The Struggle of Bean Chapter 6

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Our newly acquired vessel was currently being filled with essential provisions and ammunition, allowing Mir'tan and I the opportunity to indulge in some personal weapons shopping. As we strolled into the arms boutique, we marveled at the diverse assortment of weaponry - from tiny laser daggers to gargantuan shuttle-sized anti-personnel gear. Affectionately, I turned to Mir'tan with a tender voice and said, "Darling, you never cease to amaze me with your impeccable taste in destinations." We shared a heartfelt chuckle as I flirtatiously batted my eyelashes at her.

"For a dastardly pirate like yourself, my love, you utter the most enchanting words. For that, we shall acquire your dream weapons." Mir'tan teased gently.

"With pleasure, my captain," I responded warmly and bestowed a tender kiss upon her lips. Unconcerned about the spectacle we were causing, all I truly cared about was expressing my boundless affection for her. It was a magnificent sensation; one I had never encountered before.

My tail snaked around her waist as we strolled together, assessing the ideal armament for each of us. My gaze was irresistibly drawn to a Vasser Kipler Mark 10 sniper rifle, its sleek design and lethal elegance calling to me. The advanced technology enabled it to interface directly with my armor, letting Kitty utilize her breathtaking calculations to enhance accuracy. Furthermore, the rifle boasted the ability to fire both pulse rounds and kinetic rounds seamlessly. I sensed Kitty's delight in our discovery; if she possessed a physical form, she would undoubtedly be leaping with excitement as we examined the formidable weapon.

The next remarkable piece of weaponry that caught my eye was a cutting-edge Vasser shock rifle. Its rapid-fire capacity made it an ideal companion in close-quarter combats and proved to be another excellent choice for us. Intrigued by its versatility and power, Mir'tan and I each decided to add one to our arsenal.

In addition to our newfound weaponry, we each acquired a discreet personal pistol for emergencies. Mir'tan completed her collection by selecting an imposing electro-knife – her affinity for martial arts weapon craft only amplified her irresistible appeal even more.

Once we had meticulously selected and procured our weapons, ensuring they were securely transported to our vessel, we excitedly set off in search of state-of-the-art armor enhancements. The cutting-edge armor bestowed upon us was designed to accommodate various modules which would significantly amplify its performance. One particular module that captivated me and resonated with my unique style was the active camouflage, granting me the remarkable ability to become virtually undetectable by any optical sensor.

Mir'tan, whose heart raced at the thought of engaging in thrilling close-range combat with her adversaries, opted for a formidable shield generator to bolster her defensive capabilities. Her choice struck me as nothing short of ingenious, as the mere thought of Mir'tan suffering any harm sent a chilling shiver down my spine. Our bond only seemed to grow stronger as we continued our quest, ready to confront any challenge hand in hand.

Once our ammunition and provisions were safely loaded, we eagerly strode towards the docking ring, anticipation bubbling within us as we prepared to board our magnificent vessel. Stepping into the cargo hold, my eyes were immediately captivated by the graceful contours of the bulkheads and the seamless elegance with which everything was arranged. Not a single space lacked purpose, and it was immaculate.

Excitedly, we explored the ship further, eager to glimpse all her splendors. In close proximity to the bridge, we discovered the resplendent captain's quarters. A sumptuous bed sat at the center of the room, inviting us to sink into its soft embrace. The private bathroom beckoned, promising soothing moments of shared intimacy. Lavish armchairs allowed us to unwind in each other's company, cherishing every precious moment. A compact chill box ready to store an assortment of beverages hummed gently in one corner; it seemed that sips of spirits would soon become a cherished indulgence during our lengthy sojourns aboard our new haven.

With hearts aflutter, we advanced to the bridge where four sophisticated androids greeted us serenely. Impeccably positioned at the ship's controls, they guided our extraordinary sanctuary towards boundless adventures and countless romantic interludes yet to unfold before us.

The advanced android AIs recognized the alluring Mir'tan as the captain of the ship, and for some inexplicable reason, this resonated with me profoundly. This magnetic woman stirred within me a fervent desire to serve her in every capacity. Like a loyal kitten to its enchanting mistress, I was captivated - my devotion unwavering. She gracefully occupied the captain's chair, while I found my place in the chair adjacent to hers. As she cast a radiant smile, Mir'tan instructed the AIs to smoothly guide us beyond orbit. The ship's flawless movement and silent engines were uncanny, yet their synchronicity was emphasized by the perfectly calibrated grav-generator.

Gazing admiringly at Mir'tan, I suggested, "Perhaps we should christen our celestial sanctuary."

"You're absolutely right," she replied tenderly, her hand coming to rest upon mine. "What shall we call it?"

"Shadow Stalker," I proposed.

A spellbinding smirk graced her lips as she ordered the android at the comms station, "Coms, update our ship's ID beacon with the name Shadow Stalker."

I surveyed the opulent bridge, complete with ten mechanisms and consoles that surrounded the coveted captain's chair. A panoramic landscape of endless cosmos stretched out before us on sleek vid-screens. The expertly crafted halo-map displayed an elegant cartography of our stellar neighborhood at navigation while flight controls reigned supreme in front of it all. The extra control that came from piloting wasn't lost on me - everyone knew that superior skill led to seamless maneuvering through each cosmic journey at sub-light speeds.

A melodious voice enveloped the entire bridge, "Greetings, Captain Cook. I am the ship's AI, a symphony of intelligence here to serve you. As I gracefully awaken, I'm effortlessly integrating with all of the vessel's systems. The outlines of our daring mission have been revealed to me, and I've discovered the illustrious crew members chosen for your adventure. With a gentle nod from you, permit me to chart our path towards the enchanting Space Station Hammer, nestled within the system of Breath Beater in Dwarven space."

"Our array of AI's grant us practically limitless computing capabilities," I mused, a hint of warmth in my voice as I turned to Mirtan.

"Indeed, Ms. Blackbeard," the ship's AI chimed in with a sense of assurance. "Combining your combat AIs and my core, we can devise solutions to a vast array of quandaries."

Mirtan's eyes narrowed, deep in thought. "AI, there are some things I'd like to know. To what extent are you connected to the ship? How did you come across information about our mission? And what should we address you as?" She gazed ahead, almost as if expecting an apparition to materialize and respond.

"Captain, at present, I am seventy-five percent integrated with the vessel," the AI replied. "Once fully connected, I can manage routine tasks while recommending optimal flight paths during combat scenarios. However, you'll still require a skilled pilot for those situations."

"Upon your acquisition of this craft," it continued, "I was furnished with a data packet containing mission specifics and suggested crew members from the military."

"You may refer to me as S.A.M. - Ship's Artificial Mind."

My curiosity piqued, a mix of concern and intrigue intertwined in my voice as I asked, "If the military supplied all mission files, does that encompass our data too? Are you obligated to report back to the Alliance?" Fear crept into my mind that we may not hold control over how this mission unfolds.

The AI’s reassuring tone quelled my anxiety. "My access is limited to unredacted military records pertaining to your team and any reports will be directed solely to Captain Cook."

"Sam, ensure all command protocols are solely accessible to Captain Cook and First-mate Blackbeard. Moreover, I desire complete privacy within the Captain's Quarters - no audio or visual recordings should take place, unless I am conducting a meeting there," Mir'tan instructed passionately.

Sam dutifully confirmed the command.

Inquisitively, Mir'tan asked, "Sam, how long shall our journey to Space Station Hammer endure?"

"Captain, our voyage will span three enchanting days, five captivating hours, 36 fascinating minutes, and 13 thrilling seconds," Sam replied.

"Very well, set our course accordingly. Blackbeard and I shall be in the sanctity of my cabin. Do notify us if any complications arise," Mir'tan commanded.

"As you wish, Captain."

As Mir'tan playfully winked at me, a swarm of butterflies fluttered about in my stomach. I could read her intentions clearly, and the anticipation sent a thrilling sensation through my entire body, creating a subtle dampness between my thighs. We were about to inaugurate the captain's quarters with our passionate connection. With a delightful squeal, I found myself being swept off my chair and led towards the secluded cabin.

Somewhere along the way, I had transformed from a boy into a soft-hearted, delicate woman. I embraced this change wholeheartedly; relishing the memories of my past while looking forward to this exciting new chapter of my life.

In Mir'tan's presence, all I desired was surrendering myself to her command; longing for her to take control of our shared pleasure, and guide us on this sensual journey. My heart truly belonged to her, and I fantasized about spending an eternity enveloped by her undying love – perhaps even taking her hand in marriage. If I ever encountered her promised one in some shadowy corner, let them know - Mir'tan was now forever bound to me.

Upon stepping into the cozy cabin, we both instinctively began to undress, our eyes locked with an intense connection. Her voice, soft yet firm, instructed me to make my way to bed. With a flirtatious sway in each step, I gracefully approached the inviting bed and mounted it in a slow, deliberate manner. My gaze lingered on her with a sultry smile over my shoulder.

As I positioned myself on my knees, my body formed an alluring arc with my hips elevated in the air and my chest pressed against the plush bedding. The playful flickering of my tail rose high above me, swaying rhythmically from side to side. With my legs spread apart, she was granted an unhindered view of my most intimate regions. I heard her breath hitch as her excitement grew palpable in the softly lit room – a testament to the magnetic attraction that filled the space around us.

"My enchanting Bean, there's an irresistible allure when you display yourself to me like this. I'm inclined to place a collar around your neck, proclaiming to the world that you belong to me. No one but me shall ever lay a finger on you," she whispered in a throaty, seductive voice.

A surge of desire overtook me upon hearing her words, leaving me longing to be entirely owned by this mesmerizing woman. "Please, my Mistress, let the world know that I am exclusively yours. My heart, my soul, are eternally devoted to you. Claim me as your own," I implored her while maintaining my vulnerable presentation.

Her hands tenderly gripped my hips as her luscious tongue traced along my skin. The sensation triggered a passionate purr from deep within - the most intense sound I've ever uttered. The reverberations coursed through my body, amplifying the pleasure from her delicate touch.

"My dearest Bean, our hearts are forever intertwined. My imprint is eternally upon you," she murmured as her glistening fingers delved into me, eliciting an uncontrollable thrust against her skilled hand. Desperation for her caress and attention consumed me entirely.

As her tongue gently explored the contours of my lips, savoring the taste of my deepest desires, the tender touch of her fingers teased and tantalized me. The soft silk sheets caressed my skin, curling around my fingers as I gripped them tightly, while she masterfully played upon my body like a virtuoso with her finest instrument. The sweet symphony of our passion filled the air as my voice sang out melodies of pure pleasure, each note intertwined with breathless whispers of ecstasy. The crescendo built, resounding fervently until I cried out, my body engulfed in rapturous convulsions beneath her skillful caress. Wave after wave of sublime bliss carried me to celestial heights as I saw stars through a haze of enchantment. Finally, surrendering to the intensity of pleasure that consumed me, I sank back onto the bed – my heart pounding wildly against my chest as I lay breathless and speechless in a state of awe within her loving embrace.

In that sublime moment of ecstasy, I closed my eyes and surrendered to the euphoric sensation of the most incredible climax. It was an unparalleled pleasure that I had never experienced with another person before, but it made me wonder if I could reciprocate this intense desire and bring Mir'tan to such a mind-blowing orgasm.

As I turned toward Mir'tan, I leaned in for a tender, affectionate kiss on her soft lips. The taste of myself still lingered on her, igniting an even stronger desire to passionately adore her. She gazed deeply into my eyes, guiding my head downward along her body. Her intentions were unmistakable - it was time our intimate dance continued.

My eager mouth found the warmth and wetness of her most intimate part, and I committed myself to worshiping her completely. With unwavering focus, I explored her delicate folds with my tongue, venturing into places previously uncharted. Mir'tan's response was instantaneous - she let out a euphoric cry as her fingers laced through my hair, anchoring me to her. My skilled tongue discovered her most sensitive center of pleasure and began teasing it relentlessly with fervent intensity.

As her peak enveloped her, waves of her succulent essence cascaded into my eager mouth. Her delectable taste lingered exquisitely, igniting a deep yearning I knew would be insatiable. Basking in the warm intimacy of being nestled between her thighs, I reveled in her heavenly nectar. Her grip around my hair loosened as her breaths steadied, granting me passage to explore her ample form. Tender kisses graced her stomach and breasts, each one a delicate declaration of my adoration. Finally reaching her neck, I paused to relish the sweet concerto of our racing pulses. Hearing the unspoken invitation, she drew me up into a fiery kiss that spoke of passion and ardor. We locked into each other's embrace, our bodies harmonizing in a symphony of safety and warmth that permeated every fiber of our being.

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Patricia Marie Allen's picture

Not sure how the sex scene enhanced the story line.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt

Uh oh

It looks like Bean has become the princess's willing minion. She has 'learned her place.'