erin's blog

...walks into a bar...

My apologies, but here come the jokes, inspired by a thread on Donna's story.

* * *

A girl walks into a bar with a dirty duck on her head. No one says anything to her while she takes a seat. She sips her drink quietly and shares a few peanuts with the duck who is frankly, quite filthy.




You probably wouldn't like it
if one of your favorite story sites were closed,
but it could happen.

Please, let's all be courteous, kind and considerate
in public comments attached to author stories.


Amazon Bookshelf


Some experimental work on the site caused a few crashes between about 11:45 pm Sun and 1:30 am Mon. Sorry about that if you were on and did something because I had to restore the database so anything done in that time period is gone.

Want Your Own Home Page?

I've got some software setup on the new server to help create a community of authors and readers. Each member would have their own homepage, free, with quite a bit of control of how it looks, who can add to it and what appears there. I'd like to test this out before opening it up to everyone so if you are interested in trying it, send me a PM at Erin and I'll send you back the web address for trying this out.

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New Mac

Just got my new Mac. :) I'll probably be playing with it the next couple of days. I used the Firewire connection to my old machine to configure it and it's ready to go. :)

- Erin

Moldy Oldie

We had a leak inside a wall that we were unaware of until it started making a circle of carpet wet. They came to fix it today and ripped a nice hole in the wall so they could replace the pipe, stirring up a fair amount of dust. I don't know what set me off, mold in the carpet or wall, the dust the workmen made or smoke from the fires on the mountains--I didn't think much about it til about 20 minutes ago when I almost passed out before realizing I was having an asthma attack. Good old inhaler put me right but of course now I've got a headache and I probably won't sleep tonight from the side effects. Better than a trip to the emergency room, though. :)

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Dangerous Servers on Home Machines

I don't know how else to put this warning out but someone, whose ISP appears to be in Virginia, is running a webserver on their machine. When I look at my logs, I can see the ip address of the router and that there is a small local network. Evil types could use the available info to break into such a server and hijack it for nefarious purposes.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 


Sy Nusidis

It's ba-a-ack!

Guess I'll be sinking into pain and misery till I can get to the doctor. I woke up with a sinus headache today and it's only gotten worse. Can hardly stand to look at a computer screen. And since I'm going to ComiCon this weekend if I'm at all able, it may be Monday before I get to some things I promised people to do. Don't hesitate to remind me, I'm terrible about forgetting stuff when I'm in this much pain.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 


Site Down

For anyone who was wondering, the site was down for eight hours today due to network problems at my ISP. Then, after they fixed the network problems it took them two hours to figure out they hadn't turned my server back on! SHEESH! It's all back and fluffy now, though.



Currently working on coding a massive unification of BigCloset Classic and BigCloset TopShelf with new software. Besides lots of personal stuff, this is why there have been no cartoons or stories from me lately. Hope to have good news this month. :)

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