Rebeca_Lynn's blog

Isues with this websites ad's

I realize the ad on this site bring in Money that the site needs.

HOWEVER they do not need to have the images that they do. I understands some do not have an issue with this, but I do and will be keeping my Ad blocker turned on until they change.

I am Trans* myself, but I do not care for the images in the ads for several reasons.

Rebeca Lynn
2Wolf Design


Met Kristen Beck -Lady of Valor- Tonight

For those that do not know who she is.

Kristen Beck is a Retired US Navy Senior Chief and US Navy SEAL. After retiring in 2011 she came out as transgender and has transitioned. She co-wrote a book Warrior Princess and had a CNN documentary( here is the link= )done on her, along with writing a new book now. She is an all around advocate for transgender changes and works and lives in DC.

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Dealing with issues of my job and how it is affecting me personally.

I am a Co-Facilitator of a 'Vet 2 Vet' Peer Support Group at two of the VA Hospitals in the Boston area for Transgender Veterans and other LGBT Veterans that wish to join us also. I have not super active with the group for a while, because I was in school for 9 months and had to miss meeting due to classes. Then I became homeless and entered a program myself at the VA to deal with some of my own personal issues. Now I am missing the groups, because I am taking a Certification Program, offered by the state.


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