who even kind of remembers, everyone else sees me as a girl, and I like being a girl - I love it, so...” She giggled again. “I guess I just needed to know I’m not totally crazy.”

Michelle smiled and gently ruffled some of Taylor’s golden locks, “So if you can leave tomorrow, what do you want to do first: go to the old house and get some things, or go looking for a new home?”

“Definitely looking for a new house. I don’t want to have to go back in there more than we have to. Part of me wants to just forget it entirely, but I’m dying to know if my room’s the way I remember it too.”

“Once we get a place, I’ll have a moving company come in and take what we want to our new house, and the rest to storage, then we can talk to our real estate agent and see about selling the house.” Michelle smiled.

“That sounds great. So how often can you come ‘home’ again - just on weekends?”

“Well I can look at the travel time to New Haven from Alpine Springs and I might be able to do this permanently, but as it stands Sweet Pea, weekends for now, and holidays.” Michelle frowned.

Taylor giggled a little. “It’s okay. It’s not like I’m staying home alone or anything. I’m kind of excited to see what my uniforms will look like though, but wearing a skirt might be hard to get used to. Or wearing one in public anyway.” She trailed off, blushing slightly then giggled.

“Skirts are fun to wear. You’ll enjoy them immensely. I love them, and dresses, but I wear slacks and a blouse to class. I don’t like to draw too much attention.” Michelle smiled.

“I never did thank you by the way, for coming here, for taking me in and stuff... But I swear if we go back home and there’s a bunch of pictures of me in holiday dresses and stuff I’m going to lose it right there.” She giggled, blushing a bit. “I’m sorry for what mom and dad put you through though.”

“If my theory on what has happened to you is correct Sweet Pea, you're going to see a lot of pictures at the old home of you dressed as a girl.” Michelle winked.

“What’s your theory?” Taylor asked candidly.

“Oh, I’ve been hearing rumours around campus about specific things, and I believe you got caught up in something, but it’s nothing bad. But before I go any further I really want to do some research ok?” Michelle smiled and kissed Taylor’s forehead.

“Ok. I trust you. Just... um... Tell me if you find anything about a weird little girl with pink eyes.” She quietly pointed to the Stacie doll in the bright pink box on her table. “I had a dream about playing with dolls with her, and then when I woke up, Natalie told me a girl about my age had left that here while I was asleep.”

“I’ll ask around sweet pea. It’s sure taking Natalie awhile; I bet that doctor is here.” Michelle casually changed the subject, adding, “Oh I do have one thing we are getting with this card. I need to get you a cell phone so you can call me.”

“Oh cool!” Taylor almost squealed with joy. She paused for just a moment, as if to say ‘Did I just squeal?’ then giggled. “I don’t care what kind it is, as long as I can get a cute pink case!”

“Deal.” Michelle answered.

The doctor who stepped through the door wasn’t at all who Taylor was expecting. For one, she was female, and rather young-looking for being a specialist of any kind. Her fiery, dark red hair hung in a tight ponytail down her back, stark contrast to her pale features. She smiled warmly.

“Hi Taylor. I’m Doctor Logan - but you can call me Cheryl. How are you feeling today?” She paused to grin right at Michelle. “Well, hi there, stranger! I thought I recognized the last name.”

“Oh my God, Cheryl, I haven’t seen you in a long time.” Michelle turned to Taylor with a grin on her face, “Cheryl will take really good care of you sweet pea. She’s the doctor that sorted out your big sisters medications.” she said with a wink.

Cheryl giggled softly. “It’s been, what, five years now? How’s your lovely aunt?”

“She died shortly after I graduated from high school and had the surgeries done.” Michelle frowned.

“Oh, Michelle I’m so sorry. I had no idea,” she answered sympathetically and frowned as well, stepping closer to give her a light hug.

“It’s ok. She had cancer and wouldn’t have lasted too much longer anyway, and at least we all know she died happy. “ Michelle hugged Cheryl back.

Taylor quietly watched the exchange, a slightly confused look on her face. “But if you were umm... Michelle’s doctor, what’re you doing here?”

Cheryl giggled just a little. “Oh, I’m not just a hormone doctor. I specialize in pediatric and adolescent care overall. Have you been able to get up and walk around very much?”

Taylor nodded her head up and down, “I went out and played with some of the other kids yesterday, and today I’ve moved around the room a lot.”

“Good girl. The sooner you can comfortably get active the better, as long as you don’t exert yourself too much. Have you had any discomfort in your chest?”

“No, it’s just weird having a cast on my arm.” She held up her arm, showing off both the cast, and its many signatures. It didn’t seem to hurt as much, even without as much heavy pain medication.

Cheryl chuckled softly. “You’re quite the popular one, eh?” she teased, but grinned as she leaned over. “Can you wiggle your fingers for me?”

Taylor nodded, and wiggled her fingers a little causing only minor discomfort, “Is that good?”

Cheryl nodded. “Does it hurt?”

“No but um.. kinda but not like bad, just um, like when you have to potty and hold it for too long.” unable to describe it any other way.

Cheryl chuckled to herself again as she smiled. “Well, I see Doctor Brahms has already removed your IV, so she’s probably got you on an oral medication...” She trailed off for just a moment as she examined Taylor’s chart. “Ah. Wow. That small a dose and you’re only feeling minor discomfort,” she mumbled and smiled. “Well, here’s what we’re going to do.”

She paused, setting Taylor’s chart back down again. “Since you’ve shown no signs of concussion or other serious brain injury and your x-rays - aside from that - ahem - little incident with the malfunctioning machine, are looking on par for your recovery time, I’m going to up your dosage on the pain medication a little bit, but set it up so that you can work your way down until you don’t need it anymore. But from what I can see, there’s no reason to hold you here.”

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It's so hard to choose

It's so hard to choose stopping points for this story, It was written in completion with no real intention of doing this, so if you feel that it was a cliff hanger or that I left it at a bad spot I am really sorry :(

I hope you enjoy it and will continue to read it to the end :) The next book when we finish it I'll make sure we do it differently so each part ends properly :)

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Have a mew of a day!

She's not kidding, either

Zoe Taylor's picture

Presently this story exists in a GDoc - yes, a single gdoc: not a collection like our other stories (set up with a chapter per doc).

That's part of why it took so long for me to get it edited ;-)

~* Queen of Sweetness *~

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Hello my friends :)

Renee_Heart2's picture

So far it's a great story. Ummm sorry for triplicate posts glitch.

I'm still trying to figure out how the parents died was it a storm or car accident or something different & the house being destroyed & trying to sell the house & the room. Well anyway I love this story & look foward to more :)

Love Samantha Renee Heart

Michell is reveled

Renee_Heart2's picture

As Taylor's sister from Yail & Taylor is going to live on campus at Sunshine Acadmy in New Haven. Still confused about the house being destroyed selling it & seeing Taylos's room & what happned that killed their parents.

Well it appears that Faith has done it again she changed another TG Girl in to a biological girl poor girl is having a hard time but it will get better soon.

I think that Taylor will make a GREAT girl scou & a fine edition to Robin's troop :)

Love Samantha Renee Heart


...it appears as though both siblings are TG - Michelle was lucky enough to (a) be older and (b) find a supportive aunt so she could transition down the conventional route; while Taylor had his inclinations suppressed by their parents and almost forgot about earlier incidents until the catastrophe. Answers are still required from Faith & co., but at least both siblings remember that Taylor was originally a boy but somehow ended up a (genetic) girl after the accident; and the combination of that knowledge, both siblings' intellects and Michelle's own journey should ease the process of adapting into this new life.

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!