Tangled threads and shifting targets

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Things can get complicated at times.

Work is finally back to a (relatively) sane level, and I'm *finally* able to settle in and start pecking away at Maureen's 'to-do' list.

I'm finding that, for Amazon's Boot Camp chapter, there are too many things going on to keep everything on track without first writing each thread separately and then weaving everything together. Far more time consuming, but 'ya gotta do what ya gotta do.'

Ma'at: I'm still determined to improve this series. I intended it to be a 'test bed' of sorts to try out ways to improve Amazon. It took on a life of its own, and if people are enjoying it that much I'll try to fill out some blatant (to me) gaps. Chapter 5 (Hatshepsut) is moving along smoothly, and I hope to leave fewer 'dangling threads' (hat tip to Karen J.) Chapter 6 will also get touched as time permits.

Maureen's also dropped off another little idea for a (short?) sci-fi story.

There's hope, folks.

To those who've read my stories and have questions:

I pay close attention to comments, and I have often added content to clarify where it won't spoil a story's climax. At another site, someone wrote "Feedback is the coin of the Realm." Speaking for myself, and I'm sure other authors here, it's the only way we know we're reaching anyone.


Wow, it's good to hear that

Wow, it's good to hear that you're back. Ma'at was always one of my favourite Whateley fanfics and I can't wait to read another chapter. I'm normally not a big fan of timetravel, but the story was that good, I decided to ignore the mind-warping aspects of timetravel and just enjoy the story ;)

I also liked your Amazon series. Amazon stories tend to become just a showdown between the good(female) forced and the evil (male) ones. I'm glad you're trying to avoid that and also have female collaborators among the badguys and goodguys with the amazons. They wouldn't be able to survive if they decided to be a malehater society. It actually makes sense that women would lead in your amazon nation, because since the beginning of humanity those who fought would also lead. Sometimes the priests did the job, but that wasn't as successful.
Thinking about it, it might be sort of nice to have such a thing. Nowadays men are expected to be the strong gender and live with the responsibilities. I wonder how humanity would balance out if there was a counter example.
I can't wait to see how that story will develop. I just hope it won't become a supremacist society.

Thank you for writing, I'm glad you're back and can't wait for your new writings,

I try not to be predictable.


Thanks for the response.

I 'borrowed' my view of time-travel from a little known writer, Robert A. Heinlein. (yes, that's a joke.) His 'Lazarus Long' stories had any time-travelers already factored into the timeline. If you went back, things happened as they did because you were there, rather than you changing anything. The Whateley Authors (a.k.a. the Canon Cabal) have banned time travel to avoid the whole issue, so Dani will never be a Canon character.

Regarding the Amazon series, there's much going on yet to be more than hinted at. My major theme will start to show -- subtly -- soon. One defining aspect has already been pounded on a bit: Nicole will not permit the Amazons to be a supremacist society. That is, and will continue to be, a huge point of conflict between her and Artemis for a few more decades (story time (I hope)).

As I said before, if you have questions or want clarifications, feel free to ask.

Nicole (a.k.a. Itinerant)

Veni, Vidi, Velcro:
I came, I saw, I stuck around.

Well I can understand why

Well I can understand why they wouldn't want time travel at whateley. Balancing mythos and sidhe is bad enough, timetravel would only complicate everything.

I figured the supremacist attitude was why they failed the first time. Isolation and arrogance doesn't bode well for a culture that plans to withstand the trials of time. Seriously what was Artemis expecting. Nicole gave up her manhood and her wife for a god ordered mission to restore the amazons and Artemis expects her to make the Amazons into something she would despise. I can't wait for their next confrontation on that issue - I also hope it won't take decades to get there :P

I was kind of bored the last time with so few tg stories appearing that I'm actually interested in, but I guess I'll reread your epic, it was certainly fun to read the first time ;)

Nice to hear

you're back! I've always been a fan of your stuff and am looking forward to more.

I've had the fortune to see bits of *the future* in Amazon...

a while back as one of Itinerant's *scratch monkeys* and it looks VERY interesting. Even made a few suggestions myself that I think helped.

Hope the muse is back and kicking.

And I agree, Karen _J is excellent at spotting problems in a story and suggesting solutions or at least where to start. We are so fortunate to have people like her here at BC.

Meanwhile I have car repairs.

Hope they are cheap.

Yeah, right!

Plus the whole banking industry is in such flux but *we* are doing well. A combination of rapidly changing tech and Congress responding to the economic mess of the late 2000's by using a sledgehammer to adjust a watch IMHO.

-- GRIN --

Still a trying time.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

In Cars ...

there is much frustration to be had. I hope things settle down on your side, too.

And yes, you've helped greatly with your suggestions and in particular when Artemis gets her 'clue-by-four'. (Which will be tweaked a bit more yet, just to warn you.)

You ready for a bit more 'scratching'?

Nicole (a.k.a. Itinerant)

Veni, Vidi, Velcro:
I came, I saw, I stuck around.

Thanks, Stan

I appreciate you taking time to put up those links. That makes it easier to lure in the victi... errrr. to find for readers. ;-)

Nicole (a.k.a. Itinerant)

Veni, Vidi, Velcro:
I came, I saw, I stuck around.

WE are not victims

we read your tales willingly

we are not victims.

we read your tales willingly

we are not victims.

we read your tales willingly

we are not victims.

we read your tales willingly

we are not victims.

We read your tales willingly-ly-ly-ly-ly

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

Oh Dear!

I guess I need to upgrade that software after all....

Nicole (a.k.a. Itinerant)

Veni, Vidi, Velcro:
I came, I saw, I stuck around.

That's what you get for being a cheap megalomaniac...

and using off-the-shelf software from Microsquishy.

Bet it was from the Office 2010 World Domination Edition.

SERIOUS megalomaniacs code their own.

Probably in Q-Basic.

-- DOH ! --

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

I'm NOT! cheap ...

Just really, REALLY frugal...

Gotta invest in an update to that 'humor' module though.

Nicole (a.k.a. Itinerant)

Veni, Vidi, Velcro:
I came, I saw, I stuck around.

Cheap is reusing the same ...

old early 1930s picture of Grocho.


John in Wauwatosa

P.S. Say the magic word and Rule the World...

and win fifty dollars

John in Wauwatosa

Evil laugh!


Another victim into my eeeeeevil clutches!

(and I'm not even blonde like a certain Wauwatosan's sister ...)



Nicole (a.k.a. Itinerant)

Veni, Vidi, Velcro:
I came, I saw, I stuck around.