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for you all. With the change in EU law regarding taxation points, prices on Amazon Kindle are all over the place! This can make buying the content a price lottery depending on which platform you buy through.

Should I just let things be or should I set specific prices? Obviously exchange rates can affect the pricing dramatically too so the latter option would 'normalise' your price somewhat.

Let me know what you think



Success measured in $

You can sell a single copy for 1M Euros or sell 1 million copies for 1 Euro each.

Either way you end up in the same hill of money.



right now there is not enough info to give good advice or for you to make the best decision, so maybe you should wait and see how the changes affect sales and only make changes if needed. if you take action now you might make it worse or give yourself a headache. love your work and book 13 is super. i wish you could write 3 to 5 gaby books a year, oh well i'll take what i can get.


Maddy Bell's picture

is the restricting factor, oh and the need to pay the bills!


Madeline Anafrid Bell

no difference for me.

dawnfyre's picture

There is absolutely no difference for me, no matter which way you go. I cannot get touch screen devices to respond to me, so I can't use any ebook format, unless it is accessible on a computer with a mouse / keyboard, like pdf, html, txt, odt, or in hard copy.

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.