Recuperation is long and slow, but there is a plus side

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In January of this Year I stepped on the scale at the VA hospital in Philadelphia my weight came out as the last four digits as my SSN but with a period after the first three numbers such as as 123.4.
I decided I needed professional help and got it. Now ten months later I weigh 80 pounds less1425797_709287929082924_1452247874_n.jpg


Looking good girl,

I can empathize totally, as someone who used to be 270, and is pushing 160. I am very interested in your take on the SRS, since I'm trying very hard to figure how to swing it for myself.

I got my updated Social Security card and Texas Drivers License today, so at least the legal issues are melting away.

Hi Jill! It's nice to finally see

the face of the one I've co-responded with all these years! I gotta say, you look good hon. Congrats on the weight loss and for finding the courage to let us see the wonderful gal we all know.

Hugs and respect,
Catherine Linda Michel

As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg

Well done

Angharad's picture

Good to see you looking so well, long may it continue.
