Why I hate life!!!

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This is off my mother's facebook page, which she doesn't realize that I still have access to even though she unfriended me:

One Son.. One Daughter ..1 boy dog 1 girl dog.. and a boy granddog. And I love them all.. Oh.. don't forget the Other son.. My son-in-law Tony

The one son is my brother Jimmy. The one Daughter is my Sister Cherie. The rest is self explanatory.

I will spend another Thanksgiving alone, if I'm not dead.



I know I'm in California, but you want to join us for Thanksgiving??


Hon, my mom is gone....

Ragtime Rachel's picture

...and what remaining family members I have are scattered to the four winds. I've resigned myself to the fact that Thanksgiving will never quite be what it was.

What I can do, though, is try to recapture a little of that magic by cooking a lot of the things my mom traditionally fixed for us. I can at least have the tastes and smells of the past, if not the togetherness and congeniality. I've done that for several years now, and it's gotten me through some rather rough times.

You have to make your own Thanksgiving--if you can't cook, maybe this is the perfect time to learn. Invite what people you know. Share what you have with them. You don't have to be alone.

Livin' A Ragtime Life,


She forgot

Angharad's picture

One old bitch, herself. Why do you visit such places if all they bring is pain?

We can control emotions and moods by focusing on more positive times and better things. It takes practice but it can be done.

As for thanksgiving - thank goodness we aren't afflicted by such things this side of the pond, Christmas is bad enough - a spendfest of over indulgence and family feuds.


Logistics not with standing

Logistics not with standing you would always be welcome down here in south Texas.

I wear this crown of thorns
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair

Ugly Fact of Life Number 34;

Not every mother goes all agog when her darling little boy comes up to her and says, “Mommy, I want to be a girl.” I imagine that happens more often in stories here on TS/BC than in real life.

When I made it known I was TG and was beginning transition I was disowned by a father who’s favorite saying was ‘Blood is thicker than water.’ I guess I failed to heed the caveat to that which states, ‘so long as you live according to my standards.’

There are consequences for every action we take in our lives. Anyone who opts to board the Genderland Express must be prepared to pay the price for doing so. They must be ready to deal with the partial or total loss of loved ones, social acceptance and financial security. Society and its views on those of us who are transgender is changing. Believe me, I have lived long enough the see the difference. But we have yet to reach Nirvana, that mythical place where everyone loves everyone else and no one looks down upon another. (Ugly Fact of Life Number 2; Nirvana is a mythical place populated by demi-gods. The world we live in is populated by human beings).

You can of course moan and groan, bewailing your miserable lot on life for as long as you see fit to live it, or you can pick yourself up off the floor and do something positive and, from time to time have a little fun.

I, myself, have done what others before have. Rather than mouthing empty, sympathetic mutterings of how sorry I am someone else is going through what I have had to endure, I help others navigate their way through the difficulties they face as they travel the rocky road of transition. It takes more than being a spirit guide or cheerleader. You need to be ready to be there in good times and bad, providing sound advice when called for, holding hands when needed and, on occasion, letting the person you’re helping know in no uncertain terms they’re behaving like an idiot. Draw upon your own experiences and help those who are in need. By doing so you will give meaning to the life you have, which if I am correct, happens to be the only one you’re authorized.

As to having fun, well, here’s a little story. Being the sick puppy I am, when my last parent died and the time came for me and my two sisters to listen to the lawyer read my father’s last will, I sat off to one side and said nothing. In the will my father had made a point of stating that I was entitled to nothing. He of course justified it by claiming I’d been given everything I was entitled to during my life and therefore had no need of anything else. (Pause here while I bend of and pretend to sneeze while muttering BULL SHITE!).

The lawyer seemed to be nervous about the way I was behaving, sitting there quietly with a half smile on my face. At one point he stopped, looked over at me and asked if I had any questions or comments. I stifled my laugh and instead, smiled and said, “Oh, don’t mind me. Just think of me as the redheaded bastard who showed up at the family picnic.” Both my sister who had disowned me and the lawyer were, I dare say, speechless. And that, dear friends, was, as they say, priceless.

So stop your whining, pick yourself up off the floor and do something good for people who are in worse shape than you are. Trust me, as someone who lives less then two blocks from where Sandy’s storm surge stopped and did without power for over eleven days, I know they, (the unfortunate people), are out there.

Nancy Cole
a.k.a. The Wicked Witch of the Nothereast

~ ~ ~

"You may be what you resolve to be."

T.J. Jackson

Most of my contemory family is gone,

Wendy Jean's picture

That means my younger brother and both parents. I raised my brothers kids, the court is still out whether the two girls (both grown, on married) come around to their new Aunt to be, my son (OK, nephew, but I raised him) has been nothing but supportive. Dallas is also blessed with a surprisingly large trans community, I am spending my Thanksgiving with some people I look at as family.

My point is you need to find out what resources are out there in your community. Find some stable folks who are like us, and make friends. Loneliness is our common enemy. I know it is hard coming out, but it is sometimes necessary.

I wish you were closer, but it is not to be. If you ever find yourself in North Texas please drop me a line. You really do have a friend in me.

Life sucks

shiinaai's picture

I agree wholeheartedly. But instead of killing yourself for becoming what you know you should be, there are other, more productive ways to live the rest of your life.

I personally favour planning how I'm going to kill all the religious nuts and fanatics in the news. Moses, Jesus and Muhammad didn't screw up the world. It's the assholes who supposedly followed their teachings that destroyed everything. I don't believe in 2012 (the movie was a piece if crap anyway), but I find mysekf wishing that it was true. Now I just need to find a falling star or capture an antichrist.

Just foir the record, I haven't kill anyone, yet.

Not part of the family

I understand the separation of family, I've lived it since 1963. I used to lament about how they treated me and ignored me. Then one day later on in life I discovered I have a real family among friends. My friends are not judgmental, they give me hope when there is none, they tell me things I need to hear and not bring me down. I haven't had thanksgiving with my siblings and mother since 1967.
I don't miss it because my friends ensure I have someplace to be on thanksgiving day.
My siblings are on face book and have blocked me, instead of begrudging them I am thankful. I don't miss their hurting barbs or accusatory banters of how much I hurt them. They each are self centered and I can't deal with people like that.
I don't miss them on holidays and I have never made an effort to contact them, I don't need the drama.
This thanksgiving I will be with friends on thanksgiving and my daughter will be with me.
I do know how to cook and Christmas dinner is when I invite people who have no family to my house. I buy the little gifts from the heart and let them take food home to enjoy for lunch or dinner at their house.
Stop and smell the coffee, you are who you are and they are not going to change you as much as they think they are. You have lots of friends on line and I see most of them have offered to share thanksgiving with you. These are not empty gestures but from the heart.
Life gets better when you let the things that get you down go.

Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.

K.T. I feel your pain. I too

K.T. I feel your pain. I too have felt all alone due to circumstances beyond my control. I pray that you find a family before Thanksgiving.

May Your Light Forever Shine